NREL/ESS Publications: February 2018
This summary includes publications first published online and/or in print during Feburary 2018. If a publication was missed for this period, please contact Isabella Oleksy at isabella.oleksy@colostate.edu.
February Publications
Del Grosso, S.J., Parton, William J., Derner, J.D., Chen, M. and Tucker, C.J., 2018. Simple models to predict grassland ecosystem C exchange and actual evapotranspiration using NDVI and environmental variables. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249, pp.1-10.
Field, John L., Evans, S.G., Marx, Ernie, Easter, Mark, Adler, P.R., Dinh, T., Willson, B. and Paustian, Keith, 2018. High-resolution techno–ecological modelling of a bioenergy landscape to identify climate mitigation opportunities in cellulosic ethanol production. Nature Energy, p.1.
Heinrichs, Julie A., Aldridge, Cameron L., Gummer, D.L., Monroe, Adrian P. and Schumaker, N.H., 2018. Prioritizing actions for the recovery of endangered species: Emergent insights from Greater Sage-grouse simulation modeling. Biological Conservation, 218, pp.134-143.
Lavallee, Jocelyn M., Conant, Richard.T., Paul, E.A. Cotrufo, M. Francesca, 2018. Incorporation of shoot versus root-derived 13 C and 15 N into mineral-associated organic matter fractions: results of a soil slurry incubation with dual-labelled plant material. Biogeochemistry, 137(3), 379-393.
Neven, L.G., Kumar, Sunil, Yee, W.L. and Wakie, T., 2018. Current and Future Potential Risk of Establishment of Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Washington State. Environmental entomology.
Online/Early View
Evangelista, Paul H., Mohamed, A.M., Hussein, I.A., Saied, A.H., Mohammed, A.H. and Young, N.E., 2018. Integrating indigenous local knowledge and species distribution modeling to detect wildlife in Somaliland. Ecosphere, 9(3).
Jiang, S., Pan, J., Shi, G., Dorji, T., Hopping, K.A., Klein, Julia A., Liu, Y. and Feng, H., 2018. Identification of root-colonizing AM fungal communities and their responses to short-term climate change and grazing on Tibetan plateau. Symbiosis, 74(3), pp.159-166.
Lynch, Laurel M., Machmuller, Megan B., Cotrufo, M.Francesca, Paul, E.A. and Wallenstein, Matt D., 2018. Tracking the fate of fresh carbon in the Arctic tundra: Will shrub expansion alter responses of soil organic matter to warming? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 120, pp.134-144.
Mitchell, E., Scheer, C., Rowlings, D., Conant, Richard T., Cotrufo, M. Francesca and Grace, P., 2018. Amount and incorporation of plant residue inputs modify residue stabilisation dynamics in soil organic matter fractions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 256, pp.82-91.
Stoepler, T.M. and Bowser, Gillian, 2018. Careers in science diplomacy and international policy. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(2), pp.118-119.
Wang, Y., Zhu, X., Bai, S., Zhu, T., Qiu, W., You, Y., Wu, M., Berninger, F., Sun, Zhibin, Zhang, H. and Zhang, X., 2018. Effects of forest regeneration practices on the flux of soil CO 2 after clear-cutting in subtropical China. Journal of environmental management, 212, pp.332-339.