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Microsoft Teams FAQ

  • ACNS has some good info about Teams including: how to create a team meeting, recording on teams, sharing/post a Teams recording to Canvas, holding office hours with a Teams meeting.   https://www.acns.colostate.edu/microsoft-teams/
  • Other good basic information about MS Teams from CSU’s Microsoft help site.  http://help.mail.colostate.edu/office365teams.aspx
  • Microsoft Teams training videos, articles. Click on the “Resources” link at the top of the page.  https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
  • Teams info for students  https://www.acns.colostate.edu/Microsoft-Teams-Students/
  • What is Microsoft Teams:  MS Teams is a communication platform,  and it is also a collaboration platform as well.  You do not need a “Team” to be able to use the communication part of the platform.
  • When do I need a “Team”:  A team is a very helpful tool when you consistently work with a group of people, such as a lab group.  It will keep a record of your communications.  This can help with the “lost” email problem.  Where your group email communications can get lost in the multitude that we receive every day.  My recommendation is if your group decides to use teams make that your main means of communication for your group.  Otherwise, it can be hard to remember if it is an email or Teams communication…  I already have that issue myself.
  • How do I create a Team: You can not create a Team yourself, you will need to contact a Microsoft resource coordinator.  Ty and Jonathan are resource coordinators.  They will then create a team for you an make you the Team administrator.  You can then invite anyone on campus to your Team.
  • How do I use MS Teams for communication:  You can start a Teams app or login to the online version in the Office365 portal (see below for installing the app or finding the portal login).  Click on the “Calls” icon on the right side of the screen.  Then just below the “Make a call” link lookup whomever you want to call.  You should be able to look up anyone on campus.  If they have a green dot (status) they are available….  If the dot is yellow or red (status) they may not be available.
  • How much does Teams cost to use: Teams is included in our Office365 license, so is available to everyone on campus.
  • How do I use Teams with someone not on campus: As a guest…. from microsoft: “A team owner in Microsoft Teams can add and manage guests in their teams via the web or desktop. Anyone with a business or consumer email account, such as Outlook, Gmail, or others, can participate as a guest in Teams, with full access to team chats, meetings, and files. Only people who are outside of your organization, such as partners or consultants, can be added as guests. People from within your organization can join as regular team members.”   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/guest-joins
  • How do I get Teams on my computer:  For your desktop go to Microsoft site and download the Teams installation.  https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app On your phone download it from your app store (Google Play, or iTunes).  Your user name will be   “username@colostate.edu” with your eID password.
  • Can I use Teams from a browser:  Yes login to the Office365 portal and start the Teams app from there  https://portal.office.com


  • Office documents can suddenly no longer be edited directly in the Teams desktop app. Apparently, Microsoft made this change intentionally for educational licenses (temporarily) due to the sudden high volume of Teams usage. To get around this limitation, you can use Teams on the web at teams.office.com, where it works as it used to. Hopefully they will change this back soon.