Greg Newman

Greg Newman - Publications (Recent/Selected)
Lin Hunter, D. E., G. J. Newman, and M. M. Balgopal. 2023. What’s in a name? The paradox of citizen science and community science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21:244-250.
Xoco A. Shinbrot, Kelly W. Jones, Greg Newman & Miriam Ramos-Escobedo. 2021. Why citizen scientists volunteer: the influence of motivations, barriers, and perceived project relevancy on volunteer participation and retention from a novel experiment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2021.1979944
Lin Hunter, D. E., G. J. Newman, and M. M. Balgopal. 2020. Citizen Scientist or Citizen Technician: A Case Study of Communication on One Citizen Science Platform. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5:17.
Newman, G., M. Chandler, M. Clyde, B. McGreavy, M. Haklay, H. Ballard, S. Gray, R. Scarpino, R. Hauptfeld, D. Mellor, and J. Gallo. 2016. Leveraging the power of place in citizen science for effective conservation decision making. Biological Conservation. Biological Conservation.
Gray, S., R. Jordan, A. Crall, G. Newman, Hmelo-Silver, H. C., J., , W. Novak, D. Mellor, T. Frensley, M. Prysby, and A. Singer. 2016. Combining participatory modelling and citizen science to support volunteer conservation action. Biological Conservation.