Kathleen Galvin

Curriculum Vitae
Department of Anthropology and
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80423-1499
Phone: 970/491-5784
FAX: 970/491-7597
email: Kathleen.Galvin@colostate.edu
B.A. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Anthropology. 1971
M.A. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Anthropology. 1979
Ph.D. State University of New York, Binghamton, NY. Anthropology. 1985
Professional Experience
2014- Director, The Africa Center, CSU
2013-2014 Director, Sustainable African Ecosystems and Societies, Global Challenge Research Group, School of Global Environmental Sustainability
2012 (Fall) Acting Director, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, CSU
2009-pres Associate Director for Educational Programs and SoGES Curriculum Committee Chair, School of Global Environmental Sustainability
2003-pres Professor, Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University
2002-2009 Chair, Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University
2001-2002 Associate Director, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
2003-pres Advising Faculty member, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University
2000-pres Advising Faculty member, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University
1998-2002 Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, Colorado State
1995-1996 Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for African Ecology, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa (5 months/year)
1994-pres Senior Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
1994-1998 Assistant Professor, Anthropology Department, Colorado State University
1991 (Fall) Visiting Scientist, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
1988 National Science Foundation Fellow in Environmental Biology, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
1985-1994 Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
1985-1986 Consultant, Norwegian Agency for International Development, Oslo, Norway, and Nairobi, Kenya
Research Interest
Human-environment interactions, Human adaptability and vulnerability, Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Arid and semiarid tropical ecosystems, Pastoralism, Household economics, Diet and nutritional status of African pastoralists; Africa; Central Asia
Honors and Awards
2015 Exemplary Project Award, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities for community work in Africa (with Robin Reid, Randall Boone and Stacy Lynn).
2013 Recipient, The Jean Rouch Award for Collaborative Filmmaking (with postdoctoral fellow Joana Roque de Pinho) from the American Anthropological Association, November for the film, Maasai Voices on Climate Change. https://vimeo.com/73980798
2012 Recipient, Ecological Society of America, Sustainability Science Award in Recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to Sustainability Science (with Robin Reid and others)
2012- Member, American Anthropological Association, Global Climate Change Task Force
2007 Nobel Peace Prize for contributing to the Award to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2007 Fellow, The Society for Applied Anthropology
2001-2005 Certificate of Recognition, for Outstanding Contributions to the Internationalization of CSU, Office of International Programs, CSU
2001 Fellow, Aldo Leopold Leadership Program
2000 Awardee, DA/RSP Fund Award, College of Liberal Arts, CSU. $4000
1997 Awardee, Professional Development Program Award, College of Liberal Arts, CSU. $2200
1995 Awardee, Professional Development Program Fund Award, College of Liberal Arts, $445
1994 Awardee, Professional Development Program Fund Award, College of Liberal Arts, $625
1988 Fellow, National Science Foundation, Program in Environmental Biology
1985 Awardee, Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences, State University of NewYork at Binghamton
Research Grants
2014-2015 Galvin, K.A. Transformations to Sustainability in the World’s Rangelands through Social Change: A Transformative Knowledge Network. International Social Science Council, Paris. €30,000
2013-2018 Paustian, K., and 16Co-PIs (Galvin included). Sustainable biofuel feedstocks from beetle-killed wood: Bioenergy Alliance Network of the Rockies (BANR). Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA $9,500,000
2013-2015 Evangelista, P. and others (Galvin included) NSF, CNH: Assessing vulnerability of provisioning services in the southern highlands of Ethiopia. $250,000
2011-2014 Ojima, D. PI, K. Galvin, T. Chuluun, B. Tsogtsaikhan, T. Banzragch, Co-PIs. Climate Compatible Development in Dryland Systems of Mongolia and Surrounding Asian Systems. Climate and Development Knowledge Network $315,325.
2011-2014 Reid, R., PI, N. Hanan Co-PI, D Swift, R Boone, K Galvin, G Bowser and M Coughenour. Sustainability of Drylands: A Regional Network for African-US University Collaboration and Capacity Building. 2010 Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Partnership Grants, USAID. $1,100,000
2010-2011 Galvin, K. A., R S. Reid, J. Njoka, D. Nkedianye and PK Thornton. Pastoral Transformations to Resilient Futures: Understanding Climate from the Ground Up. funded by Climate Change Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, USAID. $79,986
2010-2011 Galvin, K.A., J. Roque de Pinho, N Tapia and L Simpson. Maasai Voices on Climate Change: a Participatory Film Project in Kenya. Funded by Climate Change Livestock CRSP and CCAFS (Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security) program, CGIAR. $14,000
2009 CO-PI WCNR Mini-grants. Development of a long-term research, education and outreach program in coupled human-natural systems in Africa. $9,930
2009 CO-PI SoGES Research Working Group proposal. Proposal for the Institute for Society, Landscape, and Ecosystem Change Working Group, $10,000
2009 CO-PI Rising to the Challenge – African Dryland Development. A Regional Network for African-US University Collaboration and Capacity Building. Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Planning Grants, USAID. $50,000
2007-08 Co-PI. Discovery and Understanding of Resilience and Brittleness in Land Use and Ecosystems (DURABLE). CSU $63,000
2006-07 Co-PI Supplement Proposal to NSF award SES-0527481 for a workshop. DRU. Decision-making in Rangeland systems: an integrated Ecosystem-Agent-based Modeling Approach to Resilience and change (DREAMAR) (Galvin, PI) $30,000
2006-09 Co-PI. Extreme Weather Events, State Interventions, and Pastoral Livelihoods: social and Ecological Impacts of Spring Storms on the Tibetan Plateau. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics program. $618,999.
2005-2009 Principle Investigator. NSF Human and Social Dynamics. Decision-making in Rangeland systems: an integrated Ecosystem-Agent-based Modeling Approach to Resilience and change (DREAMAR). $630,000
2004-2009 Co-Principle Investigator. USDA/NRI. Emissions trading through agricultural C sequestration: Adopting conservation practices, leakage and non-CO2 greenhouse gases. $457,726
2004-2005 Principle Investigator. NSF Human and Social Dynamics Special Competition. Decision Making Under Uncertainty Developmental Proposal: Household Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. $73,905.
2003-2006 Co-Principle Investigator. NSF, Biocomplexity Competition. Biocomplexity of the Greater Serengeti Humans in a Biologically Diverse Ecosystem. Subcontract to University of Minnesota, $654,314
2002-2003 Principle Investigator, USAID-Global Livestock-Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP). Feasibility of Market Development and Support Services for Livestock Products in Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan. $62,470
2001-2007 Co-Principle Investigator, National Science Foundation (NSF), Ecosystem Studies Program, Biocomplexity, Spatial Scale and Fragmentation: Implications for Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems. $1,900,000
2001-2002 Investigator, USAID-Global Livestock-Collaborative Research Support Program (GL-CRSP).An Integrated Modeling and Assessment for Balancing Food Security, Conservation and Ecosystem Integrity in East Africa. $350,000
1999-2002 Co-Principal Investigator. National Institute for Health (NIH) Subcontract to University of Texas-Austin. Population and Environment in the U.S. Great Plains. $470,558
1998-2001 Co-Principal Investigator. National Institute for Global Environmental Change. Ecological, Climatic, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Drivers of Land-use Change in the Great Plains. $240,000
1998-2002 Principal Investigator. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Global Programs, Economics and Human Dimensions of Climate Fluctuations. Uses of Climate Forecast Information in the Livestock Sector of the Arid Regions of South Africa. $358,973
1998-1999 Co-Principal Investigator. United States Department of Agriculture, National Research Initiative, Competitive Grants Program. Living With Uncertainty. Northern Plains Agroecosystems in the 21st Century. $156,474
1997-2000 Co-Principal Investigator. USAID-CRSP. Integrated Modeling and Assessment for Balancing Food Security, Conservation and Ecosystem Integrity. $2,050,409
1997-2000 Principal Investigator. NSF. Regional Analysis of Human Welfare, Environment, Policy and Community-Based Conservation in Northern Tanzania. $210,643
1996-1997 Co-Principal Investigator. USAID-CRSP An Integrated Management and Policy System for Conserving Biodiversity in Spatially Extensive Pastoral Ecosystems of East Africa – Assessment Team Formation. $111,303
1995-1996 Program for Resource Conservation and Rural Development (RCRD), Centre for African Ecology, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits Rural Facility, South Africa. Development of the RCRD program for research and training with a strong commitment to community development and to policy and management analysis.
1995-1999 Co-Principal Investigator. NIH, Subcontract to University of Texas-Austin, Population and Environment in the U.S. Great Plains. $475,198
1995-1998 Co-Principal Investigator. NSF. Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Ecosystem Dynamics, Stability and Resilience on the Mongolian Steppe. $400,000
1991-1995 Principle Investigator. NSF, Ecosystems Studies Program. Biological Conservation and Human Ecology: Conflict or Compatibility between Wildlife and Pastoralists in Sub-Saharan, Africa. $300,000
1991 Grant to travel to Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Conservation Area to initiate future human-ecological research. Wildlife Conservation International. $4,600
1990-1992 Investigator. NSF. Issues and Concepts in Pastoral Ecology and Dry Tropical Ecosystems
1988 Principal Investigator. NSF, Ecosystem Studies Program. Women’s Contributions to Future Directions of Ecosystem Science. A workshop that focused on preparing women for future leadership roles in ecosystem science. $41,466
1988 Principal Investigator. NSF-Postdoc, Environmental Biology Program. Ecosystem Variation and Pastoral Extraction Patterns. Research examined the relationship between different East African pastoral environments and human energy intake and nutritional status. $26,400
1986-1990 Investigator. NSF. Persistence of a Pastoral Ecosystem. Conducted research on the effects of sedentarization on pastoral food procurement, body size and composition.
1985-1987 Investigator. Norwegian Agency for International Development. Coping with Drought in Pastoral Turkana.
1982-1985 Investigator. NSF. The Ecology of Subsistence Pastoralism. Eighteen months field research on food procurement, diet, and nutrition in the social and ecological context of pastoral nomads, Turkana District, Kenya
Center Websites
Maasai Voices: A Photo Essay. http://lcccrsp.org/
Pastoralist Voices on Climate Change. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=765l9XmMpDY and http://lccrsp.org/
Maasai Voices on Climate Change. A Participatory video. http://lccrsp.org/
Galvin, K.A. 2013 An Arid World? Can We Learn from Other Nations? Huff Post Green. The Blog. 8/20/2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/american-anthropological-association/an-arid-world-can-we-lear_b_3768175.html
Galvin, K.A. 2013 A Science and an art: What makes for an effective interview?, Aldo Leopold Leadership. Building networks to catalyze change. The Leopold Leadership Network blog about training the next generation of leaders on global sustainability.
Galvin, K.A. and R.Reid 2014. An Experiment ‘Goes Wild’ in Kenya: Locally-Run Conservancies Are Meeting the Needs of Wildlife, Livestock, and People http://www.huffingtonpost.com/american-anthropological-association/an-experiment-goes-wild-i_b_5599446..html
2016 Keynote Address, Society of Economic Anthropology, March, University of Georgia
2015- iLEAPS (integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study) Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), member a core project of Future Earth
Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Group http://csdms.colorado.edu
2013- Co-chair, Anthropocene Focus Research Group
2016 CoLead, NSF funded workshop, Linking Earth System Dynamics and Social System Modeling 23-25 May, Boulder
The Nature Conservancy
2013- Member, Colorado Board of Trustees
Society for Applied Anthropology
2013 Organizer and Discussant, session, Social Capital and Access to Natural Resources: Implications for Resilience and Sustainability, at SfAA meetings, Denver, March 19-23; Invited Discussant in the session, Fair Policies for All? Rangeland Management and the Equity of Outcomes.
2009 Organizer of the session, Elements of Sustainable Science, at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings, Santa Fe, March 18-22
International Human Dimensions Program
2009 Organizer of the session, Adaptation and Sustainability at the 7th Open Meeting of the International Human Dimensions meetings, Bonn, April 27-30.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
2008-2010 Assistant editor
Ecology and Society: a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability
2007-pres Associate editor
Nomadic Peoples
2005-pres Editorial Board
Environmental Management
2013 Guest Editor of Special Issue
Leopold Leadership Program (LLP)
2001 Fellow
2005-2012 External Reviewer
2014 Leader of the Review Panel for fellowships, Stanford
2015- Member of the External Advisory Board
US AID Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Collaborative Research Support Program (SANRAM CRSP)
2005-2010 Member, External Evaluation Panel
National Science Foundation
2010 Member, PIRE (Partnerships in International Research and Education) review panel. National Science Foundation
2001-2002 Member, Cultural Anthropology Program, Researcher Advisory Panel
1998-2000 Member, Cultural Anthropology Program, Dissertation Panel
1993-1996 Panelist for Graduate Research Fellowships in Anthropology
1988 Co-Organizer, Workshop on Women’s Contributions to Future Directions of Ecosystem Science.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
2001 Organizer, workshop on Integrated Assessment of Drought Responses, Climate Forecasting and Modeling for the Livestock Sector, Vryburg, South Africa, May 30-31
1999 Member, Human Dimensions of Global Change Research, Proposal Review Panel
1999 Organizer, Workshop on Users of Seasonal Forecasts, Armoedsvlakte, Vryburg, South Africa, October
American Anthropological Association
2013 Co-organizer, Executive Session, Understanding Present and Future Engagements: The Nature of Anthropological Knowledge in a World of Global Environmental Change. For the November 2013 meetings in Chicago
2012-2014 Member, AAA, Global Climate Change Task Force; www.aaanet.org
2000-2002 Program Chair, Anthropology and Environment Section
1991 Co-Organizer, American Anthropological Association Invited Symposium on Developments In East African Pastoralist Research, November
1989-1991 Policy and Liaison Chair for the Council on Nutritional Anthropology, American Anthropological Association
1989 Co-Organizer, American Anthropological Association Invited Symposium on Ecological Influences on Diet Intake and Nutritional Status, November.
Colorado State University
Department of Anthropology
2002-2009 Chair of Department
2001-pres Advising Faculty member, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
2002-pres Advising Faculty member, Department of Sociology
2001 Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Anthropology
2000-2002 Member, Masters Program Review Committee, Department of Anthropology
2000 Chair, Executive Committee, Department of Anthropology
1999 Member, Executive Committee, Department of Anthropology.
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
1999 Presenter, to Provost/Academic Vice President Loren Crabtree, on NREL research activities, May
1998-2002 Member, Executive Committee, NREL
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
2012-2013 Member, Executive Committee, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, CSU
1997-1999 Member, Executive Committee, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, CSU
1989-1993 College of Liberal Arts Representative to the University Program for Ecological Studies
Center for Collaborative Conservation
2009-2014 Member, Executive Committee
University wide, other
2013-2014 Director, Sustainable African Ecosystems and Societies (http://saes.colostate.edu/), Global Challenge Working Group, School of Global Environmental Sustainability
2013 Member, University committee to Review the Department of Soil and Crop Science
2012 (Fall) Acting Director, School of Global Environmental Sustainability
2010- pres Associate Director for Education, School of Global Environmental Sustainability
2010 Member, Technical Committee of CSU’s Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change Collaborative Research Support Program (ALS-CC CRSP)
2010 Member, International Steering Committee for the Colorado Conference of Earth System Governance
2007 Member, Review Panel for University wide Supercluster proposal applications
2002 Member, International Research, Development and Training Task Force, International Programs
2002- Boardmember, International Development Studies Program
1998 Co-chair, College of Natural Science’s Committee on Environmental Studies
2005 Co-organizer, Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, Germany, session titled Factors Affecting Household Decision-making: Concepts for Understanding Change under Uncertainty, October.
2002 Organizer, CRSP Workshop on Kazakstan research projects, April
2001-2002 Member, Working Group on the Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania. At the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC-Barbara
2000 Co-organizer, Ecological Society of America Invited Symposium on Human Development and Biodiversity Conservation in the Developing World: Finding a Balance in Concept and Practice, August
1999 Member, Steering Committee, Commission on Nomadic People, International Congress of Anthropological and Ethological Science
1998-2002 Member, Steering Committee, Central Great Plains Regional Assessment
1997-1998 Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NCA/NRC) Panel on Human Dimension of Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Variability, Washington, D.C
1997 Organizer, USAID Small Rudimant-CRSP sponsored Workshop II on Developing a Decision Support System for Integrated Assessment of Pastoral-Wildlife Interactions in East Africa. Held at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, May 21-24
1995-1996 Visiting Research Fellow, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa to help establish a Program in Resource Conservation and Rural Development
1995 Consultant, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, June
1994-1998 Member, International Editorial Board for Applied Human Science, Journal of Physiological Anthropology
1994 Member, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council workshop on Research Needs and Modes of Support for the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Washington, D.C. July.
1992 Co-Organizer, Ecological Society of America Invited Symposium on Global Impact of Land Use Change: Linkages between the Social and Natural Sciences, August
Invitations to Speak
2015 Invited Speaker, at the international conference Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty – Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change that will took place on 26 and 27 November 2015 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
2015 Invited Speaker, at the APLU (Association of Public and Land-grant Universities) meeting in the session, Co- creation of Knowledge in International Research Collaborations meeting, in Estes Park
2015 Invited Speaker, at the University of Nairobi workshop on Community Extension and Engagement (organized by Lou Swanson, VP Engagement and Rick Miranda, Executive Vice President and Provost.)
2013 Invited Speaker, in the Workshop Land Change and Impacts. Paper presented at the Workshop, Globalizing our understanding of land use change drivers and impacts. SESYNC, University of Maryland, June
2013 Invited Speaker, at the University of Nairobi Student Let Conference, Nairobi, May
2013 Invited Speaker, in the session, New Directions in Modeling Dynamics for Coupled Social-Natural Systems, Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, HI, April
2012 Invited Speaker, at the All Scientists Meeting of the NSF Long Term Ecological Research Program, Estes Park, CO September
2011 Invited Speaker, at the Workshop on Linking models of human behaviour and decision making processes with land system models Supported by IGBP/IHDP-GLP, CSIRO, IGBP-Ileaps. 28 November – 1 December 2011. Lake Crackenback Resort, Lake Crackenback, NSW, Australia
2009 Invited Speaker, in the panel, Social Science Research Needs and Opportunities in Resilience, at the IHDP Open Meeting, April 28, Bonn
2008 Invited Speaker, at the at the Tod Spieker Colloquium Series, Department of Geography, UCLA, October
2008 Invited Speaker, at the Society for Applied Anthropology, in the session, Water, Water Everywhere: Anthropologists’ Role(s) in the Uncertainty of Water in the Age of Global Climate Change, March
2007 Invited Speaker, at the American Geophysical Union meeting, in the session, Including Land Use and Land Cover Change in Earth system Models, San Francisco, December
2007 Invited Speaker, at the Society for Applied Anthropology, in the Session Linking Adaptation and sustainability: Case Studies on global Change in Local Places, March
2007 Invited Speaker, Department of Anthropological Sciences and the Woods Institute, Stanford, March 5.
2007 Invited Speaker, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, February 16.
2006 Invited Speaker at the American Anthropological Association, in the session Global Environmental Change and Local Water Resources: Images, Intersections, and Impacts from Siberia to Tuvalu, San Jose, CA November 15-19.
2006 Invited Presenter at the NSF, Human and Social Dynamics PI Meeting, Washington, DC, September 14-15.
2006 Invited Speaker at the Organizational Meeting of the Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECAFS) Vulnerability of Food Systems Research Network, Oxford, UK, May 17-18.
2003 Invited Speaker at the Integrated Research on Coupled Human-Environment Systems Land Open Science Conference, Morelia, Mexico, December 2-5.
2003 Invited Speaker at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Montreal, Canada, October 16-18.
2003 Invited Speaker at the International Rangelands Congress, Durban, South Africa, July 26- August 1.
2002 Invited Speaker at the Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, Program Conference, Washington, D.C., October 8-12.
2002 Invited Speaker at the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Principal Investigators Meeting, Seabrook Island, SC, October 23-25.
2002 Invited Speaker University of Wyoming seminar series. November 13
2001 Invited speaker at the Workshop on Communication of Climate Forecast Information, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Palisades, NY, June 6-8
2001 Invited Speaker at the Conference on Public Health Impacts of Prolonged Drought in Rural America, Albany, Georgia, May
2001 Invited Speaker at the American Anthropological Association’s session on New Directions in Anthropology and Conservation, New Orleans, November.
2000 Invited Speaker at the Ecological Society of America’s session on Human Development Biodiversity Conservation, Snowbird, UT,
1999 Invited Speaker at the Public Policy Session at the American Anthropological Association meetings, November
1999 Invited Speaker at the Conference on Displacement, Forced Settlement and Conservation Oxford University, Oxford, UK, September
1999 Invited Speaker at the Human Dimension and Economics Principal Investigators Meetings, NOAA sponsored, Tucson, AZ, April
1999 Presenter (poster) at the annual meetings of the Human Biology Association, Columbus, OH, April
1998 Invited Speaker, at the meetings of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Williamsburg, VA, July
1998 Invited Presenter (poster) at the meetings of Heifer Project International. 1998 Symposium on Human Nutrition and Livestock. October.
1998 Invited Speaker, University of Colorado, Department of Anthropology, November.
1997 Invited Speaker, at Forum 1997: New Linkages in Conservation Development, Istanbul, Turkey, November 16-21
1997 Speaker, at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Laxenburg, Austria, June 12-14
1997 Presenter, Human Biology Association Meetings, St. Louis, MO, April 1-2
1996 Invited Speaker, Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE), Global Change System for Analysis Research and Training (START) and International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) sponsored Workshop on Southern African Rangelands Today and Tomorrow: Social Institutions for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, Gaborone, Botswana, June 10-14
1996 Invited Speaker, Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Durham, NC, April 9-14
1995 Invited Speaker, African Studies Association Meeting, Orlando, FL, Nov. 3-6
1995 Invited Speaker, University of the Witwatersrand, Department of Anthropology, South Africa, June
1995 Invited Speaker, University of Colorado, Department of Anthropology, March
1995 Invited Speaker, Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM, Mar. 29-Apr. 2
1994 Presenter, American Anthropological Association Meetings, December
1994 Presenter, Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Denver, April
1994 Invited Speaker, University of Nebraska Environmental Studies Program, March
1993 Invited Speaker, Indiana University Conference on Critical Issues for Africa: Food, Environment, Population and Health, March
1992 Invited Speaker, Aspen Global Change Institute sponsored session on Food, Conservation, and Global Environmental Change: Is Compromise Possible?, August
1992 Invited Speaker, Women’s Research Institute and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, April
1992 Invited Speaker, NAS-sponsored meeting on the Grassland Ecosystem of the Mongolian Steppe, Racine, WI, March
1989 Invited Speaker, IGBP Workshop on Arid Ecosystems Interactions, Boulder
1989 Invited Speaker, CSU and Senator T.E.Wirth Conference on Strategic Responses to Global Change, October
Upcoming Talks
Galvin, K and RB Boone, Social-ecological system, human decision making and models. Paper to be presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, November 2017
Galvin, K. Global Environmental Change: Research and Engagement for Anthropologists. Paper to be presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 2017
Galvin, K and T Beeton, Global Environmental Change: Effects on East African pastoral mobility and biology. Paper to be presented at the American Association of Physical Anthropology meeting, April 2017
Journals: American Journal of Human Biology, Human Biology, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Global Environmental Change, Farming Systems Research, Human Ecology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Human Organization, Climatic Change, Ecological Applications, Agricultural Systems, Current Anthropology, Africa Today, World Development, American Society of Range Management, Society and Natural Resources, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology and Society, Environmental Science and Policy, Ecological Economics, Nomadic Peoples, Journal of Peace Research, Frontiers in Ecology, American Anthropologist, Science, Regional Environmental Change, Agricultural Systems, Climate Change, Regional Environmental Change, Environmental Management, Food Security, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Proposals: National Science Foundation: Anthropology, Human Dimensions of Global Change, International Programs, Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education (POWRE) Program, Geography and Regional Science, Human and Social Dynamics-Exploratory Research and Community Development; British Columbia Health Research Foundation; Center for Field Research; National Geographic; Wildlife Conservation International; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Human Dimensions Program, Office of Global Programs, Environment, Science and Development Program; World Wildlife Fund; The Leverhulme Trust
Book Proposals
University of California Press, Routledge/Earthscan
American Anthropological Association
Society for Applied Anthropology
Dissertation Dissertation
Galvin, K. 1985. Food procurement, diet, activities and nutrition of Ngisonyoka Turkana pastoralists in an ecological and social context. Ph.D. Dissertation. State University of New York at Binghamton. 382 pp. Awarded the Best Dissertation in Social Science, SUNY
Books Books
Fratkin, E., K. A. Galvin and E. A. Roth (eds.). 1994. African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach. Lynne Rienner, Boulder.
Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. 2008. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands
National Research Council Books
Stern, P. C. and W. E. Easterling (eds.) 1999. Making Climate Forecasts Matter. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Panel on the Human Dimensions of Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Variability (panel: Easterling, Epstein, Galvin, Liverman, Mileti, Miller, Nutter, Rosenzweig, Sarachik, Weber) National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Report to the American Anthropological Association
Fiske, S.J., Crate, S.A., Crumley, C.L., Galvin, K., Lazrus, H., Lucero, L. OliverSmith, A., Orlove, B., Strauss, S., Wilk, R. 2014. Changing the Atmosphere. Anthropology and Climate Change. Final report of the AAA Global Climate Change Task Force, 137 pp. December 2014. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association. www.aaanet.org
Textbook Module
Galvin, K.A. 2006. Human-Environment Interactions: New Directions in Human Ecology. A module for the textbook: Introduction to Physical Anthropology, (by R. Jurmain, L. Kilgore, W. Trevathan and H. Nelson. 31pp.
Reference Module
Galvin, K.A., T.A. Beeton and R.K. Hitchcock, Hunter-Gatherer Societies, Ecological Impact of, In Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier, 2017, ISBN: 978-0-12-809633-8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.02237-8
Refereed Articles
Haeffner, M., K. Galvin and A. E. Gamez Vazquez. 2016. Urban water development in La Paz, Mexico 1960-present: a hydrosocial perspective. Water History DOI 10.1007/s12685-016-0180-z
Galvin, KA, Robin S. Reid, Maria E. Fernández-Giménez, Dickson ole Kaelo, Bathishig Baival, Margaret Krebs 2016.
A Knowledge Network for collaborative institutions in rangelands under change. Current Opinion in Sustainability Science
Manning, D.T., Peter Means, Daniel Zimmerle, Kathleen Galvin, John Loomis, Keith Paustian. 2015. Using contingent behavior analysis to measure benefits from rural electrification in developing countries: an example from Rwanda. Energy Policy, 86: 393-401, ISSN 0301-4215, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2015.06.032.
Galvin, K.A., T. Beeton, R. Boone and S. BurnSilver 2015. Nutritional status of Maasai pastoralists under change. Human Ecology. 43:411-424.; DOI 10.1007/s10745-015-9749-x
Klein, J.A., K.A Hopping, ET. Yeh, Y Nyima, RB Boone, K.A. Galvin. 2014. Unexpected climate impacts on the Tibetan Plateau: Local and scientific knowledge in findings of delayed summer. Global Environmental Change 28:141-152.
Reid, R.S., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Galvin, K.A. 2014 Dynamics and resilience of rangelands and pastoral peoples around the globe. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 39:217-242.
Rounsevell, M. D. A., Arneth, A., Alexander, P., Brown, D. G., de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Ellis, E., Finnigan, J., Galvin, K., Grigg, N., Harman, I., Lennox, J., Magliocca, N., Parker, D., O’Neill, B. C., Verburg, P. H., and Young, O. 2014 Towards decision-based global land use models for improved understanding of the Earth system, Earth Syst. Dynam., 5, 117-137, doi:10.5194/esd-5-117-2014
de Pinho JR, Grilo C, Boone RB, Galvin KA, Snodgrass JG 2014 Influence of Aesthetic Appreciation of Wildlife Species on Attitudes towards Their Conservation in Kenyan Agropastoralist Communities. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88842. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088842
Chin, A., K. A. Galvin, A.K. Gerlak, C.P. Harden and E. Wohl. 2014. The Future of Human-Landscape Interactions: Drawing on the Past, Anticipating the Future 51.1: 1-3
Harden, C; A. Chin, M.R. English, R. Fu, K.A. Galvin, A. Gerlak, P. McDowell, D. McNamara, J. Peterson, N. L. Poff, E. Rosa, W.D. Solecki, and E. Wohl. 2014. Understanding human-landscape interactions in the “Anthropocene”. Environmental Management 53.1:4-13.
Adger, W.N., K. Brown, D. Nelson, F. Berkes, H. Eakin, C Folke, K. Galvin, L. Gunderson, M. Goulden, K. O’Brien, J. Ruitenbeek, and E. Tompkins. 2011. Resilience implications of policy responses to climate change. Wires: Climate Change 2:757-766. URL: http://wires.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WiresJournal/wisId-WCC.html
Boone, R. B., K. A. Galvin, S. B. BurnSilver, P. K. Thornton, D. S. Ojima, and J. R. Jawson. 2011. Using coupled simulation models to link pastoral decision making and ecosystem services. Ecology and Society 16(2): 6. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol16/iss2/art6/
Holdo, R.M., K.A. Galvin, E. Knapp, S. Polasky, R. Hilborn and R. D. Holt. 2010. Responses to alternative rainfall regimes and antipoaching in a migratory system. Ecological Applications 20(2):381-397.
Reid, R.S., Nkedianye, D., Said, M.Y., Kaelo, D., Neselle, M., Makui, O., Onetu, L., Kiruswa, S., Ole Kamuaro, N., Kristjanson, P., BurnSilver, S.B., Ogutu, J.O., Goldman, M.J., Boone, R.B., Galvin, K.A., Dickson, N.M., and W.C. Clark. 2009. Evolution of models to support community and policy action with science: balancing pastoral livelihoods and wildlife conservation in savannas of East Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PNAS Early Edition, doi_10.1073_pnas.0900313106.
Galvin, K.A. 2009. Transitions: Pastoralists Living With Change. Annual Review of Anthropology. 38: 185-198
Hobbs, N.T., K.A. Galvin, C.J. Stokes, J. M. Lackett, AJ Ash, R. B Boone, R.S. Reid and P.K. Thornton. 2008. Fragmentation of Rangelands: Implications for Humans, animals and Landscapes. Global Environmental Change 18:776-785
Thornton, P.K., R.B. Boone, K.A. Galvin, S. B. Burnsilver, M.M. Waithaka, J. Kuyiah, S. Karanja, E. González-Estrada and M. Herrero. 2007. Coping strategies in livestock-dependent households in East and southern Africa: a synthesis of four case studies. Human Ecology 35(4):461-476.
Boone, R. B., J. M. Lackett, K. A. Galvin, D.S. Ojima and C.J. Tucker III. 2007 Links and broken chains: Evidence of human-caused changes in land cover in remotely sensed images. Environmental Science and Policy 10(2):135-149.
Galvin, K.A., P.K. Thornton, J. R. dePinho, J. Sunderland and R. Boone. 2006. Integrated Modeling and Assessment for Resolving Conflicts between Wildlife and People in the Rangelands of East Africa. Human Ecology 34(2): 155-183.
Boone, R.B., K.A. Galvin, P.K. Thornton, D.M.Swift and M.B. Coughenour. 2006 Cultivation and Conservation in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Human Ecology 34:809-828..
Thornton, P.K., S. B. Burnsilver, R. B. Boone and K. A. Galvin. 2006. Modelling the impacts of group ranch subdivision on agro-pastoral households in Kajiado, Kenya. Agricultural Systems 87: 331-356.
Boone, R. B., S.B. BurnSilver, P.K. Thornton, J.S. Worden, and K. A. Galvin 2005 Quantifying declines in livestock due to land subdivision in Kajiado District, Kenya. Rangeland Ecology and Management 58:523-532
Galvin, K.A., P.K. Thornton, R.B. Boone and J. Sunderland. 2004. Climate variability and impacts on East African livestock herders. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 21(3): 183-189.
Boone, R. K.A. Galvin, M. Coughenour, J. Hudson, P. Weisberg, C. Vogel and J. E. Ellis. 2004. Ecosystem modeling adds value to South African climate forecasts. Climatic Change 64:317-340.
Thornton, P.K., R.H. Fawcett, K.A. Galvin, R.B. Boone, J.W. Hudson and C.H. Vogel. 2004. Evaluating management options that use climate forecasts: modeling livestock production systems in the semi-arid zone of South Africa. Climate Research 26(1):33-42.
Thornton, P.K. and K.A. Galvin and R.B. Boone. 2003. An agro-pastoral household model for the rangelands of East Africa. Agricultural Systems. 76:601-622
Boone, R.B., M.B. Coughenour, K.A. Galvin, and J.E. Ellis. 2002.Addressing management questions for Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania: Using the Savanna Modeling System. African Journal of Ecology 40:138-150.
Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, N.M. Smith and S.J. Lynn. 2001. Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists: Linking social science and remote sensing. Climate Research 19:161-172.
Runyoro, A.V., K.A. Galvin, P. Thornton, S.J. Lynn, and J. Sunderland. 2001 Livelihood strategies: The Maasai Pastoralists of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Workshop Proceedings.
Boone, R.B., K.A. Galvin, N.M. Smith and S.J. Lynn. 2000. Generalizing El Nino effects upon Maasai livestock using hierarchical clusters of vegetation patterns. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 66(6):737-744.
Ellis, J. and K. A. Galvin. 1994. Climate patterns and land use practices in the dry zones of east and west Africa. BioScience 44(5):340-349.
Ojima, D. S., K. A. Galvin and B. L. Turner, II. 1994. Global impact of land use change: Linkages between the social and natural sciences. BioScience 44(5):300-304.
Riebsame, W. E., W. J. Parton, K. A. Galvin, I. C. Burke, L. Bohren, R. Young and E. Knop. 1994. Integrated modeling of land use and cover change in the Great Plains. BioScience 44(5):350-356.
Galvin, K. A. 1992. Nutritional ecology of pastoralists in dry tropical Africa. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 4(2):209-221.
Baron, J. and K. A. Galvin. 1990. Future directions of ecosystem science. BioScience 40(9):640-642.
Galvin, K. A. 1988. Nutritional status as an indicator of impending food crisis. Disasters 12(2):147-156.
Coppock, D. L., D. M. Swift, J. E. Ellis, and K. Galvin. 1986. Seasonal patterns of energy allocation to basal metabolism, activity and production for livestock in a nomadic pastoral ecosystem. Journal of Agricultural Science 107:357-365.
Coughenour, M. B., J. E. Ellis, D. M. Swift, D. L. Coppock, K. Galvin, J. T. McCabe and T. C. Hart. 1985. Energy extraction and use in a nomadic pastoral ecosystem. Science 230(4726):619-625.
Little, M. A., K. Galvin, and M. Mugambi. 1983. Cross-sectional growth of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Human Biology 55(4):811-830.
Ojima, D.Chuluun Togtokh, Kathleen A. Galvin, Kelly Hopping, Tyler Beeton, Tungalag Ulambayar, Batsukh Narantuya, M. Altanbagana. Coping with climate extremes in Mongolian pastoral communities. . In: Making Climate Compatible Development Happen, Fiona Nunan, ed., Routledge.
Beeton T. A and KA Galvin The opportunities and constraints of wood-based bioenergy development in western Montana: The importance of understanding path dependence and local context for forest-community resilience. Ecology and Society.
Horton, K,, H. Knight, J Herrington, KA Galvin and J Goldstein. A valuation of landowners’ livelihood and well-being impacts from conservation easements with The Nature Conservancy in Colorado. Biological Conservation.
Papers in Preparation
Galvin, KA., T. Beeton and M. Luizza. African Community-Based Conservation: A Systematic Review of Social and Ecological Outcomes. Global Environmental Change
Book Chapters
Roque de Pinho, J. and Galvin, K. April 2015. “Maasai Voices on Climate Change (and other changes too)”: Participatory video and communication about environmental changes in the East African rangelands. In: Brites, M. J., Correia Santos, S. and Jorge, A. Metodologias participativas: Os media e a educação. LabCom Books.
Galvin, K.A., R. Boone, T. McCabe, A. Magennis and T. Beeton, 2015. Transitions in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area: The Story of Land Use, Human Well-being and Conservation. Sinclair, A.R.E., Metzger, K. L., Mduma, S. A. R., J. Fryxell (eds), Serengeti IV: Sustaining biodiversity in a coupled human-natural system. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Knapp, Linda M., Eli. J. Knapp, Kristine L. Metzger, Dennis Rentsch, Rene Beyers, Katie Hampson, Jennifer Schmitt, Sarah Cleaveland, and Kathleen Galvin. 2015. Human Health in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem. Sinclair, A.R.E., Metzger, K. L., Mduma, S. A. R., J. Fryxell (eds), Serengeti IV: Sustaining biodiversity in a coupled human-natural system. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Reid, R.S., Galvin, K.A., Knapp, E., Ogutu, J.O., and Kaelo, D. 2015. Sustainability of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem for wildlife and people. Sinclair, A.R.E., Metzger, K. L., Mduma, S. A. R., J. Fryxell (eds), Serengeti IV: Sustaining biodiversity in a coupled human-natural system. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Boone, R.B. and K.A. Galvin. 2014. Simulation as an approach to social-ecological integration with an emphasis on agent-based modeling. Chapter 9, Pp. 179-202. In: Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences, M.J. Manfredo, , J.J. Vaske A. Rechkemmer, E.A. Duke, eds. Springer, NY.
Galvin, K.A, RS Reid and T A. Beeton. 2014 East African pastoralism and the governance of grazing land: Case studies from Kenya. Pp. 264-282. In: Adaptive Cross-Scalar Governance of Natural Resources, Grenville Barnes and Brian Child, eds. Earthscan by Routledge, NY.
Reid, R.S., D. Kaelo D.K. Nkedianye, P. Kristjanson, M.Y. Said, K.A. Galvin, and I Gambill. 2014. Large landscape conservation in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem and greater Maasailand: Building the role of local leaders, institutions and communities. In: Levitt, J. (ed.), Large Landscape Conservation, Lincoln Institute, Harvard University.
Ojima, D. S., T. Chuluun, and K. A. Galvin, 2013. Social–Ecological Vulnerability of Grassland Ecosystems. Pp. 151-162. Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press.
Galvin, K.A. and Tyler Beeton, 2012. Ecological impact of hunter-gather societies. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition. Simon Levin, ed. Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
Galvin, K. A. and R. S. Reid. 2010. People in Savanna Ecosystems: Land Use, Change and Sustainability. Pp. 481-496. In: Ecosystem Function in Savannas: measurement and modeling at landscape to global scales, M. J. Hill and N. P. Hanon, eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Neumann, CG, MW Demment, A Maretzkec, N. Drorbaugh and KA Galvin 2010. The livestock revolution and animal source food consumption: benefits, risks, and challenges in urban and rural settings of developing countries. In: Livestock in a Changing Landscape: Drivers, Consequences and Responses. Volume I. Pp. 221-249. H. Steinfeld, H.A. Mooney, F. Schneider, L.E. Neville, eds. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Galvin, K.A. R.B. Boone, S. B. Burnsilver and PK Thornton. 2009. Humans and wildlife as ecosystem components in integrated assessments. In: Wildlife and Society. The Science of Human Dimensions. , M.Manfredo, J.J. Vaske, P.J. Brown, D.J. Decker and E.A. Duke, eds, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
Galvin, K.A., S. Polasky, C. Costello, M. Loibooki. 2008 Human Responses to Change: Modeling Household Decision-making in Western Serengeti, Tanzania. Pp. 325-346. In: Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics. A.R.E. Sinclair and C. Packer, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M Fryxell, eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Costello, C., N. Burger, K.A. Galvin, R. Hilborn and S. Polasky. 2008 Dynamic Consequences of Human Behavior in the Serengeti Ecosystem. Pp. 301-324. In: Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics. A.R.E. Sinclair and C. Packer, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M Fryxell, eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Sinclair, A.R.E., J.G.C. Hopcraft, H. Olff, S.A.R. Mduma, K.A. Galvin and G.J. Sharam. 2008. Historical and future changes to the Serengeti ecosystem. Pp. 7-46. In: Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics. A.R.E. Sinclair and C. Packer, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M Fryxell, eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Galvin, K.A., P.K. Thornton, R.B. Boone, and L.M. Knapp. 2008. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania: Fragmentation of a Unique Region of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem, Pp 255-280. In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands
Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone, P.K. Thornton and L.M. Knapp. 2008. North-West Province, South Africa: Communal and Commercial Livestock Systems in Transition, Pp 281-304. In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands.
Galvin, K.A. 2008. Responses of Pastoralists to Land Fragmentation: Social Capital, Connectivity and Resilience, Pp 369-390. In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands.
Reid, R.S, K.A. Galvin and R.S. Kruska. 2008. Global Significance of Extensive Grazing Lands and Pastoral Societies: An Introduction. Pp 1-24 In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. 2008. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands
Hobbs, N.T., R.S. Reid, K.A. Galvin, and J.E. Ellis. 2008. Fragmentation of Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems: Implications for People and Animals, Pp 25-44. In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands
Lackett, J.M. and K.A. Galvin. 2008. From Fragmentation to Reaggregation of Rangelands in the Northern Great Plains, USA, Pp. 113-134. In: Galvin, K.A., R.S.Reid, R.H.Behnke and N.T. Hobbs, eds. Fragmentation of Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes. Consequences for Human and Natural Systems, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands
Boone, R.B., S.B. BurnSilver, J.S. Worden, K.A. Galvin and N.T. Hobbs. 2008. Large-scale movements of large herbivores: Livestock following changes in seasonal forage supply. Pp. 187-206. In: Resource Ecology: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Foraging, eds, H.H.T. Prins and F. van Langeveld, Springer, Dorthecht, The Netherlands.
Burnsilver, S., R.B. Boone, and K.A. Galvin. 2003. Linking pastoralists to a heterogeneous landscape: The Case of four Maasai group ranches in Kajiado District, Kenya. Pp. 173-200. In: People and the Environment: Approaches for Linking Household and Community Surveys to Remote Sensing and GIS. J. Fox, R. Rindfuss, S. J. Walsh and V. Mishra eds. Kluwer Publ, Boston.
Packer, C., M. Coughenour, K. Galvin, R. Holt, S. Mduma, S. Polasky, M. Ritchie 2003. Complex study of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem. Pp. 41-56. In: Proceedings of the Third Annual Scientific Conference, Arusha, 3-5 December 2002, Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, Arusha.
Galvin, K.A., J. Ellis, R.B. Boone, A.L. Magennis, N.M. Smith, S.J. Lynn and P. Thornton. 2002. Compatibility of pastoralism and conservation? A test case using integrated assessment in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. In: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Conservation. D. Chatty and M. Colester, eds., Berghahn, Oxford.
Curran, L.S. and K.A. Galvin. 1999. Subsistence, activity patterns, and physical work capacity. Pp. 147-163. in M.A. Little and P.W. Leslie (eds.) Turkana Herders of the Dry Savanna. Ecology and biobehavioral response of nomads to an uncertain environment. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Galvin, K. A., D. L. Coppock and P. W. Leslie. 1999. Diet, nutrition and the pastoral strategy. in A.H Goodman, D.L. Dufour and G.H. Pelto, (eds) Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition. Mayfield Publ. Co., Mountain View, CA.
Galvin, K.A. and M.A. Little. 1999. Dietary intake and nutritional status. Pp. 125-145. in M.A. Little and P.W. Leslie (eds.) Turkana Herders of the Dry Savanna. Ecology and biobehavioral response of nomads to an uncertain environment. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ojima, D.S., W.E. Easterling, W J Parton, R. Kelly, B. McCarl, L.Bohren, K. Galvin and B. Hurd. 1999. Integration of ecosystem and economic factors determining land use in the Central Great Plains. In: P. Puntenney (ed). A Lasting Impression: Interpreting the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Issues. Lynne Reinner Press, Boulder, CO.
Allen-Diaz, B. and others (including K. Galvin). 1996. Rangelands in a Changing Climate: Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigation. Pp. 131-158 in R.T. Watson, M.C. Zinyowera and R. H. Moss (eds.) Climate Change 1995. Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Galvin, K.A. 1996. Nomadism. Pp. 859-863 in D. Levinson and M. Ember (eds.) Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. Henry Holt and Co., New York, NY.
Fratkin, E., K. A. Galvin and E. A. Roth. 1994. Introduction. Pp. 1-16 in E. Fratkin, K. A. Galvin and E. A. Roth (eds.) African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach. Lynne Rienner, Boulder.
Galvin, K. A., D. L. Coppock and P. W. Leslie. 1994. Diet, nutrition and the pastoral strategy. Pp. 113-132 in E. Fratkin, K. A. Galvin and E. A. Roth (eds.) African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach. Lynne Rienner, Boulder.
McNeill, J., D. Alves, L. Arizpe, O. Bykova, K. Galvin and others. 1994. Toward a typology and regionalization of land-cover and land-use change: Report of working Group B. Pp. 55-72 in W. B. Meyer and B. L. Turner II (eds.) Changes in Land Use and Land Cover: A Global Perspective Cambridge University Press, NY.
Roth, E. A., E. Fratkin and K. A. Galvin. 1994. Future directions in pastoral society and research. Pp. 231-236 in E. Fratkin, K. A. Galvin and E. A. Roth (eds.) African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach. Lynne Rienner, Boulder.
Little, M. A., N. Dyson-Hudson, R. Dyson-Hudson, J. E. Ellis, K. A. Galvin, P.W. Leslie, and D. M. Swift. 1990. Ecosystem approaches in human biology: with a case study of the South Turkana Ecosystem Project. Pp. 389-434 in E. F. Moran (ed.) The Ecosystem Approach in Anthropology Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Leslie, P. W., P. H. Fry, K. Galvin, and J. T. McCabe. 1988. Biological, behavioral and ecological influences on fertility in Turkana pastoralists. Pp. 705-712 in E. E. Whitehead, C. F. Hutchinson, B. N. Timmermann and R. G. Varady (eds.) Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow, Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Little, M. A., K. Galvin, and P. W. Leslie. 1988. Health and energy requirements in nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Pp. 288-315 in I. de Garine and G. A. Harrison (eds.) Coping With Uncertainty in Food Supply, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Little, M. A., K. Galvin, K. Shelley, B. R. Johnson, and M. Mugambi. 1988. Resources, biology and health of pastoralists. Pp. 713-726 in E. E. Whitehead, C. F. Hutchinson, B. N. Timmermann, R. G. Varady (eds.) Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow, Westview Press, Boulder.
Galvin, K., and S. K. Waweru. 1987. Variation in the energy and protein content of milk consumed by nomadic pastoralists of northwest Kenya. Pp. 129-138 in A. A. J. Jansen, H. T. Horelli and V. J. Quinn (eds.) Food and Nutrition in Kenya. A historical review. UNICEF, Nairobi.
Coppock, D. L., J. T. McCabe, J. E. Ellis, K. A. Galvin, and D. M. Swift. 1984. Traditional tactics of resource exploitation and allocation among nomads in an arid African environment. Pp. 87-96 in L. D. White and J. A. Tiedeman (eds.). Proceedings of the International Rangeland Development Symposium Society for Range Management, Salt Lake City.
Ellis, J. E., D. L. Coppock, J. T. McCabe, K. A. Galvin, and J. Wienpahl. 1984. Aspects of energy consumption in a pastoral ecosystem: Wood use by the South Turkana. Pp. 164-1987 in C. Barnes and P. O’Keefe (eds.) Wood Utilization in Kenya SAIS, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 164-187.
Coppock, D. L., J. E. Ellis, J. Wienpahl, J. T. McCabe, D. M. Swift, and K. A. Galvin. 1982. A review of livestock studies of the South Turkana Ecosystem Project. Pp. 168-172 in Proceedings, Small Ruminant CRSP Workshop, Kenya. CRSP Support Program, Nairobi.
Reports/Books/Papers (non-refereed)
Reid, Robin .S., Dickson Kaelo, Kathleen A. Galvin, and Renée Harmon. 2016. Pastoral Wildlife Conservancies in Kenya: A Bottom-up Revolution in Conservation, Balancing Livelihoods and Conservation? Proceedings of the International Rangelands Congress, 18-22 July 2016, Saskatoon, Canada.
Reid, R.S., D. Kaelo, D. Nkedianye, P. Kristjanson, M.Y. Said, KA Galvin and I. Gambill. 2015.The Mara- Serengeti Ecosystem and Greater Maasailand: Building the Role of Local Leaders, Institutions, and Communities. Pp. 205-229. In: Conservation Catalysts. The Academy as Nature’s Agent, J.N Levitt, ed., Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Cambridge, MA. http://www.lincolninst.edu/pubs/2472_Conservation-Catalysts
Galvin, K. 2013. Pastoral Perceptions of Climate and Environmental Changes and Visioning for a New Future. Center for Collaborative Conservation, CSU Spring Newsletter
Galvin, K. R. Reid, D. Nkedianye, J. Njoka, J. Roque do Pinho, D. Kaelo, P. Thornton. 2013. Pastoral Transformations to Resilient Futures: Understanding Climate from the Ground Up. It is available at http://lcccrsp.org/publications/research-briefs/
Rounsevell, Arneth, Brown, de Noblet, Ellis, Finnigan, Galvin, Grigg, Harman, Lennox, Magliocca, Parker, O’Neil, Verburg, Young. 2012. Incorporating human behaviour and decision making processes in land use and climate system models. Report of the GLP and CSIRO sponsored workshop, Crackenback, Australia, Nov/Dec 2011
Moritz, M., M Paolisso, C Carothers, S Downey, K. Galvin, D. Gerkey, T. McCabe, A Wutich, R Zarger, J S Lansing. 2012 Ecological Anthropologists at ASM explore contributions to LTER. LTER Network News 25(3): http://news.lternet.edu/Article2606.html
Galvin, K. A. 2012 FinalTrip/Project Report to Livestock – Climate Change Collaborative Research Support Program, CSU. http://lccrsp.org/
Galvin, K.A. 2007. Adding the Human Component in Global Environmental Change Research. Article for the newspaper, Anthropology News 49(7) October
Galvin, K.A., C. Kerven, A. Abdurasulov, E. Almeev, S. Aryngaziev and K. Karymsakov. 2003. Final Project Report: Feasibility of market development and support services for livestock products in Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan. U.S. AID, Global Livestock Collabortive Research Support Program.
Galvin, K.A., R.S. Reid, S. Burnsilver and R.B. Boone. 2002. Linking communities and households to climate variability and land cover/land-use change at different scales in farming and pastoral systems of East Africa. Paper prepared for the Workshop on Linking Household and Remotely Sensed Data: Methodological and Practical Problems, held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, January 3-8, 2002.
Boone, R.B., M.B. Coughenour, K. A. Galvin and J. E. Ellis. 2001. Using the SAVANNA modeling system to address potential management questions in Ngorongoro, Tanzania and Kajiado, Kenya. (Chapter 7). Pp. 73-104. In: A System for Integrated Management and Assessment of East African Pastoral Lands. Balancing food security, wildlife conservation and ecosystem integrity. R.B. Boone and M.B. Coughenour, eds. Final Report to the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program. Available at: http://nrel.colostate.edu/projects/imas/prods/finals/GLCRSP_IMAS_2001.pdf
Galvin, K. A. 2001. African livestock systems and drought: Integrated assessment of human vulnerability. Article for Nomadic, the Newsletter of the International Institute for the study of Nomadic Civilizations.
Galvin, K.A. 2001. Ecological impact of hunter-gatherer societies. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Simon A. Levin, ed. Academic Press, San Diego.
Galvin, K.A. and R. B. Boone. 2001 East African pastoralism and the integrated management and assessment system project (Chapter 1). Pp. 1-8. In: A System for Integrated Management and Assessment of East African Pastoral Lands. Balancing food security, wildlife conservation and ecosystem integrity. R.B.
Boone and M.B. Coughenour, eds. Final Report to the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program. Available at: http://nrel.colostate.edu/projects/imas/prods/finals/GLCRSP_IMAS_2001.pdf
Galvin, K.A. and P.K. Thornton. 2001. Human ecology, economics and pastoral household modeling. (Chapter 8) Pp. 105-124. In: A System for Integrated Management and Assessment of East African Pastoral Lands. Balancing food security, wildlife conservation and ecosystem integrity. R.B. Boone and M.B. Coughenour (eds.) Final Report to the USAID Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program. Available at: http://nrel.colostate.edu/projects/imas/prods/finals/GLCRSP_IMAS_2001.pdf
Galvin, K., P. Thornton and S. Mbogoh. 2000. Integrated Modeling and Assessment for Balancing Food Security, Conservation and Ecosystem Integrity in East Africa. Final Report, Socio-Economic Modeling Component, 1997-2000. IMAS Project. Available at: http://nrel.colostate.edu/projects/imas/prods/finals/PHEWS_FR.pdf
Galvin, K.A., J. Ellis, C. H. Vogel. 1999. Responses to climate variability and utility of climate forecast information for the livestock sector in the arid and semi-arid zone, South Africa. Human Dimension and Economics Principal Investigators Meeting. Project Summaries. New Directions in Research. April 26-28. Tucson, AZ.
Galvin, K.A. and C Vogel 1999. Users of seasonal forecasts. Armoedsvlakte, Vryburg, South Africa. 5-6 October. Report of a Workshop. Available at: http://www.nrel.colostate.edu/projects/wits/prods/WShop_99.pdf
Galvin, K.A. 1996. Climate variability and its impact in the arid and semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Feature article for the ENSO Signal, the NOAA Newsletter, 4 (March):6-7.
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. 1994. Memoranda from a workshop on Research Needs and Modes of Support for the Human Dimensions of Global Change. Washington, DC, July.
Ellis, J. E., K. Galvin, J. T. McCabe, and D. M. Swift. 1987. Pastoralism and drought in Turkana District, Kenya. A Report to NORAD. Nairobi, Kenya, Mimeo. 202pages.
Ellis, J. E., K. Galvin, andJ. T. McCabe. 1985.Coping with drought in pastoral Turkana. Interim Progress Report to the Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD). July.
Galvin, K., and J. T. McCabe. 1985. Effects of seasonal drought on livestock dynamics and movement and on food supply. Progress Report to NORAD. November.
Book Reviews
Galvin, K. A. 2011. Review of Holtzman, J. Uncertain Tastes. Memory, Ambivalence, and the Politics of Eating in Samburu, Northern Kenya. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Galvin, K. A. Review of Homewood, K.. Ecology of African Pastoralist Societies. Reviewed for African Journal of Range and Forage Science 2010, 27(2): xx-xx.
Galvin, K.A. Review of Fratkin, E and E.A. Roth (eds.) 2005. As Pastoralists Settle. Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya. Reviewed for Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (in press).
Galvin, K.A. Review for Rothenberg, D. and M. Ulvaeus (eds). 2001. The World and the Wild. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. For Conservation Biology 17(4): 1192-1193.
Galvin, K.A. Review of Redford, K.J. and J.A. Mansour (eds.) 1996. Traditional peoples and biodiversity conservation in large tropical landscapes. America Verde Publ., The Nature Conservancy, Latin America and Caribbean Division, Arlington, VA BioScience 1998, 48(2):131-132.
Galvin, K. A. Review of Dettwyler, K. A. 1994. Dancing skeletons. Life and Death in West Africa. Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Illinois. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1994, 95(1):106-107.
Galvin, K. A. Review for Kotter, N. G. 1990. Sharing Innovation. Global perspectives on food, agriculture and rural development. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 1992, 6(2):137-138.
Galvin, K. Review of Clydesdale, F. M. and F. J. Francis. 1985. Food, Nutrition and Health. AVI Publ. Co., Westport, Conn. Human Biology 1986, 58(5):824-825.
Conference Papers and Invited Paper Titles
Galvin, KA 2016 (April) Global Environmental Change: Research and Engagement for Resilience. Paper presented at the Society for Economic Anthropology, Athens, GA
Galvin, KA and TA Beeton 2016 (March) Food Security in East African Drylands: Are the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Attainable. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver.
Galvin, KA., M. Luizza, T A. Beeton and R S. Reid. 2016 (January) African Community Based Conservancies: A Review and Action. Paper presented at the Pathways Conference, Nanyuki, Kenya.
Galvin, KA 2016 (January) Global Environmental Change: Education and Research. Invited paper presented to Ministers and University of Rwanda officials at the CSU/GOR Memorandum of Understanding Dinner, Kigali, Rwanda.
Galvin, KA 2015 (November) African Dryland Peoples and Climate Change: A Knowledge Network for Conservancies. Invited paper presented at the international conference Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty – Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change that will took place on 26 and 27 November 2015 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
Galvin, KA 2015 (July) Co-Creation of Knowledges in International Knowledge Networks in the Session, Co-creation of Knowledge in International Research Collaborations at the APLU (Association of Public and Land-grant Universities) meeting, in Estes Park
Galvin, KA 2015 (March) Knowledges Networks. Paper presented at the University of Nairobi workshop on Community Extension and Engagement (organized by Lou Swanson, VP Engagement and Rick Miranda, Executive Vice President and Provost.)
Galvin, KA. 2014 Transformative Knowledge Network on the World’s Rangelands through Social Change. Presented at the PI meeting of 1st Transformative Knowledge Workshop, 17-19 November, Potsdam, Germany
Galvin, K.., 2014. An invited talk at the American Anthropological Association, in the Session Operationalizing Resilience Theory within Anthropology. “Climate Compatible Adaptation in the Social-Ecological systems of Mongolia”.
Galvin, K. 2014. Discussant paper in the session, Engaging ‘Wicked’ Problems, Part I: Producing Knowledge at the Nexus of Climate Change and Energy, American Anthropological Association meetings, December
Galvin, K. 2013. Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability in Dryland Systems. Paper presented at the Workshop, Managing Pastoral Systems in River Basins for Climate Change: pathways toward climate compatible development. UlaanBaator, Mongolia, October
Galvin, K. 2013. Simulation as Approach to Social-Ecological Integration: Agent Based Modeling. Paper presented in the plenary, Integration of the Social Sciences, at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO June.
Galvin, K. 2013. Land Change and Impacts. Paper presented at the Workshop, Globalizing our understanding of land use change drivers and impacts SESYNC, University of Maryland, June
Galvin, K. 2013. Resilience in Dryland Ecosystems and Societies. Keynote paper given at the University of Nairobi Student Led Conference, Nairobi, May
Galvin, K. 2013 Linking decision-making to ecosystem services: using an integrated modeling approach. Invited paper presented in the Symposium, New Directions in Modeling Dynamics for Coupled Social-Natural Systems, Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, HI, April
Galvin, K. 2012 Linking households and land use to a fragmented environment. Invited paper presented at the Long Term Ecological Research. All Scientists Meeting. 10-13 September, Estes Park, CO
Galvin, K., M.Y. Said, R.B. Boone, R.S. Reid, D. 2012. Transformations to resilient futures: development from the local to the region in East Africa. Paper presented at Planet Under Pressure Meetings, Session on Climate Compatible Development: a global approach to improved wellbeing, London, March 28, 2012
Galvin, K., 2011 Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability. Paper presented at the 2nd MAIRS Workshop in Coupled Human-Environment Systems in Asian Drylands 8-10 June, Harbin, China
Galvin, K., D. Nkedianye and R Reid. 2011.Pastoral Adaptation through Governance to Changing African Landscapes. Paper presented at Resilience 2011: Second International Science and Policy Conference March 11- 16, Arizona State University Memorial Union, Tempe
Galvin, K.A.2011. Multiple Exposures: Pastoral sustainability under fragmentation and climate change. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology 71st Annual Meeting, March 29-April 2, Seattle
Galvin, K. A. 2009. Paper presented, Linking Household Decision Making to Ecosystem Services in Rangelands Using an Integrated Modeling Approach, presented at the Ecology Seminar Series, University of North Carolina, Feb 12.
Galvin, K.A. 2009. Paper, Sustainability Science: Elements from Pastoral Systems, presented in the session, Elements of Sustainable Science, at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings, Santa Fe, March 18-22.
Galvin, K.A., 2009. Sustainability: Change and Social Learning in Pastoral Systems presented in the session Sustainability, Adaptation and Sustainability, at the 7th Open Meeting of the International Human Dimensions Program meetings, Bonn, April 27-30.
Galvin, K. A., 2009. Paper presented, Double Exposure: Pastoral sustainability under fragmentation and climate change presented in the session, Double Exposure: Interactions Between Globalization and Global Environmental Change, at the Global Environmental Change and Human Security Synthesis Conference, Oslo, 22-24 June.
Galvin, K.A., S. Burnsilver and R. Boone. 2009. Paper presented, Linking Household Decision Making to Ecosystem Services in Rangelands: The value of Integrated Modeling, presented at the Reto o Reto workshop on Future of Pastoralism in Maasailand, Kitengela, Kenya, July 16-18.
Galvin, K.A, R. Reid, and D. Kaelo 2009 Paper presented, Linking social learning to innovative institutions: pastoral sustainability under fragmentation and climate change, in the session, New Governance Models in Collaborative Conservation: Hybrids of Government, Markets and Civil Society, at the International Symposium, sponsored by International Programs and jointly at the conference, Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Conservation from the Ground Up, sponsored by the Center for Collaborative Conservation, Colorado State University, September 8-11.
Galvin, K.A. and S. Burnsilver 2009. Linking pastoral decision-making to ecosystem services: using an integrated modeling approach. Invited paper in the session Quantitative Environmental Analysis in Environmental Anthropology organized by William Durham and Susan Charnley, Philadelphia, November
Galvin, K.A. 2008 Household Decision Making in Rangelands: Effects of Change Using an Integrated Modeling Approach. Invited paper presented at the Tod Spieker Colloquium Series, Department of Geography, UCLA, October
Galvin, K.A. 2008 Integrated Modeling: Application of Climate Change Adaptive Strategies in a Pastoral Community. Invited paper in the session, Water, Water Everywhere: Anthropologists’ Role(s) in the Uncertainty of Water in the Age of Global Climate Change, Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, March
Galvin, K.A. 2007. Environmental Change: Why Natural and Social Scientists Need to Work Together. Invited talk presented to the 13th Annual Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, April 4.
Galvin, K.A. 2007. Responses of Pastoralists to Land Fragmentation: Social Capital, Connectivity and Resilience. Invited paper presented in the session, Linking Adaptation and Sustainability: Case studies on Global Change in Local Places at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings, March 27-31.
Galvin, K.A. 2007. Conservation Policy and Human Wellbeing in Tanzania: Modeling a Complex Human Environment System. Invited paper presented to the Department of Anthropological Sciences and the Woods Institute, Stanford University, March 5.
Galvin, K.A. 2007. Pastoral Rangeland Systems and Global Environmental Change: Linking humans and the environment through modeling. Invited paper presented to the Environmental Studies Program.University of Colorado, Boulder. Feb 16, 2007.
Galvin, K.A. 2006. Climate Change and Conservation Policy: Implications for Access to Water in a Unique Region of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem. Invited paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, in the session Global Environmental Change and Local Water Resources: Images, Intersections, and Impacts from Siberia to Tuvalu, San Jose, CA November 15-19.
Galvin, K.A, RB Boone, DS Ojima, PK Thornto and JR Jawson. . 2006. Decision-making in Rangeland systems: an integrated Ecosystem-Agent-based Modeling Approach to Resilience and change (DREAMER). Poster presented at the NSF Human and Social Dynamics PI meeting, Washington, DC, September 14-15.
Galvin, K. A. 2006. Vulnerability of pastoral systems to global environmental change. Paper presented at the Organizational Meeting of the Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECAFS) Vulnerability of Food Systems Research Network, Oxford, UK, May 17-18.
Burnsilver, S and K.A. Galvin. 2005. “Walking the Walk” in the session, Interdisciplinary Science: Ecological Anthropologists and Question-driven Collaboration to Address Natural Resource Management and Conservation Problems. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, DC.
Galvin, K.A. Linking Human and Ecosystems: Lessons from Protected Area Research. Paper presented at the University of Maryland, Department of Geography, Seminar Series, Nov. 2005
Galvin, K.A., M.Betsill, J. Lackett, R. Boone, D. Ojima, PK Thornton and M Hernandez-Gimenez. 2005. Factors affecting household decision-making: concepts for understanding change and uncertainty. Paper presented at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Bonn, Germany, October 9-13
Thornton, P., R. Boone, K. Galvin, S. Burnsilver, M. Waithaka, J. Kuyiah, E. Gonzalez-Estrada, M. Herrero. 2005. Risk impacts on households in agropastoral and mixed systems in East and Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Bonn, Germany, October 9-13.
Galvin, K.A., C. Kerven, R.B. Boone and A. Smailov. 2005 Production strategies of livestock herders in the grasslands of Kazakhstan: Implications for the marketing of fibers. Poster presented at the International Grasslands Congress, Dublin, June 26-July 1.
Boone, R.B. and K.A. Galvin. 2005. Factors related to marketing success for fiber products in middle Asia. Poster presented at the International Grasslands Congress, Dublin, June 26-July 1.
Galvin, K.A., C. Costello, S. Polasky, M. Ritchie, C. Paker. 2005. Biocomplexity of the Greater Serengeti: Human Environment Interactions. Poster presented at the Biocomplexity in the Environment Conference, Understanding and Harnessing Complexity in the Environment, March 21-23, Washington, DC.
Boone, R.B., N.T. Hobbs, K.A. Galvin, R.H. Behnke, R.S. Reid, P.K. Thornton, A.J. Ash, C. Kerven, K.P. Price, M.B. Coughenour and S.J. Tavener. 2005 Biocomplexity, Scale and Fragmentation: Implications for Arid and Semi-Arid Landscapes (SCALE). Poster presented at the Biocomplexity in the Environment Conference, Understanding and Harnessing Complexity in the Environment, March 21-23, Washington, DC.
Galvin, K.A. 2003. Coupled Human Environment Systems: Lessons from East African Pastoral Systems. Paper presented at the Integrated Research on Coupled Human-Environment Systems Land Open Science Conference, Morelia, Mexico, December 2-5.
Galvin, K.A., R.B. Boone and P.K. Thornton. 2003. South African Livestock Systems and Adaptation to Climate Variability: Lessons for long-term climate change. Paper presented at the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Montreal, Canada, October, 16-18.
Galvin, K.A. P.K. Thornton, R. B. Boone and J. Sunderland. 2003. Climate Variability and Impacts on East African Livestock Herders. Invited paper presented at the VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa, July 28-August 1.
Galvin, K.A. 2002. Use of integrated assessment for balancing food security, conservation and ecosystem integrity in the rangelands of East Africa. Paper presented at the University of Wyoming Seminar Series in the Department of Anthropology. November 13.
Galvin, K.A. 2002. Integrated assessment of pastoral-wildlife interactions in East Africa. Socioeconomic considerations and socioeconomic modeling. Paper presented at the US-AID Global Livestock CRSP Program Conference, Washington, D.C. October 8-12.
Galvin, K.A. 2002. Feasibility of market development for livestock products in Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan. Paper presented at the US-AID Global Livestock CRSP Program Conference, Washington, D.C. October 8-12.
Galvin, K.A., C. Kerven, Nurlan Malmakov and J. Sunderland. 2002. Livestock product marketing in Kazakstan. Poster presented at the US-AID Global Livestock CRSP Program Conference, Washington, D.C. October 8-12.
Galvin, K.A. 2002. Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches with stakeholder interactions. Paper presented at the Human Dimensions of Global Change Principal Investigators Meeting, Seabrook Island, SC, October 23-25.
Galvin, K.A., R. B. Boone, P. Thornton, J. Hudson and C. Vogel 2002. Responses to climate variability and utility of climate forecast information for the livestock sector in the semi-arid zone, South Africa. Poster presented at the the Human Dimensions of Global Change Principal Investigators Meeting, Seabrook Island, SC, October 23-25.
Galvin, K.A., R.S. Reid, S. Burnsilver and R.B. Boone. 2002. Linking communities and households to climate variability and land cover/land-use change at different scales in farming and pastoral systems of East Africa. Paper prepared (and presented by RSR) for the Workshop on Linking Household and Remotely Sensed Data: Methodological and Practical Problems, East-West Center, Honolulu, January 3-8, 2002.
Galvin, K.A. 2001. African livestock systems and drought: Integrated Assessment of Human Vulnerability. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Public Health Impacts on Prolonged Drought in Rural America. May 16-17, Albany, Georgia.
Galvin, K.A. 2001. Responses to climate variability and utility of climate forecast information for the livestock sector in the arid and semi-arid zone, South Africa. Paper presented at the Workshop on Adding Value to Climate Forecasts, May 30-31, Vryburg, South Africa.
Galvin, K.A. 2001. Responses to drought and climate forecasts in the livestock sector of South Africa: Uses of integrated assessment. Invited paper presented at the Workshop on Communication of Climate Forecast Information, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, June 6-8, Palisades, New York.
Galvin, K.A., P.K. Thornton and J. Roque de Pinho 2001. Integrated modeling and assessment for balancing food security, conservation and ecosystem integrity in East Africa. Invited paper presented in the session, Beyond Rhetoric and Reproach: New Directions in Anthropology and Conservation at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Nov 28-Dec 2, Washington, D.C.
Runyoro, A.V., K.A. Galvin, P. Thornton, S.J. Lynn and J. Sunderland. 2001. Livelihood strategies: The Maasai Pastoralists of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Paper presented (by AVR) at the 2nd Annual Meetings of the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, December 4-6, Arusha, Tanzania.
Galvin, K.A. 2000. Community based conservation: does it work? Invited paper presented at the Symposium, Human Development and Biodiversity Conservation in the Developing World: Finding a Balance in Concept and Practice at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Snowbird, Utah.
Galvin, K.A. 2000. Human/cultural dimensions of development and conservation issues. Invited paper presented at the Workshop, Sustainable Biodiversity in the International Arena, at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Snowbird, Utah.
Jennings, T.L. and K.A. Galvin 2000. Farm Family Adaptability and Climate Variability in the Northern Great Plains. Paper presented (by TLJ) at the American Anthropological Association meetings, November.
Jennings, T.L. and K.A. Galvin 2000. Living with Uncertainty: Adaptive strategies for sustainable livelihoods in the northern Great Plains. Poster presented (by TLJ) at the Society for Economic Anthropology meetings, April.
Magennis, A.L. and K.A. Galvin. 2000. Growth patterns among Maasai pastoralists in northern Tanzania. Poster presented (by ALM) at the Human Biology Association meetings, April.
Galvin, K.A. 1999. Integrated multidisciplinary human ecological research in anthropology. Invited paper presented at the public policy session on Anthropology and Multi-disciplinary Research at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November.
Magennis, A. L. and K.A. Galvin 1999. Maternal-child nutrition among Maasai Pastoralists, Loliondo District, Tanzania. Paper presented (by ALM) at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November.
Galvin, K.A., J.Ellis, R.B. Boone, A. Magennis, N.M. Smith and S.J. Lynn. 1999. Compatibility of pastoralism and Conservation? A test case in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Displacement, Forced Settlement and Conservation, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, September.
Boone, R.B. and K.A. Galvin 1999. Using hierarchical greenness patterns to quantify the effects of El Nino on the Maasai of the Serengeti Ecosystem. Poster presented (by RBB) at the 5th World Congress, International Association of Landscape Ecology, Snowmass, CO, July-August.
Lynn, S., J. Ellis, K. Galvin and N. Smith 1999. Ecological impacts on Maasai Pastoralist land use patterns: Implications for conservation policy in multiple-use areas. Poster presented (by SJL) at the 5th World Congress, International Association of Landscape Ecology, Snowmass, CO, July-August.
Galvin, K.A., R.B.Boone, N.M. Smith and S.J. Lynn 1999. Impacts of climate variability on East African pastoralists: Linking Social Science and Remote Sensing. Invited paper presented in the session on Social Science Dimensions and Policy Contributions to Climate Change Research: African Perspectives at the Society of Applied Anthropology meetings, Tucson, April.
Galvin, K.A., J. Ellis, C. H. Vogel. 1999. Responses to climate variability and utility of climate forecast information for the livestock sector in the arid and semi-arid zone, South Africa. Presentation to the Human Dimension and Economics Principal Investigators Meeting. Tucson, April
Galvin, K.A., A. Magennis, J.E. Ellis, S. Lynn, and N. Smith. 1999. Effects of Conservation Policy on Human Well-being: A Comparative Study of Pastoral Maasai Nutrition and Economy in Northern Tanzania. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the Human Biology Association, Columbus, OH. April.
Lynn, S. J. Elllis and K.A. Galvin 1999. The impact of conservation policy on human land use patterns: A case study of Maasai Pastoralists in northern Tanzania. (abstract) Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Front Range Student Ecology Symposium. Ft. Collins, April.
Galvin, K.A., M.B. Coughenour and J.E. Ellis. 1998. Ecology and economy of pastoral nutrition. A test case using integrated assessment in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Poster presented at Heifer Project International. 1998 Symposium on Human Nutrition and Livestock. October.
Galvin, K.A. 1998. Compatibility of Pastoralism and Conservation? A test case using integrated assessment, in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the session on Pastoralism at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Williamsburg, VA, July 27-31.
Galvin, K.A. 1997. Pastoralism and conservation in the NCA, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at Forum 97: New Linkages in Conservation and Development, Istanbul, Turkey, November 16-21.
Galvin, K.A. 1997. Agriculture in the U.S. Great Plains: Effects of environment, government, and agricultural programs on land use. Presented at the 1997 Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, held at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, June 12-14.
Galvin, K.A. 1997. Biological conservation and human nutrition by geographical location in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Poster presented at the Human Biology Association meetings. St. Louis. April 1-2.
Galvin, K.A. and J. Ellis. 1996. Climate patterns and human socio-ecological strategies in the rangelands of sub-Saharan Africa. Invited paper presented at the Workshop: Southern African Rangelands Today and Tomorrow: Social Institutions for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, supported by the international global change research community through GCTE, START, and IHDP, Gaborone, Botswana, June 10-14, 1996.
Galvin, K.A. 1996. Turkana diet and nutrition: Implications for adaptation. Invited paper at the session on The Human Biology of the Turkana, at the annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Durham, NC, April 9-14. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:109 (Abstract).
Galvin, K.A. 1995. A biocultural perspective to human development in ecosystems of high climate variability. Invited discussion at the session on Health and Reproduction Among Nomadic Pastoralists of Turkana, Northwest Kenya: A Biocultural Perspective, at the annual meetings of the African Studies Association, Orlando, November 3-6.
Galvin, K.A. 1995. People and conservation issues in Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S.A., June.
Galvin, K.A. 1995. Ecology and economy of pastoral health in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series, University of Colorado, Boulder, March.
Galvin, K.A. 1995. Conservation policy and human nutrition in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. Invited paper presented at the session on Natural Resource Management in Eastern and Southern Africa: Issues of Sustainability and Conservation at the annual meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, March 29-April 2.
Galvin, K.A. 1994. Food choice during drought among Maasai women pastoralists of northern Tanzania. Invited poster at the invited poster session on Famine Foods: Food choice under conditions of scarcity at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, November 30-December 4.
Galvin, K. A., J. E. Ellis, J. T. McCabe and P. Moehlman. 1994. Wealth and nutrition among Maasai pastoralists in a conservation area, Tanzania. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Denver, April. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:91-92 (Abstract).
Galvin, K. A. 1994. Ecology and economy of pastoral nutrition in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Invited paper at the Environmental Studies seminar series, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, March.
Galvin, K. A. 1993. Climate patterns, land use and nutrition in the dry zones of East and West Africa. Invited paper at the Conference on Critical Issues for Africa: Food, Environment, Population and Health. Sponsored by The African Studies Program and the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (ACT), Indiana University, March.
Galvin, K. A. 1992. Social and ecological factors affecting human population biology. Invited presentation at the National Academy of Science sponsored meeting on the Grassland Ecosystem of the Mongolian Steppe, Racine, WI, March.
Galvin, K. A. 1992. Wildlife conservation biology and people: Issues of compatibility in Africa. Invited paper at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; sponsored by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences and the Women’s Research Institute, April.
Galvin, K. A. 1992. Health, nutrition and land use change in the arid and semiarid regions of Sub-saharan Africa. Invited paper at the Aspen Global Change Institute’s two week session on Food, Conservation and Global Environmental Change: Is Compromise Possible?, August.
Galvin, K. A. 1991. Biobehavioral responses to seasonal food stress among pastoralists in northwest Kenya. Invited paper presented in the symposium on Developments in East African Pastoralist Research at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November.
Galvin, K. A. 1990. Nutritional ecology of pastoralists in the arid tropics. Invited paper presented in the symposium on nutrition and diet in human biology at the annual meeting of the Human Biology Council, Miami, FL, April.
Galvin, K. A. 1989. Responses to global climate change in the developing world. Invited paper presented at the conference on Strategic Responses to Global Change sponsored by Colorado State University College of Forestry and Natural Resources and Senator Timothy E. Wirth, Fort Collins, Colorado, October.
Galvin, K. A. 1989. Human interactions and impacts in arid and semi-arid lands. Invited paper presented at the workshop on Arid Ecosystems Interactions sponsored by the Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies, University Corporation for Atmosphere Research, Boulder, Colorado. The workshop was a contribution to the development of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program.
Galvin, K. A. 1989. Ecosystem variation, food procurement and nutritional status in two East African pastoral populations. Invited paper presented in the session on Ecological Influences on Diet and Nutritional Status at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November.
Galvin, K. A. and M. A. Little. 1987. Seasonal patterns of body size and composition among pastoral nomads of northwestern Kenya. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New York, New York, April.
Galvin, K. A. 1987. Seasonal variation in activity patterns as a response to food shortage. Invited paper presented in the session on Biobehavioral responses to drought and food stress at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November.
Galvin, K. 1986. Coping with drought in Turkana District, Kenya. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver.
Galvin, K. A. 1986. Nutritional status as an indicator of impending food stress. Paper presented in the invited session on Refugee Resettlement, Famine Relief, and Early Warning Systems of Famine at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, December.
Galvin, K. 1984. Seasonal variation in diet of the nomadic patterns and human socio-ecological strategies in the rangelands of sub-Saharan Africa. Invited paper presented at the Workshop: Southern African Rangelands Today and Tomorrow: Social Institutions for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, supported by the international global change research community through GCTE, START, and IHDP, Gaborone, Botswana, June 10-14, 1996.
Ellis, J. E., M. B. Coughenour, D. L. Coppock, K. Galvin, D. M. Swift. 1984. Patterns of energy extraction and utilization in a pastoral ecosystem. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Galvin, K., and D. L. Coppock. 1983. Livestock ecology and human diet in a nomadic pastoral ecosystem. Invited paper, University of Wyoming Seminar Series in Biology, Laramie.
Galvin, K., and M. A. Little. 1983. Seasonal aspects of diet, nutrition, and health among pastoral Turkana. Symposium, “Human Ecology and the Ecosystem in a Predevelopment Pastoral Society,” annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Detroit.
Galvin, K. 1983. Women’s status, food allocation, and nutritional condition in pastoral Turkana households. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
Galvin, K. 1983. Seasonal food shortage among pastoral Turkana. Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the African Studies Association, Boston.
Little, M. A., K. Galvin, and P. W. Leslie. 1982. Health and energy requirements in nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Invited paper, Symposium on Coping with Uncertainty in Food Supply, Bad Homburg, Federal Republic of Germany.
Coppock, D. L., J. E. Ellis, J. Wienpahl, J. T. McCabe, D. M. Swift, and K. A. Galvin. 1982. A review of livestock studies of the South Turkana Ecosystem Project. CRSP Small Ruminant Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya.
Invited Participant
2007 SANREM CRSP (Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Collaborative Research Support Program) Annual Meeting, 24-27, June. Cochabamba, Bolivia
2007 Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change: Linkages and a new Agenda, Blakeney, Norfolk, UK, 17-20 April, workshop sponsored by the Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia.
2007 Integrating Socio-ecological Sciences Through a Community Modeling Framework. A Planning and Organizing Workshop at Arizona State University, March 1-3. Tempe.
2002 International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP), Land Planning Meeting, CSU, January
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Working Group on Serengeti: The Origins and Future of a Complex Ecosystem, September 26-October 3.
1997 International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Workshop on Land-Use Modelling in the East African Highlands, Nanyuki, Kenya, December 9-12
1996 NOAA, NASA sponsored Workshop on Reducing Climate Vulnerability for Southern Africa. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Oct. 1-4
1995 NOAA sponsored International Forum on Forecasting El Niño: Launching an International Research Institute, Washington, DC, November
1995 International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP ) Global Change Meeting, Pretoria, South Africa, April
1994 NAS/NRC Workshop on Research Needs and Modes of Support for the NSF Program on Human Dimensions of Global Change, February.
1991 Global Change Institute on Land Use/Cover Change, Aspen, August
Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor
(Total: 14) J. Roque dePinho (Portuguese Postdoc) S. Burnsilver (ASU); S. DeLuca (CSU), A. Samuelson (U of Wisconsin) , C. Donofrio; S. Ewalt; J. Hudson, T. Jennings, (U of Wisconsin); J. Lackett, (CSU); N. Smith, (CU).; Y. Umabe, (UNICEF), P. Bruss, L. Knapp, E Knapp (Hamilton C), Melissa Haeffner (Utah State U)
Current PhD graduate students: Mindy Clark, Tyler Beeton, Tomas Pickering, Trevor Evan
Postdocs: R. Boone, PhD U of Maine 1998-2002; P. Weisberg, PhD Oregon State U 1998-2000.