Wenguang Sun

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Dr. Sun is a research scientist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory (NREL) at Colorado State University (CSU). His current research focuses on combining satellited data (e.g. sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence) into biogeochemical model, DayCent to address the impacts of climate change and field managements on crop productivity and soil carbon dynamic. Before CSU, he was a post-doc associate scholar at USDA-ARS Adaptive Cropping Systems Laboratory, Beltsville, MD. At ARS, his research involved in agricultural production area, specifically developing process based mathematical models to describe crop growth, development, yield as well as soil processes in soil-plant-atmospheric system. Between LSU and ARS, he briefly worked with Prof. Andrew Margenot of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to study how fundamental management practices of tillage and crop cover impact soil nutrient (N/P) availability versus loss risk and to quantify trade-offs in maize-soybean crop rotation system for management. He got his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University majoring in Soil Science in 2019, and Wenguang worked with Prof. Magdi Selim and Prof. Lewis Gaston in the nutrient and heavy metal transport modeling group. His PhD’s research focuses on soil and water quality, specifically developing models to describe nutrients and heavy metals transport processes in soil(water)-plant system.