Julie Heinrichs

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My research focus is in understanding how population and habitat conditions interact to product complex, multi-scale dynamics that influence population and species distributions and persistence. With species conservation as the common thread, my projects span the continuum of purely theoretical to highly applied research. I often use mechanistic models to combine demographic, movement, behavior, and habitat use datasets into a common spatially explicit framework to evaluate the impacts of system changes on individual and population outcomes. Recent theoretical projects have focused on the relative influences of habitat and species characteristics on population persistence in fragmented landscapes, the drivers of source-sink dynamics, and differential contributions of sinks to persistence. Applied projects have focused on identifying critical habitat as well as the impacts of development, climate change, fire, habitat restoration, translocation, harvesting, and parasitism on population outcomes. Recent empirical study organisms/systems include the Black-capped vireo (Texas) and the Ord’s Kangaroo rat (Alberta). I am currently working with collaborators at USGS in Fort Collins to develop models and decision-support products for Greater Sage-grouse (Wyoming, Nevada, Canada) and Gunnison Sage-grouse (Colorado) systems.