Stephen Ogle

Curriculum Vitae
Stephen M. Ogle – Curriculum Vitae
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
Phone: 970-491-7662
- 2000 Ph.D. in Botany, University of Wyoming
- 1995 M.S. in Botany, University of Wyoming
- 1992 B.S. in Biology, Emory University
- 2017-present Full Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
- 2014-present Senior Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- 2016-present Associate Director, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- 2011-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
- 2010-2011 Associate Professor, Forest, Range and Watershed Stewardship, Colorado State University
- 2007-2014 Research Scientist III, Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- 2003-2007 Research Scientist II, Natural Research Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- 2000-2003 Research Associate/Scientist I, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- 2016 Fulbright Grant Award, Specialist Program (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota)
- 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, 2007, Oslo, Norway (Recognized Among Authors Contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize)
- 1995 E. Lucy Braun Award, Ecological Society of America, 1995 Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America
Ogle, S.M., C. Alsaker, J. Baldock, M. Bernoux, F.J. Breidt, B. McConkey, K. Regina, G.G. Vazquez-Amabile. 2019. Climate and soil characteristics determine where no-till management can store carbon in soils and mitigation greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific Reports 9:11665.
Robertson, A.D., K. Paustian, S. Ogle, M.D. Wallenstein, E. Lugato, and M.F. Cotrufo. 2019. Unifying soil organic matter formation and persistence frameworks: the MEMS model. Biogeosciences 16:1225-1248.
Begum, K., M. Kuhnert, J.B. Yeluripati, S.M. Ogle, W.J. Parton, S.A. Williams, G. Pan, K. Cheng, M.A. Ali, P. Smith. 2019. Modelling greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potentials in fertilized paddy rice fields in Bangladesh. Geoderma 341: 206-215.
Yue, Q., K. Cheng, S. Ogle, J. Hillier, P. Smith, M. Abdalla, A. Ledo, J. Sun, and G. Pan. 2019. Evaluation of four modelling approaches to estimate nitrous oxide emissions in China’s cropland. Science of the Total Environment 652:1279-1289.
Gao, S., P.L. Gurian, P.R. Adler, S. Spatari, R. Gurung, S. Kar, S.M. Ogle, W.J. Parton, S.J. Del Grosso. 2018. Framework for improved confidence in modeled nitrous oxide estimates for biofuel regulatory standards. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 23:1281:1301.
Begum, K., M. Kuhnert, J. Yeluripati, S. Ogle, W. Parton, M.A. Kader, P. Smith. 2018. Soil organic carbon sequestration and mitigation potential in a rice cropland in Bangladesh – a modeling approach. Field Crops Research 226:16-27.
Ogle, S.M., G. Domke, W.A. Zurz, M.T. Rocha, T. Huffman, A. Swan, J.E. Smith, C. Woodall, T. Krug. 2018. Delineating managed land for reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Carbon Balance and Management 13:9.
Harden, J.W., G. Hugelius, A. Ahlstrom, J.C. Blankenship, B. Bond-Lamberty, C.R. Lawrence, J. Loisel, A. Malhotra, R.B. Jackson, S. Ogle, C. Phillips, R. Ryals, K. Todd-Brown, R. Vargas, S.E. Vergara, M.G. Cotrufo, M. Keiluweit, K.A. Heckman, S.E. Crow, W.L. Silver, M. DeLonge, L.E. Nave. 2017. Networking our science to characterize the state, vulnerabilities, and management opportunities of soil organic matter. Global Change Biology, 10.1111/gcb.13896
Kwon, H., C.M. Ugarte, S.M. Ogle, S.A. Williams, and M.M. Wander. 2017. Use of inverse modeling approach to evaluate CENTURY-predictions for soil carbon sequestration in US row crop systems. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172861. pmid:28234992
Zhengpeng, L., S. Liu, X. Zhang, T.O. West, S.M. Ogle, N. Zhou 2016. Evaluating land cover influences on model uncertainties – A case study of cropland carbon dynamics in the Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign region. Ecological Modelling 337:176-187.
Beem-Miller, J., A.Y.Y. Kong, S. Ogle, D. Wolfe. 2016. Sampling for soil carbon stock assessment in rocky agricultural soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80:1411-1423.
Paustian, K., J. Lehmann, S. Ogle, D. Reay, G.P. Robertson, P. Smith. 2016. Climate smart soils. Nature: 532:49-57.
Roman-Cuesta, R.M., M.C. Rufino, M. Herold, K. Butterbach-Bahl, T.S. Rosenstock, M. Herrero, S. Ogle, C. Li, B. Poulter, L. Verchot, C. Martius, J. Stuiver, and S. de Bruin. 2016. Hotspots of tropical land use emissions: patterns, uncertainties, and leading emission sources for the period 2000–2005, Biogeosciences 13:4253-4269.
US-EPA. 2016. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2014. US-Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. (Contributed Agricultural Soil C Sections with co-author K. Paustian, Contributed Agricultural Soil N2O Section with co-authors S. Del Grosso and B. Parton, Contributed Rice Cultivation with co-author B. Parton, Contributed Field Burning of Agricultural Residues, CO2 Emissions from Agricultural Liming, and CO2 emissions from Urea Fertilization).
Beach, R.H., J. Creason, S.B. Ohrel, S. Ragnauth, S. Ogle, C. Li, W. Salas. 2016. Global mitigation potential and costs of reducing agricultural non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions through 2030. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/1943815X.2015.1110183.
Ogle, S.M., B.A. McCarl, J. Baker, S.J. Del Grosso, P.R. Adler, K. Paustian, and W.J. Parton. 2015. Managing the nitrogen cycle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from crop production and biofuel expansion. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, DOI 10.1007/s11027-015-9645-0.
Ogle, S.M., K. Davis, T. Lauvaux, A. Schuh, D. Cooley, T.O. West, L.S. Heath, N.L. Miles, S. Richardson, F.J. Breidt, J.E. Smith, J.L. McCarty, K.R. Gurney, P. Tans, A.S. Denning. 2015. An Approach for Verifying Biogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories with Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Data. Environmental Research Letters 10:034012.
Ogle, S.M., L. Olander, L. Wollenberg, T. Rosenstock, F. Tubiello, K. Paustian, L. Buendia, A. Nihart, and P. Smith. 2014. Reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries: providing the basis for action. Global Change Biology 20:1-6.
Ogle, S.M., P.R. Adler, F.J. Breidt, S. Del Grosso, J. Derner, A. Franzluebbers, M. Liebig, B. Linquist, G.P. Robertson, M. Schoeneberger, J. Six, C. van Kessel, R. Venterea, T. West, 2014. Chapter 3: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Cropland and Grazing Land Systems. In Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture and Forestry: Methods for Entity-Scale Inventory (Eve, M.D., Pape, M. Flugge, R. Steele, D. Man, M. Riley-Gilbert, and S. Biggar, Eds). Technical Bulletin Number 1939, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Cheng, K., S.M. Ogle, W.J. Parton, G. Pan. 2014. Simulating greenhouse gas mitigation potentials for Chinese croplands using the DAYCENT ecosystem model. Global Change Biology 20:948-962.
Davis, S.C., R.M. Boddey, B.J.R. Alves, A.L. Cowie, B.H. George, S.M. Ogle, P. Smith, M. Noordwijk, and M.T. Van Wijk. 2013. Management swing potential for bioenergy crops. GCB Bioenergy 5:623-638.
Ogle, S.M., L. Buendia, K. Butterbach-Bahl, F.J. Breidt, M. Hartman, K. Yagi, R. Nayamuth, S. Spencer, T. Wirth, and P. Smith. 2013. Advancing national greenhouse gas inventories for agriculture in developing countries: improving activity data, emission factors, and software technology. Environmental Research Letters 8, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/015030
Cheng, K., S.M. Ogle, W.J. Parton and G. Pan. 2013. Predicting methanogenesis from rice paddies using the DAYCENT ecosystem model. Ecological Modelling 261-262:19-31.
West, T.O., M.E. Brown, R.M. Duren, S.M. Ogle, and R.H Moss. 2013. Definition, capabilities and components of a terrestrial carbon monitoring system. Carbon Management 4:413-422.
Schuh, A.E., T. Lauvaux, T.O. West, A.S. Denning, K.J. Davis, N. Miles, S. Richardson, M. Uliasz, E. Lokupitiya, D. Cooley, A. Andrews, and S. Ogle. 2013. Evaluating atmospheric CO2 inversions at multiple scales over highly-inventoried agricultural landscape. Global Change Biology 19:1424-1439.
Ogle, S.M., A. Swan and K. Paustian. 2012. No-till management impacts on crop productivity, carbon input and soil carbon sequestration. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 149:37-49.
Antle, J. and S.M. Ogle. 2012. Influence of soil C, N2O and fuel use on GHG mitigation with no-till adoption. Climatic Change 111:609-625.
Smith, P., C.A. Davies, S. Ogle, G. Zanchi, J. Bellarby, N. Bird, R.M Boddey, N.P. McNamara, D. Polwson, A. Cowie, M. van Noordwijk, S.C. Davis, D.E.B Richter, L. Kryzanowski, M.T. van Wijk, J. Stuart, A. Kirton, D. Eggar, G. Newton-Cross, T.K. Adhya, and A.K. Braimoh. 2012 Towards an integrated global framework to assess the impacts of land use and management change on soil carbon: current capability and future vision. Global Change Biology 18:2089-2101.
Conant, R.T., S.M. Ogle, E.A. Paul, and K. Paustian. 2011. Measuring and monitoring soil organic carbon stocks in agricultural lands for climate mitigation. Frontiers in Ecology 9:169-173.
Gardenas, A.I., G.I. Agren, J.A. Bird, M. Clarholm, S. Hallin, P. Ineson, T. Katterer, H. Knicker, S.I. Nilsson, T. Nasholm, S. Ogle, K. Paustian, T. Persson, J. Stendahl. 2011. Knowledge gaps in soil carbon and nitrogen interactions – From molecular to global scale. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43:702-717.
Maia, S.M.F., S.M. Ogle, C.E.P. Cerri, C.C. Cerri. 2010. Soil organic carbon stock change due to land use activity along the agricultural frontier of the southwestern Amazon, Brazil between 1970 and 2002. Global Change Biology 16:2775-2788.
Ogle, S.M., F.J. Breidt, M. Easter, S. Williams, K. Killian, and K. Paustian. 2010. Scale and uncertainty in modeled soil organic carbon stock changes for US croplands using a process-based model. Global Change Biology 16:810-820.
Del Grosso, S., S.M. Ogle, W.J. Parton, and F.J. Breidt. 2010. Estimating uncertainty in N2O emissions from US cropland soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, GB1009, doi:10.1029/2009GB003544.
Ogle, S.M., F.J. Breidt, M. Easter, S. Williams and K. Paustian. 2007. An empirically based approach for estimating uncertainty associated with modeling carbon sequestration in soils. Ecological Modelling 205:453-463.
Smith, P., D. Martino, Z. Cai, D. Gwary, H. Janzen, P. Kumar, B. McCarl, S. Ogle, F. O’Mara, C. Rice, B. Scholes, O. Sirotenko, M. Howden, T. McAllister, G. Pan, V. Romanenkov, U. Schneider, S. Towprayoon, M. Wattenbach, and J. Smith. 2007. Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture. Phil. Transactions of Royal Society B, DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2007.2184, published online.
Ogle, S.M., and K. Paustian. 2005. Soil organic carbon as an indicator of environmental quality at the national scale: monitoring methods and policy relevance. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 85:531-540.
Ogle, S.M., F.J. Breidt and K. Paustian. 2005. Agricultural Management Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon Storage under Moist and Dry Climatic Conditions of Temperate and Tropical Regions. Biogeochemistry 72:87-121.
Six J., S.M. Ogle, F.J. Breidt, R.T. Conant, A.R. Mosier and K. Paustian. 2004. The potential to mitigate global warming with no-tillage management is only realized when practised in the long term. Global Change Biology 10:155-160.
Ogle, S.M., M.D. Eve, F.J. Breidt, and K. Paustian. 2003. Uncertainty in estimating land use and management impacts on soil organic carbon storage for U.S. agroecosystems between 1982 and 1997. Global Change Biology 9:1521-1542.
Six, J., J.C. Feller, K. Denef, S.M. Ogle, J.C. de Moraes Sa, and A. Albrecht. 2002. Soil organic matter, biota, and aggregation in temperate and tropical soil. Agronomie 22:755-775.
2017-2019 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Contributing Lead Author, Lead Author and Contributing Author for the Elaboration of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Contributing Lead Author for Volume IV: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector, and Lead Author/Contributing Author in Volume I: General Guidance and Reporting.
2016 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (Cross-sectoral issues); Role: Invited Expert and Rapporteur for break-out session, Location: Wollongong, Australia
2016 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines: follow-up on specified issues from the 2015 expert meetings; Role: Invited Expert and Presenter, Location: Wollongong, Australia
2015 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting for Technical Assessment of IPCC Inventory Guidelines (AFOLU Sector); Role: Invited Expert and Presenter, Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
2014-2015 Contributor to White House Scoping Document, “Attribution of GHG Fluxes on U.S. Managed Land to Natural Disturbances”; Authors: J. Coulston (USFS), C. Dragisic (State Department), T. Hawbaker (USGS), B. Irving (EPA), S. Ogle (CSU), B. Reed (USGS), G. Shresha (USGCRP), C. Woodall (USFS), S. Yoffe (USFS)
2014-2015 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Training Workshops for Agriculture and Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Sectors, Provided to Government Scientists/Inventory Compilers in Vietnam to complete their Second Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Conversion on Climate Change, Role: Instructor
2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC expert meeting on systematic assessment of TFI products; Role: Invited Expert, Location: Ottawa, Canada
2011-2014 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Training Workshops for Agriculture and Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Sectors, Provided to Government Scientists/Inventory Compilers in Developing Countries of Eastern and Southern Africa associated with Capacity-Building Project Led by in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Botswana, Mauritius, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Zambia), Role: Instructor
2011-present: Scientific Steering Group for the International Soil Carbon Network
2010 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting on Review of IPCC Software for 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Role: Invited Expert and Break-Out Group Leader, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brasil
2010 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting on Use of Models and Measurements in GHG Inventories, Role: Invited Expert, Location: Sydney, Australia
2010 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC Expert Meeting on Uncertainty and Validation of Emissions Inventories, Role: Invited Expert and Speaker, Location: Utrect, The Netherlands
2009-2014 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Training Workshops for Agriculture and Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Sectors, Provided to Government Scientists/Inventory Compilers in Developing Countries of Southeast Asia associated with Capacity-Building Project Led by in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam), Instructor
2008 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting: IPCC guidance on estimating emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from land uses such as agriculture and forestry, Role: Invited Expert, Location: Helsinki, Finland
2005-2010 Scientific Steering Group for North American Carbon Program, Interagency Program (DOE, NASA, USDA, EPA, NSF and USGS)
2004-2007 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Training Workshops for Agriculture and Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Sectors, Provided to Government Scientists/Inventory Compilers in Developing Countries of Central America (Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize and Guatemala), Instructor