Dennis Ojima

Curriculum Vitae
Dennis Shoji Ojima, PhD
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Department
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
NREL: 970 491 1976
Academic Training
B.A. 1975 Pomona College
M.Ag. 1978 University of Florida
Ph.D. 1987 Colorado State University
Professional Experience
2011- University Director North Central Climate Science Center
2011- Professor Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
2009-2011 Professor Department of Forestry, Rangelands, and Watershed Stewardship, CSU
2007- 2009 Senior Scholar in The H John Heinz III Center for Science,
Residence Economics and the Environment
2005-2006 Interim Director Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
2004-2009 Assistant Professor Department of Forestry, Rangelands, and Watershed Stewardship, CSU
1996 Sr. Research Scientist Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
1995 Graduate Faculty Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, CSU
1993-1996 Research Scientist Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
1992-2004 Assistant Professor Rangeland Ecosystem Science Dept., CSU
1990-1993 Research Associate Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU
1990-1993 Visiting Scientist Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies, UCAR
1988-1990 Programme Officer International Geosphere Biosphere Programme
1987-1988 Postdoctoral Fellowship Colorado State University
1982-1987 Graduate Research Asst. Colorado State University
1981-1982 Farmer Woodland, California
1979-1981 Florida State Biologist Everglades National Park, detailed from University of Florida
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Dennis Ojima is a Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability; Senior Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University; and University Director of the North Central Climate Science Center at Colorado State University for the Department of Interior. His research area involves application of social ecological system approaches to climate and land use changes on ecosystems around the world, carbon accounting, and adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change. These research efforts have led extensive international work in Senegal, Ethiopia, China, Mongolia, and Central Asia training researchers and managers in topics related to carbon sequestration, adaptation technologies, and modeling land use and climate change impacts on ecosystem dynamics. His work on carbon sequestration involved direct work with the Clinton Initiative on Carbon Poverty Reduction project led by Dr. James Baker and led to a various interventions with Guyana and other countries associated with the project. This also led to consultations with the World Bank, US AID, and collaborative activities with ESRI. He is an Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow since 1999, is serving on the National Research Council Board on Environmental Change and Society, and was Resident Senior Scholar at the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment in Washington, DC. He co-led the development of the Global Land Project (2001-2005) and co-chaired the GLP (2005-2006). He served as co-convener of the technical report and the synthesis chapter of the Great Plains Regional Assessment for the 3rd US National Climate Assessment (2012-1014). He has been recognized for his international contributions in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment receiving which received the 2005 Zayed International Prize for the Environment and the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. In 2013 was honored as a Champion of the Environment by the Mongolian Minister of the Environment and Green Development. Professor Ojima received his BA and Master’s Degrees in Botany from Pomona College (1975) and the University of Florida (1978), and his PhD from the Rangeland Ecosystem Science Department at Colorado State University in 1987.
Ojima's Recent Research Seeks:
- Science based solutions and decision making to climate change challenges
- Understanding ecosystem dynamics in relation to changes in climate, land use, and biogeochemical cycles to natural and anthropogenic forces.
- Applying a social-ecological system framing in the development of response strategies and adaptation options co-developed with resource managers in semi-arid ecosystems across the globe
Professional Awards
Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellow elected in 1999
Ecological Society of America Governing Board, Member at Large 2005 – 2007
Zayed International Prize for the Environment for Contributing to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005
Nobel Peace Prize 2007 for Contributions to the IPCC
National Research Council Committee Member for Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change (2008 to 2015)
National Research Council Board member for Board on International Scientific Organizations (2009 to 2012)
Department of Interior Award: Partners in Conservation Award for contribution on “Scanning the Conservation Horizon: A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment”
Bren School of Environmental Sciences and Management’s Zurich Distinguished Visitor, UC Santa Barbara, October 3-14, 2011
Champion of the Environment by the Mongolian Minister of the Environment and Green Development (2013)
National Research Council Committee Member for Board on Enviromental Change and Society (formerly Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change (2012 to 2015)
Invited by USGCRP to be Co-Lead author of the Great Plains Climate Assessment Technical Report (2012-2015)
Invited by USGCRP to be Co-Lead author of the Great Plains Climate Assessment Synthesis Chapter (2013-2015)
Invited member of USDA Special Assessment on Food Security (2013- 2015)
Invited Co-lead for State of Colorado Vulnerability Assessment (2014-2015)
Invited member of Interagency Land Product User Working Group (2014-present)
Appointed Acting US Global Hub Director of the Future Earth Secretariat (2015)
Professional Society Membership
American Geophysical Union, Life Member since 1990;
American Association for the Advancement Science, since 1985;
Ecological Society of America, Life Member since 1988;
Society of Range Management, intermittent since 1999;
Professional Organizations and Committees
International Social Science Council/International Geosphere Biosphere Programme ad hoc Committee on Land Cover/Use, Committee Member, 1991‑1993
International Global Atmospheric‑Biospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Program Steering Committee Member on Activity 7.2: Trace‑Gas Fluxes in Mid‑Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems (TRAGEX), 1990‑1996
Biosphere‑Atmosphere Trace Gas Network US (TRAGNET) Steering Committee Member, 1992‑1996
IPCC 1996 Second Assessment: Working Group I, Chapter I, Carbon Cycle (Lead Author), IPCC Working Group II, Subgroup D, Mitigation Options in Agriculture (Contributing Author), IPCC Chapter II.A.2., Grasslands and Rangelands (Lead Author) 1994‑1995, Expert Reviewer Working Group II;
SAC IV Organizing Committee and Poster Chairperson, Beijing, 1995;
START ‑ TEACOM Project on Land‑Use/Cover Changes in Temperate East Asia (LUTEA) Science Committee Chair, 1996‑2001;
Central Great Plains Regional Assessment, 1997‑1998, Regional Convener
USAID Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program, Technical Committee Member, 1999-2002
Socioeconomic Data and applications Center; (SEDAC) User working Group for Center for
International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) 2001-2005
IGBP Land Transition Co-Chair 2001-2005
Global Change Biology: Subject Editor 2003-2004
NRC Panel on Population Land Use Environment 2004-2005
Scientific Technical Advisory Panel to GEF Desertification Panel 2004-2006
Northern Eurasian Ecosystem Science Partnership Initiative Science Steering Committee Member 2003-
International Global Observation Land (IGOL) Working Group Member 2004 – 2007
Global Land Project, Co-Chairman, 2005 -2006
International Geosphere Biosphere Programme Scientific Steering Committee Member 2005-2006
International Human Dimensions Programme Scientific Steering Committee Member 2005-2006
US National SCOPE Committee Member 2005-
National Research Committee on NASA Applications Review 2005-2007
Ecological Society of America Board Member 2005 – 2007
Planning Committee Member for International Conference on “Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management” (2005 to present)
USDA Review Panel Chairperson for Global Change Program and Air Quality Program (2008 Review Team)
CCSP FACA Review Committee of SAP 4.3 (2007 to 2008)
CCSP FACA Review Committee Member for SAP 4.2 (2008)
Joint North American Carbon Project Scientific Steering Committee
National Research Council Committee Member for Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change (2008 to 2015)
US Carbon Cycle Science Working Group (CCS WG) 2008 – 2011
Selection Committee member for the AAAS Fellowships 2008 – 2009
Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study Scientific Steering Committee 2008 –
National Research Council Panel Member for Panel on USGS Spatial Data Infrastructure committee (2009 to 2010)
DOI North Central Regional Climate Science Center University Coordinator 2010 –
National Climate Assessment Great Plains Regional Technical Assessment Co-lead 2011 – 2012
National Climate Assessment Great Plains Regional Assessment Synthesis Chapter Co-lead 2012 – 2013
Sustainability from Land Working Group 2010 –
Knowledge System for Sustainability Network 2011 to present
Climate Smart Agriculture – CSU representative
Non Academic Activities
Member of Board for Colorado Mongolian Society (1999-2001)
Member of Task force on Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Center for Rural Affairs (1999-2001)
Board Member, American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) 2002-2015
Scientific Advisor to Rocky Mountain Climate Organization 2003 – 2005
University Committees (Selected Committees from 1990 to 2006)
Strategic Planning Committee for the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory 1992
Strategic Planning Committee for College of Forestry and Natural Resources 1992
Search Committee for Dean of College of Natural Resources 1992
Task Group for Plant Ecosystems Strategic Planning for the Agricultural Experiment Station, CSU. 1993-1994
Interim Representative to Faculty Council for Range Science (Fall 1993)
NREL Graduate Student Representative (1994 present)
NREL Committee for Research Associate Salary Assessment (1994)
NREL Growth Planning Committee (1994‑1995)
Executive Committee for Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (1995‑1997)
College of Natural Resource Code Committee (1996‑1997)
College Steering Committee 1995-2002
College International Committee, 2001-2003
NREL Space Committee 1999-2002
NREL Computer Committee 1999-
WCNR Steering Committee on Leadership Training Program for Conservation (2005 – 2006)
CSU Strategic Planning Committee for Discovery 2004-2005
CSU College of Natural Resources Strategic Planning Committee 2005
CSU College of Natural Resources Executive Committee 2005-2006
CSU and NREL Environmental SuperCluster Committee 2005-2006
NREL Executive Committee Member (2005 to 2007)
NREL External Advisory Committee Planning Committee (2006-2007)
Colorado State University Search Committee for Vice President for Research 2005-2006
CSU Warner College of Natural Resources Dean Search Committee 2006-2007
Review Panel Member
DOE Panel Member (1993)
USDA-CSRS, Ecosystem Panel (1994)
National Institute of Global Environmental Change Great Plains Panelist (1996-2004)
IRCEB Panel – NSF Proposal Panelist (2001-2002)
LBA-ECO Panel – NASA Proposal Panelist (2002)
NSF Integrated Carbon Cycle Research Program Panel- NSF Proposal Panelist (2002)
NASA LCLUC Water Panel (2004)
NSF NEON Reverse Site Review (2006)
NASA EOS Recompetition “Land” peer review panel (2007)
NSF Panel for Coupled Human Environment (2007)
USDA/ARS Chair of Review Panel of Global Change and Air Research Programs (2008)
NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program (2009)
Graduate Student Committees
Advisor or Co-Advisor:
Xiangming Xiao (Co‑Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 1993
Roberta Martin (Co‑Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS, 1996
Laura Stretch (Co‑Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS, 1996
Kelly Craig (Co-Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS,1998
Maral Tatanova (Co-Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS, 1998
Margaret Walsh (Advisor) Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 2001
Shurentuya Begzsuren (Co-Advisor, GDPE), MS, 2003
Nicole Barger (Advisor, GDPE), PhD, 2003
Stephen Delgrosso (Co-advisor, GDPE), PhD 2004
Darrin Sharp (Advisor, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology), MS, 2005
Jee Hyun Shim (Advisor, Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 2005
Khishigbayar (Co-Advisor, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology), PhD, 2009
Jonathan Straube (Advisor, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology), MS, 2011
Amber Childress (Advisor, GDPE), MS 2014
Rebecca McKeown (Co-advisor, GDPE/PRIMES), PhD
Amber Childress (Advisor, GDPE), PhD
Aaron Pina (Atmospheric Sciences) PhD
Jeffrey H. Copeland (Atmospheric Science), PhD, 1995
Patrick Zimmerman (Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 1996
Gustavo Martinez (Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 1997
Joe Eastman (Atmospheric Science), PhD, 1999
Tom Chase (Atmospheric Science), PhD, 1999
Kevin Schaefer (Atmospheric Science), MS, 1999
Lixin Lu (Atmospheric Sciences), PhD, 1999
Lindsey Christiansen (Rangeland Ecosystem Science), PhD, 2001
Steven Ogle (Department of Biology, University of Wyoming), PhD, 2001
Dazhi Wu (Computer Sciences), MS, 2003
Chad Schneider (Computer Sciences), MS, 2003
Dennis McCrumb (Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS
Steve Delgrosso (Rangeland Ecosystem Science), MS, 1996
Lara Prihodko (Atmospheric Sciences), PhD, 2004
Kevin Shaefer (Atmospheric Sciences), PhD, 2004
Kevin Gurney (Atmospheric Sciences), PhD, 2004
David Neckels (Mathematics), PhD, 2005
John Kochendorfer (Civil Engineering), PhD, 2005
Amy Samuelson (Anthropolgy) MS, 2006
Jeff Sandelin (Mathematics) PhD, 2006
Mark Drummond (Geosciences), PhD, 2007
Kathy Corbin (Atmospheric Sciences) PhD, 2007
Andrew Schuh (Atmospheric Sciences) PhD, 2008
Eli Knapp (Anthropology) PhD, 2008
Troy Butler (Mathematics), PhD, 2007
Melannie Hartman (GDPE) PhD, 2013
Melissa Haeffner, (GDPE) PhD, 2015
Sarah Fulton (Advisor, GDPE) PhD
Grant Experience (Funded Projects amounting to over $25,000,000)
- Using Multi‑sensor Data to Model Factors Limiting Carbon Balance in global Grasslands (NASA) (PI). Funded: $2,637,790, 1/1/91‑12/31/95. Funded: $440,200 1/1/96‑3/31/97. Funded: $1,182,290, 6/1/97-5/31/99
- Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Carbon Fluxes (NIGEC‑DOE). (PI). Funded: $164,449. 7/1/96‑6/30/99
- Vegetation Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) Phase II. (NASA) (PI). Funded: $276,000. 1/1/96‑12/31/98
- Shortgrass Steppe Ecosystem Dynamics and Trace Gas Exchange under Elevated CO2. (USDA/ARS/NSF/TECO). (CO‑PI). Funded: $304,457. 1/22/96‑12/30/00.
- Integrated Assessment of Climate and Land Use Changes in the Central U.S. (University of Nebraska) (PI). Funded: $215,867. 10/1/95‑9/30/99.
- Analysis of Past and current changes in Grassland Ecosystem dynamics in Asia and North America. (NSF) (PI). Funded: $199,959. 4/1/96‑3/31/99.
- Analysis and synthesis of trace gas fluxes. (NCEAS) (PI) Funded: $132,225. 10/14/96 ‑
- Projecting the effect of global change on vegetation in park landscapes in the central grasslands biogeographical area. (USDI/NPS). (PI). Funded: $331,200. 5/1/93-3/31/99.
- Integrated nitrogen cycle analysis of land use practices in the U.S. and China (UCAR/NCAR) (PI). Funded $122,643. 9/1/96-8/31/98. Funded $122,422. 9/1/96-8/31/99.
- Century Erosion Study. (USGS/BRD) (PI) Funded: $35,000. 9/15/97-9/30/98. (USDI/USGS/BRD) Funded: $35,000. 9/15/97-3/31/99.
- Biotic Controls on C&N cycling in Soil and Atmospheric Fluxes under Elevated CO2. (NSF/EGB) (CO-PI) Funded: $450,000. 4/1/98-3/31/01
- Regional Climate Change Impacts on the Great Plains. (DOE/NIGEC) (CO-PI) Funded: $76,189. 4/21/97-5/1/98. (University of California, Davis) 4/21/97-12/31/98.
- Ecological, climate, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Drivers of Land-use Change in the Great Plains (DOE/NIGEC) (PI). Funded: $349,851, 7/1/98-6/30/01.
- VEMAP Phase 2 (NASA). Funded: $202,182. 7/1/97-6/30/99.
- Regional Great Plains Assessment (Univ. Chi./Agronne/DOE) (PI). Funded $622,000, 7/31/98-6/30/00.
- Database Development for Integrated Analysis of Policy Relevant Global Environmental Change (Asian Pacific Network) (PI). Funded: $90,850. 4/99-3/00.
- An Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain National Park and its Gateway Community. (EPA) (CO-PI). Funded: $894,846. 7/1/99-6/30/02.
- Integrated Research Challenges: Biological Controls of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes (NSF). Funded: $2,999,978, 9/1/99-8/31/03.
- APN Workshop on Climate Variability and Trends in Oceania. Funded: $82,700, 4/00-3/01.
- Land Use/Management Change and Trace Gas Emissions in East Asia (Asian Pacific Network). Funded: $139,100. 4/00-3/02.
- Consequences of Climate change for a National Park and its Gateway. Funded: (EPA STAR) $894, 846. 2002-2003.
- Cows and Climate on Western Soils. (University of Denver/USGS) (PI). Funded $132,239.
- 10/01/01-9/30/03.
- Biological Controls of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes. (NSF) (PI). Funded: $2,999,979. 9/01/99-8/31/03.
- Long-term impact of elevated CO2 on the shortgrass steppe. (USDA/ARS) (CO-PI). Funded: $284-672. 1/22/01-1/21/06.
- Land-use change in temperate East Asia: Land cover changes impacts on carbon fluxes and land productivity. (NASA) (PI). Funded: $482,422. 8/15/0/1-8/14/04.
- Co-benefits of grassland regeneration of abandoned wheat areas for carbon sequestration, livestock productivity, biological conservation, and social-economic development. (University of California, Davis, US-AID) (PI). Funded $54,399. 3/1/02-9/30/03.
- Consortium for Agriculture Soil Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. (Kansas State University) (CO-PI) Funded: $1,060,856. 3/1/02-2/28/04.
- Assessing ecosystem response to atmospheric deposition in western US mountains and select LTER sites. (EPA) (PI). Funded: $225,000. 9/1/02-8/31/05.
- Using Multi‑sensor Data to Model Factors Limiting Carbon Balance in global Grasslands (NASA) (PI). Funded: 1/1/91‑12/31/95. Funded: 1/1/96‑3/31/97. Funded: 6/1/97-5/31/99
- Modeling of CO2 Impact on a Grassland System (DOE‑KSU subcontract) (Co‑PI). Funded: 1/1/91‑12/31/94
- Biological Hysteresis in Climate Change Models for the Great Plains: Implications of Plant Community Changes on Biogeochemical Feedbacks (DOE‑NIGEC) (PI). Funded: 7/1/92‑6/30/93
- Process Based Ecosystem Model of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in the U.S. Central Grasslands Region (DOE‑NIGEC) (PI). Funded: 7/1/92‑6/30/93
- Cross‑Site Assessment of Climate Change on Ecosystem Dynamics‑‑A Supplement to BSR‑9011659 LTER. (NSF) (Co‑PI). Funded: 6/1/92‑9/1/93
- Trace Gas Exchange in the Boreal Forest Biome: Effects of Fire and Beaver Activity. (EPA) (Co‑PI). Funded: 10/92‑10/95
- Predicting the Effect of Global Change on Vegetation in Park Landscapes in the Central Grasslands Biogeographical Area (NPS) (PI). Funded: 3/1/93‑4/30/97.
- Dynamic Land Surface/Atmospheric Parameterization at Different Spatial Scales for the South Platte River Drainage (NOAA) (Co‑PI). Funded: 2/1/93‑1/31/95
- Vegetation Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP), USDA‑FS (PI). Funded: 11/93‑12/95
- USGS Co‑Operative Agreement for GIS Model Interface development. (PI). Funded: 1994
- Trace Gas Cross‑Site Comparison ‑ a TRAGNET Project (NSF) (PI). Funded: 10/01/94‑09/30/97
- Modelling the Effect of Global Change on Grassland Distribution and Productivity at Landscape to Regional Scales (NIGEC‑OSU) (PI). Funded: 7/01/95‑06/30/97
- S. Country Studies Program on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ‑ subcontract) (PI). Funded 1995
- Economic Analysis of Grassland Dynamics (EPRI Industrial Economics Incorporated (IEI) ‑ subcontract). (PI). Funded: 1994‑95.
- Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Carbon Fluxes (NIGEC‑DOE). (PI). Funded: 7/1/96‑6/30/99
- Vegetation Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) Phase II. (NASA) (PI). Funded: 1/1/96‑6/30/99
- Shortgrass Steppe Ecosystem Dynamics and Trace Gas Exchange under Elevated CO2. (USDA/ARS/NSF/TECO). (CO‑PI). Funded: 1/22/96‑12/30/00.
- Integrated Assessment of Climate and Land Use Changes in the Central U.S. (NIGEC/DOE) (PI). Funded: 10/1/95‑9/30/99.
- Analysis of Past and current changes in Grassland Ecosystem dynamics in Asia and North America. (NSF) (PI). Funded: 4/1/96‑3/31/99.
- Analysis and synthesis of trace gas fluxes. (NCEAS) (PI) Funded: 10/14/96 ‑1999
- Projecting the effect of global change on vegetation in park landscapes in the central grasslands biogeographical area. (USDI/NPS). (PI). Funded: 5/1/93-3/31/99.
- Integrated nitrogen cycle analysis of land use practices in the U.S. and China (UCAR/NCAR) (PI). Funded 9/1/96-8/31/98. Funded 9/1/96-8/31/99.
- Century Erosion Study. (USGS/BRD) (PI) Funded: 9/15/97-9/30/99. (USDI/USGS/BRD)
- Biotic Controls on C&N cycling in Soil and Atmospheric Fluxes under Elevated CO2. (NSF/EGB) (CO-PI) Funded: 4/1/98-3/31/01
- Regional Climate Change Impacts on the Great Plains. (DOE/NIGEC) (CO-PI) Funded: 4/21/97-12/31/98.
- Ecological, climate, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Drivers of Land-use Change in the Great Plains (DOE/NIGEC) (PI). Funded: 7/1/98-6/30/01
- Regional Great Plains Assessment (Univ. Chi./Agronne/DOE) (PI). Funded 7/31/98-6/30/00.
- Database Development for Integrated Analysis of Policy Relevant Global Environmental Change (Asian Pacific Network) (PI). Funded: 4/99-3/00.
- An Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain National Park and its Gateway Community. (EPA) (CO-PI). Funded: 7/1/99-6/30/02.
- APN Workshop on Climate Variability and Trends in Oceania. 4/00-3/01.
- Cows and Climate on Western Soils. (University of Denver/USGS) (PI). Funded 10/01/01-9/30/03.
- Biological Controls of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes. (NSF) (PI). Funded: 9/01/99-8/31/03.
- Long-term impact of elevated CO2 on the shortgrass steppe. (USDA/ARS) (CO-PI). Funded: 1/22/01-1/21/06.
- Land Use/Management Change and Trace Gas Emissions in East Asia (Asian Pacific Network). Funded: 4/00-3/02.
- Land-use change in temperate East Asia: Land cover changes impacts on carbon fluxes and land productivity. (NASA) (PI). Funded: 8/15/01-8/14/04.
- Consequences of Climate change for a National Park and its Gateway. Funded: (EPA STAR) $894, 846. 2002-2003.
- Co-benefits of grassland regeneration of abandoned wheat areas for carbon sequestration, livestock productivity, biological conservation, and social-economic development. (Global Livestock CRSP, US-AID) (PI). Funded 3/1/02-9/30/03.
- Consortium for Agriculture Soil Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. (Kansas State University) (CO-PI) Funded: 3/1/02-2/28/04.
- Assessing ecosystem response to atmospheric deposition in western US mountains and select LTER sites. (EPA) (PI). Funded: 9/1/02-8/31/05.
- Interfacing forest pest models global climate models to evaluate climate change interactions between forest pests. (USDA-USFS-Rocky Mountain Research Station) (Co-I) Funded: 9/9/03 – 7/31/05
- Household Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (NSF: BES/DMUU) (Co-PI) September 2003 to March 2005
- Carbon Data Assimilation Modeling: Remote Sensing And Field Observational Constraints Of Earth System Carbon Analysis (NASA) (PI) Funded: 4/1/04-3/31/06.
- Carbonshed measurements of carbon sequestration in complex terrain (CU-Boulder –NSF- Biocomplexity) Co-I). 1/1/04 – 12/31/08
- Northern Eurasian C-land use climate interaction in the semi-arid regions (NASA) PI. Funded: 10/1/04 – 9/30/07
- Modeling the timeline for acidification from excess nitrogen deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park. (DOI-NPS) PI. Funded:
- Novel A Posteriori Analysis of Ecological Models: The Carbon Cycle. (NSF-Mathematics) Co-I. Funded: 9/15/2004 – 8/31/2007
- Thresholds of vegetation change following N deposition in Southern California ecosystems. (Univ. of California, Riverside – NSF-Biocomplexity). PI. Funded: 3/15/05 – 2/28/10
- Assessing ecological and biogeochemical responses to changing atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition at local and regional scales in the US. (DOI-USGS) (PI) Funded: 7/1/05 – 6/30/06
- Additions of Physical and Biogeochemical Tracers to Wetland Soils Can Reveal Mechanisms Underlying the Productivity-Methane Emission Relationship (NSF-DEB) Co-I) Funded: 2/15/05 – 1/31/08
- High-Resolution Fossil Fuel Emissions Estimates in Support of OCO-Based Assimilation and NACP (NASA: Carbon Initiative) (Co-PI) Funded April 2005 to March 2007
- Assessing ecological and biogeochemical responses to changing atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park (DOI/NPS) PI Funded: 6/1/05 – 9/30/07
- DRU: Decision-making in Rangeland systems: an integrated Ecosystem-Agent-based Modeling Approach to Resilience and change (DREAMAR) (NSF-SBE) Co-I Funded: 09/01/2005-08/31/08
- Colorado Assessment of Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation. (State of Colorado) Co-I Funded 10/06-6/07
- Population and Environment in the U.S. Great Plains. (NIH) (Co-I) Funded: 2007 – 2011
- Collaborative Research: Tree species effects on ecosystem processes in lowland Costa Rica. (NSF) (Co-I) Funded: 2007- 2010.
- Assessments of Soil Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Colorado’s Land Systems (State of Colorado) Co-I Funded: 12/2007 – 6/2009.
- Western Mountain Initiative: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Western Mountain Ecosystems (USGS) PI Funded: 2008-2013
- Downscaling Climate Change Projections: Jump Starting Adaptation Decision Making (Packard Foundation) PI Funded: 2008-2009
- Implications of BioEnergy Development: An Integrated Assessment Approach (Joint Global Change Research Institute) PI Funded: 2008-2009
- Technical support team for implementation of the Clinton Climate Initiative on Carbon-Poverty-Reduction Project. (Clinton Foundation) PI Funded: 2008-2009
- North Central Climate Science Center Host Institution (Department of Interior) PI Funded: 2011-2016
- Climate Compatible Development in Dryland Systems of Mongolia and Surrounding Asian Systems. (CDKN) PI Funded: 2011-2013
- Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) – Middle Rockies Region (SAIC) PI Funded: 2010-2011
- Rapid Ecoregional Assessment (REA) – NW Plains Region (SAIC) PI Funded: (2010-2011)
- North Central Climate Science Center implementation activities: Data-model exchange strategy for climate impact and response analyses and regional assessment of the Great Plains (DOI) PI Funded: 2011-2012
- System analysis of land use and climate effects on ecosystem services affecting C and N exchanges with the atmosphere and water cycles (USGS Powell Center) PI Funded: 2011-2013
- Western Mountain Initiative: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Western Mountain Ecosystems (USGS) PI Funded: 2012-2014
- Support for REVAMP: Resources for vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation planning. USGS. 09/17/12 – 09/16/15
- DOI North Climate Science Center Foundational Science Area FY’13 Activities. USGS. Total Award Amount:
- Capacity building in the North Central Climate Science Center domain. USGS. Total Award Amount: 09/16/13 – 12/31/14
- Western Mountain Initiative: Central Rocky Mountains. DOI, USGS. 09/01/14 – 02/28/16
- North Central Climate Science Center Drought Adaptation. USGS. 09/05/14 – 09/04/17
- Capacity building in the North Central Climate Science Center Domain. USGS. $54,921. 02/01/15 – 12/31/17
- Forecasting changes in sagebrush distribution and abundance under climate change: Integration of spatial temporal and mechanistic models. DOI USGS. $197,402. 04/01/15 – 03/31/18
- Understanding dynamics of land use switching with satellite and field level data in context of climate variability. USGS. $299,833. 06/01/15 – 09/30/18
- Foundational Science Area Activities: Physical Climate. USGS. $108,973. 09/08/14 – 03/31/18
- Foundational science area activities: Ecological impacts. USGS. $325,000. 09/08/14 – 11/30/17
- The Wind River Indian Reservation’s vulnerability to the impacts of drought and the development of decision tools to support drought preparedness. DOI USGS. $393,618. 06/01/15 – 03/31/18
- Climatic Impacts Seminar for the Fulbright Fellows Cohort. Institute of International Education. $170,930. 02/02/17 – 06/21/17
- Adaptation: Sustaining Stakeholder engagement and Evaluation. $ 207,244.96. 11/1/17 – 10/31/19
- Collaborative Research: Development of the U.S. Hub of the Future Earth Secretariat – not in system. NSF GEO. 04/01/15 – 11/01/17
Professional Meetings (Organizer or Organizing Committee for 2002-2010)
- IGBP Workshop on Geosphere‑Biosphere Observatories (GBO’s), Caracas (Venezuela) 2‑4 May, 1988.
- The First Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council for the IGBP. Stockholm, Sweden, 24‑28 October 1988.
- International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Workshop, Dookie (Australia) 7‑11 November, 1988.
- Working Group Workshop on “Pilot Studies for Remote Sensing and Data Management”, Geneva (Switzerland) 11‑13 January, 1989.
- IGBP Workshop on “A Framework for Modelling the Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Change on Terrestrial Ecosystems”, Woods Hole, Mass. (USA) 15‑17 April, 1989.
- IGBP Workshop on “The Land‑Atmosphere Interface”. A Combined Modelling Workshop of IGBP Coordinating Panels 3, 4 and 5, Brussels (Belgium) 8‑11 June, 1989.
- IGBP Workshop on “Non‑Modelling Research Requirements for Understanding, Predicting, and Monitoring Global Change”, Canberra, (Australia) 29‑31 August, 1989.
- IGBP Workshop on “The Impact of Global Change on Agriculture and Forestry”, Yaounde (Cameroon) 27 November‑1 December, 1989.
- IGBP Workshop on “SCOPE/IGBP Workshop on Trace‑Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective, Sigtuna (Sweden) 19‑23 February, 1990.
- IGBP/International Association of Hydrological Sciences/International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO) Workshop on “Plant‑Water Interactions in Large‑Scale Hydrological Modelling”, Vadstena (Sweden) 5‑8 June, 1990.
- Pingree Park Workshop on Trace Gas Networks, Pingree Park, Colorado, 20‑24 September, 1992.
- Estes Park Workshop on Ecological Modelling, Estes Park, Colorado, 28‑30 October, 1992.
- CENTURY Model Workshop, EPA, Athens, GA 21‑25 March, 1993.
- LTER Collaborators Meeting, MBL, Woods Hole, MA 26‑28 March, 1993.
- CENTURY Workshop, LTER All‑Scientist Meeting, Estes Park, 18 October 1993.
- TRAGNET Workshop, LTER‑All Scientist Meeting, Estes Park, 22 October 1993.
- TRAGNET Steering Committee Meeting, San Francisco, 3 Dec. 1994.
- .National Biological Service Central Grasslands Global Change Research Project (CEGR) Meeting, Colorado State University, 12‑13 Jan. 1995.
- TRAGNET Steering Committee Meeting, Snowbird, UT 29 July 1995.
- IGBP SAC IV Meeting, Beijing, China, 23‑27 October 1995.
- IGARSS ’96, Land Cover: Multi-temporal: Analysis and Change Detection Session Chair, Lincoln, NE, May 1996.
- International Temperate Asian Grassland Conference, International Steering Committee. Beijing, (China) June 1996.
- International Workshop on the Evaluation of Soil Processes on Carbon Cycling in the Terrestrial Ecosystems and their Modeling, Co-Chair, Tsukuba (Japan), 3-4 March, 1997.
- Temperate East Asian Land Cover Workshop, Co-venor, Sponsored by NASA/START/EDC, Sioux Falls, SD, 21-24 May 1997.
- S. Climate Form: The Consequences of Global Change for the Nation, Co-chair of Great Plains Breakout Group. Washington, Dc, 12-13 November 1997.
- National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Workshop on Analysis and synthesis of Trace Gas Fluxes, Co-Chair, Santa Barbara, CA, 2-6 December 1997.
- LUTEA Meeting, Beijing, China, 2-5 March 1998.
- NCEAS Workshop on Analysis and Synthesis of Trace Gas Fluxes II, Santa Barbara, CA, 26-27 May 1998. Co-covener with Arvin Mosier.
- LUTEA Training Workshop on GIS/Remote Sensing/Modeling Techniques for Land Use/Cover Change Analysis, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 1-13 June 1998.
- S. National Assessment Coordination Meeting, The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change, Monterey, CA, 27-31 July 1998.
- Covenor, Ranching and Rangeland Meeting for the National Assessment, Hastings, NE, 24-25 September 1998.
- Crop Modeling Comparison Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 18 October 1998.
- S. Trace Gas Network Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 8 December 1998.
- Global Change in East Asia–Vegetation Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 9-13 December 1998.
- Range Management Meeting, Omaha, NE, 25 February 1999.
- Central Great Plains Climate Change Impacts Assessment Workshop, Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch, Loveland, CO, 22-24 March 1999.
- Analysis and Synthesis of Trace Gas Fluxes III Working Group, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Co-Chair, Santa Barbara, CA, 19-24 April 1999.
- LUTEA Data Working Group, Shonan Village, Japan, 22-24 June 1999.
- Workshop on Comparing Model‑based Assessments of Climate Change Impacts on Major Agroecosystems in the U.S. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1-3 September 1999.
- LUTEA Workshop. Beijing, China. October 23-29, 1999.
- Working Group Meeting on Database Development on Land Use in Temperate East Asia. Kobe, Japan. February 21-23, 2000.
- An Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain National Park and its Gateway Community. Estes Park, CO. May 1, 2000.
- GPRC PI Workshop. Omaha, NE. May 2-3, 2000.
- Terrestrial Carbon Model Meeting. San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego, CA. October 9-10, 2000.
- C-DAS Workshop, Organizer and Sponsor, Boulder, CO-NCAR. May 20-31, 2002.
- IGBP-IHDP Workshop, Land Transition Science Plan Development, Netherlands, October 12-15, 2002.
- Focus Scoping Meeting on Urban Ecosystems, The Transition to IGBP-Land, Salt Lake City, Utah, (IGBP) July 1-2, 2002.
- Symposium Convenor at VIII INTECOL Congress. Seoul, Korea. August 11-18.
- IGBP/GCTE-LUCC Organizing Committee for East Asian Transect Workshop. Guangzhou, China. September 16-19.
- Organizing committee for SPLATTE Integrated Assessment Workshop. Pingree Campus, CSU, CO. September 29-October 02.
- International Planning Committee for 3rd International SPIE’s Symposium for Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing. Hangzhou, China. November 20-22.
- International Organizing Committee for Temperate East Monsoon Asia Project International Symposium on Global Change. Kyoto, Japan. November 24-26.
- Land Transition Team meeting. NREL,CSU, Fort Collins, CO. March 31 – 2 April, 2003.
- Land C Data Model Fusion Short Course. CSU, Fort Collins, CO. June 9-11, 2003.
- Organizing committee for Chapman Conference on ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. Santa Fe, NM. June 14-18.
- C-DAS Workshop, Organizer and Sponsor, Boulder, CO-NCAR. May 20-31, 2002.
- IGBP/GCTE-LUCC Workshop: Terrestrial Transect: A region Integrative Approach for Global Change Research. Guangzhou, China. September 16-19, 2002.
- South Platte Basin Integrated Assessment. Pingree Park, CO. September 29- October 2, 2002.
- IGBP-IHDP Workshop, Land Transition Science Plan Development, Netherlands, October 12-15, 2002.
- Focus Scoping Meeting on Urban Ecosystems, The Transition to IGBP-Land, Salt Lake City, Utah, (IGBP) July 1-2, 2002.
- Symposium Convenor at VIII INTECOL Congress. Seoul, Korea. August 11-18.
- IGBP/GCTE-LUCC Organizing Committee for East Asian Transect Workshop. Guangzhou, China. September 16-19.
- Organizing committee for SPLATTE Integrated Assessment Workshop. Pingree Campus, CSU, CO. September 29-October 02.
- International Planning Committee for 3rd International SPIE’s Symposium for Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing. Hangzhou, China. November 20-22.
- International Organizing Committee for Temperate East Monsoon Asia Project International Symposium on Global Change. Kyoto, Japan. November 24-26.
- Land Transition Team meeting. NREL,CSU, Fort Collins, CO. March 31 – 2 April, 2003.
- Land C Data Model Fusion Short Course. CSU, Fort Collins, CO. June 9-11, 2003.
- Organizing committee for Chapman Conference on ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. Santa Fe, NM. June 14-18, 2003.
- Organizer of Open Science Conference for the Global Land Project. Morelia, Mexico. December 2-5, 2003.
- ESA Organized Session Co-Chair: “Linking Species Level Processes to Ecosystem Level Change: Climate Change and Insect Pest Disturbance.” Portland, OR. August 2004
- ESA Town Hall Meeting on the Global Land Project. Portland OR. August 2004
- AGU Fall meeting, Symposium Organizer for two sessions: “Land Use / Land Cover Change: Balancing Human Needs and Environmental Functions” and “Changes in land use and water use and their consequences on climate and biogeochemistry”. San Francisco, CA December 2004
- INTECOL/ESA Symposium on “Global Land Science: Dynamics of the Coupled Human-Environment System” Convened by Dennis Ojima and Emilio Moran in Montreal, CANADA, 10 August 2005.
- AGU Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 4-7, 2005. Organized Oral and Poster Session for Biogeosciences Section and Organized Field Trip to Jasper Ridge Experimental Station
- NREL Seminar, Global Environmental Sustainability of Land Systems, Fall 2005
- Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) Scoping Workshop. Hangzhou, China. October 2005
- Co-chaired the terrestrial ecosystem working group. Eleventh Japan-US Workshop on “Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interactions”. 31 October to 2 November, 2005. Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences and the Frontier Research Center for Global Change in Yokohama, Japan. Organized and Chaired the Global Land Project SSC meeting. 2/12-14/2006, FAO,Rome, Italy
- International Organizing committee and invited speaker at Chinese National Committee for Global Change Carbon Science Conference, 8/12-20/2006, Beijing, PRC
- Co-chair of the International Organizing Committee, Plenary Presentation on Colorado Regional Carbon Budget Analysis, and Session Chair for Urban Regional Carbon Management Conference for GCP. 9/3-8/2006, Mexico City, Mexico
- Organized two sessions for the ESSP conference on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and on Vulnerability/Sustainability of land systems; presented a paper on ecosystem function and biodiversity interactions, 11/9-12/2006, Beijing, PRC
- Chaired breakout group on linking land management systems with ecosystem services at the IAI/SCOPE joint workshop on ecosystem services and land systems in the Americas, 12/9-15/2007, San Jose, Costa Rica
- Chaired Breakout group on Human Dimensions of North American Carbon Science, NACP conference, Colorado Springs, CO 22-25 January 2007.
- NEESPI conference Urumqi China 17-21 September 2007 Organizing Committee, Presentation, Breakout Group, Training Workshop
- INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC) Task Group on Data Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) Expert Meeting on Integrating Analysis of Regional Climate Change and Response Options, Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji, 20-22 June 2007
- Organizer Committee, NEESPI Science Team Meeting on Drylands (held jointly with the NASA LCLUC Science Team). Presentation titled: “Overview of Drylands Recent Findings and New Developments in Central Asia and Mongolia: Social Science Emphasis”; Chaired Breakout Group on Modeling; Presentation: “Overview of Century Ecosystem Model”; Training Course: Hands-On Century Eco System Models September 16 – 19, 2007, Urumqi, China
- DOE workshop on Understanding and Incorporating Climate Impacts into Integrated Assessment Models, Joint Global Change Research Institute, College Park, Maryland, University of Maryland, MD 28-29 June 2007
- ESA Symposium titled: “Ecological Analysis in the 21st Century: Advances in Space-based Observations for local to global ecological studies”, Dennis Ojima and Diane Wickland (Co-Organizers) and Organized Special ESA Session on “International Connections: Advantages Opportunities and Challenges to International Research in Ecology” 5 – 10 August 2007
- Aspen Global Change Institute on “Northern Eurasia Land Surface Properties and Change and its Role in the Global Earth System and Models”; Presentation titled: “Land System Change in Eurasia”, Aspen, CO. 12-17 August 2007
- AGU organized session titled “Understanding Ecosystem Thresholds in Global Change” 13-14 December 2007
- Congressional Briefing Bioenergy 28 October 2007
- SCOPE Steering Committee on Biofuels. Miami, FL 16-18 January 2008
- ESA Biofuels Conference and Workshop 10-12 March Washington DC
- International Workshop on Anthropogenic Impact on Asian Monsoon and Monsoon Asia Integrated Research Study Presentation on “Climate change and Land use Effects on Semi-Arid Pastoral Systems In E. Asia”, MAIRS Steering Committee Meeting, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China 21- 25 April 2008
- IGBP Congress Capetown SA 4-9 May 2008 Presentation on “Land System Considerations of Bioenergy Development”, Poster Climate change impact on rangeland productivity in Mongolia; Steering committee meeting
- Carbon Methods Workshop at Google and NASA AMES 26 June 2008
- Bioenergy Conference sponsored by the Earth System Science Partnership 18-21 July 2008, Piracicaba, Brazil
- Global Change Project Steering Committee meeting 22-23 July 2008 Piracicaba Brazil
- SCOPE Biofuels Workshop, Working Group Chair, 22-25 September 2008 Germany
- Western Mountain Initiative Project Meeting 29 September – 3 October 2008, Sequoia, CA
- Future Nutrient Cycling Trends in Agriculture Aspen Global Change Institute Workshop 22-25 October 2008
- Planet 2050 IGBP Conference 26-28 October 2008, Lund Sweden
- DOE Workshop on Integrated Assessment Research Program Strategies, Rosslyn VA 13-14 November 2008
- US Carbon Cycle Science Steering Committee meeting 17-18 November 2008, Washington DC
- NRC Human Dimensions of Global Change Committee meeting 20-21 November 2008
- CCSP Workshop on Enhancing US contributions to WG2 of the IPCC AR5, April 7-8, 2009, Washington DC
- UNCCD Workshop (Heinz Center & CSU) 2010
- Organized/Invited NCSE Conference: The New Green Economy. Title of Session: Educating Interdisciplinary Business Leaders for a Sustainable Future 2010
- Organized HD Carbon Cycle Science Workshop 3/11-12/2010, DC THC
- Organized/Hosted CSU Bioenergy IGERT workshop DC 3/14-19/2010
- Organized MAIRS Dryland Working Group meeting 3/21-24, 2010 Kunming, China. Presentation on Adaptation strategies for dryland systems.
- Organized/Invited CSU/HDNR Consilience Workshop. 4/19-20/2010. CSU
- Organized: Host Jeremy Woods 4/26-28. Kings College.
- Organized: Host Kit Batten 4/30
- Invited: NRC HDGC Committee meeting 5/11-12
- Invited: DOE Climate Research Roadmap Workshop 5/13 – 14 VA
- ALLP Fellowship Workshop 6/20-23 Stanford University, CA
- Organized/Invited: MAIRS/APN ADMIP scoping workshop Beijing 7/11-12
- The 2nd MAIRS International Workshop on Asian Dryland Study. July 23-25, 2010, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China
- Organized ESA Symposium Title of symposium: Ecosystem Threshold Responses to Global Warming: Key dynamics and management and policy implications. August 2010
- NREL Retreat 8/17
- AGU Americas: Organized Session on Land Use and Forest Options for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategies. August 2010. TITLE: Science – Policy interface to enable climate mitigation strategies: Modeling and observation advances in support of carbon sequestration efforts in tropical regions (Invited) Land Use and Forest Options for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategies
- Organized DOI Center Site Review. 8/19. CSU
- Organized Session for CSU International Colloquium on China on Clean Energy development Panel session 9/8
- Global Land Project Open Science Meeting Oct 17-19
Scientific Organizing Committee
Session Organizer and Session Chair:
- Vulnerability and Resilience under global warming in Asian Dryland Systems
- Long-term socio-ecological research and land-system science
- Organized/invited: CSU AFRI workshop 10/25-26 CSU
- Organized/invited. Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences (CAAS). CENTURY Model Training Course on 28thOctober-1th November, 2010.
- Organized/Invited. Colorado Plateau and Climate Change Workshop November 29 – December 1, 2010. Durango, CO
- North Central Climate Science Center Workshop. Federal Center, Lakewood, CO. January 27, 2011.
- Border Crossing: Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Forests and Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains. Rapid City, SD. April 20 & 21, 2011
- Century Training for Adapting to Climate Change in China Project sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and UK Department for International Development. Guilin, China. June 2-4, 2011
- The 2nd MAIRS Workshop on Coupled Human-Environment Systems in Asian Dryland. Harbin, China. June 8-10, 2011
- Atmosphere-Dryland Model Intercomparison (ADMIP). Project Workshop. Lanzhou China July 13-15, 2011
- Powell Center Workshop: Great Plains analysis of the impact and consequence of agricultural management practices on the environment. 3-5 August 2011
- North Central Climate Science Center Partners Workshop, Federal Center, CO. August 17-18, 2011
- SOGES Panel: Rio+20: The long journey. Fort Collins, CO. September 14, 2011
- Western Mountain Initiative Workshop. Glacier National Park, MT. September 20-22, 2011.
- NCA, Climate Conversations Forum in Omaha, Nebraska, February 28, 2012 2012
- Arid-Dryland Model Inter-Comparison Project” (ADMIP). International MAIRS Workshop. Sylvan Dale, CO. May 16-18, 2012
- NREL Fall series: “Climate Science and Resource Management in the context of DOI’s North Central Climate Science Center”
- Developing Dryland Research Priorities in the Monsoon Asia, Dryland Working Group Meeting. April 20-21, 2012. Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China
- North Central Climate Science Center: 2012 Strategic Planning meeting. April 30 – May 2012, Bozeman MT
- Workshop on Climate Compatible Development in Dryland systems of Mongolia and surrounding Asian systems. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 4 July 2012
- ESA Symposium “Adaptive Capacity of Semiarid Social-Ecological Systems: Managing Ecosystem Services to Enhance Opportunities”. Co-organizers: Dennis Ojima, Kathleen Galvin, Jiaguo Qi. August 9, 2012. Portland OR
- Social Ecological System Framing of Adaptation Efforts in Southwest Colorado Workshop. Org. Cmt Member. Fort Collins. 2013
- Climate Compatible Development Forum, Ministry of Environment and Green Development. Co-Organizer Ulanbaatar, Mongolia. 2103
- Social-Ecological Framework for Regional Adaptation Planning. US National Adaptation Forum. Session Co-Lead. Denver, CO. 2103
- Exploring Diverse Career Pathways in Ecology. ESA. Minneapolis, MN. 2013
- Social – ecological framing of climate change adaptation strategy development for managing natural resources. North Central Climate Science Center Workshop Panel, Fort Collins. 2013
- Sustainability and Climate Change Issues related to Ecosystem Analysis of Grassland Systems. Workshop with CAAS. Org. Cmt Member. Hailar, China. 2013
- National Climate Assessment. SoGES Panel. Co-Organizer Fort Collins. 2013
- Synthesis Workshop on Mongolian Plateau Synthesis Project, Ulan Baatar, Mongolia, June 18-24, 2014
- An International Workshop on Monitoring & Modeling for Grassland Ecosystems. Beijing, China. November 16-19, 2014
- NC CSC Open Science Conference: Managing for Change from the Mountains to the Plains. May 20-22, 2015. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- Future Earth Symposium on Global Biodiversity Monitoring – Yale, May 2015
- Future earth workshop on Engagement with core projects to advance Future Earth’s agenda. 6 July 2015. Paris, France
- Third APN Science-Policy Dialogue on Global Environmental Change: “Land Use and Climate Change in Temperate East Asia “ 02-04 November 2015, Mongolia
- APN Proposal Development Training Workshop. Mongolia 05-07 November 2015
- Future Earth / IGBP Early Career Workshop for Co-Design and Co-Production Training to Meet Global Environmental Challenges. 10-12 December 2015. Quadrus Center, Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA
Invited Presentations and Papers
Fire Effects on Tallgrass Ecosystems. Kansas State University. February 1988.
Hydrology and Climate Change ‑ A Need for Transdisciplinary Research. Plenary lecture at the Nordic Hydrology conference. Rovaniemi, Finland. August 3, 1988.
Report Prepared for the Seminar on Research and Environment European Environmental Bureau. Brussels, Belgium. May 25‑26, 1989.
Presentation to the U.S. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) on Relationship of Social and Natural Sciences in the Context of the Semiarid Lands Project. National Research Council (NRC), Washington, DC. December 2, 1991.
The global impact of land‑use change. ESA Symposium: Global impact of land use change: Linkages between the social and natural sciences, Honolulu, HI, 9‑13 August 1992.
The Global Impact of Land Use Change: Linkage Between Social and Natural Sciences. National Association for the Practice of Anthropology and General Anthropology Division, San Francisco, California, December 1‑5, 1992.
Collaborative Research between China and the United States in Grassland Ecosystems of the Mongolian Steppe. NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, June 29‑July 1, 1992.
Global Arid and Semi‑arid Ecosystems: Linkage Between Process Models and Remote Sensing. IGARSS, Houston, TX, May 1992.
Global Change Impact on Grassland Ecosystems, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, PRC. August 1993.
Continental and Regional Scale Ecosystem Modeling of Climate Change Effects on U.S. Ecosystems, Eros Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, 14‑15 June 1995.
Mongolia Steppes and the American Prairie: Ecological and Cultural Comparisons, Annual Meeting of US ‑ Mongolia Business Council and the American West Symposium on Mongolia, Denver, CO, 9 Nov. 1995.
Global Change in Semi‑Arid Ecosystems, International Workshop on Combating Global Warming by Combating Land Degradation, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1995.
Integrated Approaches to Assessing Sequestration Opportunities for Carbon in Rangelands, International Workshop on Combating Global Warming by Combating Land Degradation, UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1995.
Integrated Approach to Land Use Analysis. NCGIA Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, January 23-24, 1996.
Environmental Gradients Controlling Ecosystem Dynamics in Temperate Ecosystems of Asia and North America. GCTE/TSGB Science Conference, Beijing, China. May 4-8.
Science Plan for Land Use in Temperate East Asia (LUTEA) – East Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of International Long-Term Ecological Research. Tsukuba, Japan, Mar 3-5.
Development of the Temperate East Asia land-Cover (TEAL) Database. IGU-LUCC ’97 Meeting. Brisbane, Australia, July 1-4.
Science Plan for Land Use in Temperate East Asia (LUTEA). Symposium on Accelerated Changes in Asian Ecosystems: The Consequences of Human Actions and Economic Development at the 1997 Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, August 10-14.
Whitehouse/NOAA Briefing with Weather Forecasters and President Clinton and Vice-President Gore. Washington, DC, October 1.
Integration of Ecosystem and Economic Factors Determining Land Use in the Central Great Plains. IIASA Meeting, Vienna, Austria. June 10-15.
Land-use Integration of Ecosystem and Socio-economic Information for Assessment of Global Environmental Change International Workshop on Prospects for Coordinated Activities in Core Projects for GCTE, BAHC and LUCC, Wageningen, The Netherlands, November 16-19.
Opening ceremony lecture at the Training Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing, China, June 30.
Integrated Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Temperate Agroecosystems and Economic Factors Determining Land Use Under Climate Change, LUCC Data Gathering and Compilation Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, November 18-20 .
Role of Agriculture in the U.S. National Assessment of Consequences of Climate Change. 1999. National Forum for Agriculture. Ames, Iowa. March 1-2 .
Integrated Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Land Use in Temperate East Asia (LUTEA): Integration of Ecosystem and Economic Factors Determining Land Use Under Climate Change. Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. Kanagawa, Japan. June 24-26.
Factors Influencing Production Systems of the Mongolian Steppe: Potential Global Change Impacts on Semi-Arid Ecosystems. VI International Rangeland Congress. Townsville, Australia. July 17-23 .
USGCRP Regional Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in the Great Plains. ESA 84th Annual Meeting. Spokane, WA. August 6-12.
Human and Environmental Changes in the Mongolian Steppe. Colorado State University, Colloquium in Life Sciences. November 15.
Regional Carbon Modeling: Integrated Modeling across Scales, Dennis Ojima, Information Technology Frontiers Symposium. San Diego Supercomputer Center, CA. March 10-11.
Ojima, D.S., W.J. Parton, T.G.F. Kittel, R. Kelly, and M. Hartman. Simulated climate change impacts on key ecosystem properties of potential compared to current land cover for the conterminous United States. ESA Annual Meeting. Snowbird, UT. August 6-10.
Ojima, D.S. Integration of Land Use and Climate Change in the Great Plains. Changing Landscapes in Rural America. Yellowstone, MT. September 22-24.
Methodologies for Vulnerability Research and Assessment. Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. September 28-30, 2001.
Process Modeling of the Earth System. US-Japan Joint Carbon Meeting. Tokyo, Japan. October 9-12, 2001.
Land use modeling and greenhouse gas mitigation. Bonn Workshop on mitigating greenhouse gases. Germany. November 7-9, 2001.
Ojima, D.S. Assessing land use, disturbance, and climate change in terrestrial ecosystems. First Annual ATEAM Project Meeting. Barcelona,Spain. April15-17, 2002.
Ojima, D.S., W.J. Parton, J. Baron. Ecosystem-Landsurface Process Modeling and Analysis for Global Change Studies. VIII INTECOL Congress. Seoul, Korea. August 11-18, 2002.
Ojima, D.S. Lessons Learned from the Great Plains Assessment. SPLATTE Integrated Assessment Workshop. Pingree Campus, CSU, CO. September 29-October 02, 2002.
Vulnerability of steppe ecosystems to climate and land use changes under a transitional social pressures. NEESPI Science Plan Workshop. LCLUC (incl., socio-economic, health, etc.) Suzdal, Russia. April 21-25, 2003.
Land Use impacts on rangeland productivity in Mongolia. Chapman Conference on ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. Santa Fe, NM. June 14-18, 2003.
Water, Climate, and Uncertainty: Implications for Western Water Law, Policy, and Management. Is There a Dust Bowl in Our Future? Projections for the Eastern Rockies and Central Great Plains. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. June 11-13, 2003.
APN/START workshop on “Global change, sustainable, development and environmental management in Central Asia”
SRM Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, “Socio-economic and global change impacts on rangeland productivity of the Eurasian Steppes of the Mongolian Plateau and Kazakhstan”
USFWS and USGS Future Challenges Workshop on “Global Climate Change”
CIESIN/FAO/UNEP/WHO/CGIAR Workshop on Global Spatial Data and User Needs: Presentation on “Perspectives of the global change science community”
Asian LUCC Symposium. Presented seminar on “Global Land Project: Challenges To Land Sustainability Under Global Environmental Change”
Workshop on Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Chinese Meteorological Administration, seminar on ”Climate and Land Use Effects on Ecosystem and Carbon Dynamics”
Co-organizer of Workshop on Regional Carbon Budgets. Presented paper on “Model Overview, Testing and Application to Agroecosystems”, also moderated working group discussion
American Mongolian Society Seminar Series on “Considerations of socio-economic and global change effects on ecosystem dynamics of the Euarsian Steppes of the Mongolian Plateau and Kazakhstan”
Northern Eurasian Ecosystem Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) Interagency Conference, Washington, DC
“Modeling Ecosystem Responses to Global Change: Techniques and Recent Advances” at The Terrestrial Response to Atmospheric and Climate Change Network Project (TERACC) Fort Meyers, FL. January 9-12, 2005
GLP Transition: Linkages between Diversitas and GLP. Joint TERACC and Diversitas Workshop. Paris, France. May 05
NEESPI Briefing to interagency group DC
Global Estimate of GHG emissions from Cropland Systems AGU.
National level N Trace Gas Emissions from Agroecosystems, University of California, Riverside Conference on N Deposition Effects on Ecosystems, January 18-20
North American Carbon Program Data Workshop, New Orleans, January 25-27
Land Sustainability and Global Environmental Change: Challenges and Research Strategies for the next Decade, Beijing Normal University. Feb 23
International Conference on Circular Economy and Sustainable Development, Hangzhou, China, November 3-6. Presented paper on Land System Sustainability: Challenges in a Changing World
Carbon user Stakeholder Meeting, Boulder CO, June 13-14
Invited speaker at Chinese National Committee for Global Change Carbon Science Conference, 8/12-20/2006, Beijing, PRC
Plenary Presentation on Colorado Regional Carbon Budget Analysis at the International Conference on Urban Regional Carbon Management for the Global Carbon Project. 9/3-8/ 2006, Mexico City, Mexico
“Ecosystem function and biodiversity interactions”, Earth System Science Partnership conference, Beijing, PRC 11/9-12/
Paradigm shift in Global Environmental Change: Embracing the Coupled Human-Environment System Bristol University, UK. 23 March
Global Land Project presentation, NASA-LCLUC Science Conference 4/9-13, Baltimore, Maryland
Ecosystem Modeling Framework for Earth Observatories, Co-chaired breakout group discussion. NSF funded workshop on Earth Observatory Modeling Science Conference, 5/15-19/2006, Tucson, AZ
Land use dynamics in Eurasia. GOFC/GOLD, 6/8-15/2006, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Current Scientific Achievements, Uncertainties, and Future Challenges and Directions to Global Change Research. USGS Climate Change Conference, 6/24/2006, Denver, CO
Annual Arkansas Chapter of the National Wildlife Federation on “Climate Change Science and Consequences”, 8/29/2006, Bentonville, AR
Overview talk on the Land system analysis for NEESPI at the opening symposium for the Aridland Office of NEESPI, 11/8/2006, Beijing, PRC
Invited Lecture on “CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPLICATION TO COLORADO AGRICULTURE” at the Colorado State University sponsored Colorado Agricultural Outlook Forum Denver, CO. 21 February
“GLOBAL WARMING: Consequences and Impacts”, National Wildlife Federation, Kansas Wildlife Federation Regional Conference, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 9 February
Seminar Michigan State University 4 April
Analysis, Integration, Modeling of Earth System Young Scientists Network titled: “Land Use Effects and Decision Making within a Coupled Social-Environmental System Framework”, 31 May
“Multi-Sectoral Partnerships in Achieving Sustainability” U.S.-China Workshop on Environmental Aspects of Bioenergy Production and Sustainability, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 11-13 September
“Multi-Sectoral Partnerships In Achieving Sustainability” NREL Sustainability Seminar Series, CSU, Fort Collins, CO 25 September
“Adapting To Climate Change” Power Shift 2007, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 3 November
“Estimation Of Regional Carbon Dynamic In Complex Landscapes of the Colorado Rockies By Model-Data Fusion”, University of Toledo, Toledo Ohio 9 November
“Decision Making in Rangelands: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Resilience and Change” and “Adaptation Strategies for Global Environmental Change”, AGU 10 December 2007
Invited Presentation on Climate change impacts in Temperate East Asia to USGS Joint US-China Project on Avian Influenza Research
Tyndall Center Conference on “Living with climate change: are there limits to adaptation?”, Royal Geographical Society, London, Presentation on Adapting to Ecosystem Thresholds in Global Change” 6-9 February
World Bank presentation on adaptation to climate change, World Bank, Washington Dc, 12 March
Presenter for Environmental Award to Timothy E Wirth 26 March 2008 and CSU Accelerates Bioenergy Panel New York City, NY 26 March
Agent-Based Modeling Workshop, Institute for Society, Landscape, and Ecosystem Change, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO April 17-18,
ARS Conference on Research Directions, Invited Presentation, Review Panel recommendations on Global Change and Air Program, Denver, CO. May 13-14
Department of Interior Conference on Climate Change in the Northeast: Preparing for the Future, Invited presentation/workshop on “Utility of Model Applications for Adaptive Management Planning for Climate Change” 3-4 June 2008 Amherst, MA
US State Department Panel on Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for the Eurasian Region Presentation titled: “COPING AND ADAPTATION TO GLOBAL CHANGE” 22 May
US State Department Panel Presentation on “BioEnergy Opportunities and Constraints: Ecological and Land Use Issues Related to Future Developments” Washington DC June 5
Colorado State University Sustainable Energy Panel Presentation on Emerging Pathways Toward A Sustainable Energy Future: Opportunities and Constraints, Washington DC 15 October
“New Perspectives in Global Change and Land Science”, Boston University, 17 October
“Managing Grassland Ecosystems under Global Environmental Change: Developing Strategies to Meet Challenges and Opportunities of Global Change” Soil Water Conservation Society Conference on Farming with Grass, Oklahoma City, OK. 20-22 October
Defense Intelligence Agency Workshop on Modeling the Impact of a Changing Environment on National and Economic Security Presentation on GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS, Falls Church, VA 19 November
National Council for Science and the Environment’s 9th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment Panel on Biofuels and Biodiversity 8 Dec
State Department and National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Panel on Agriculture and Climate Change, Presentation on Agricultural Carbon Modeling, 11 December 2008
A Survey of Climate Change Adaptation Planning, Inter-Agency Forum on Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations, 27 January, 2009, NASA-HQ, DC
Ecosystems #2: Crops (soils, plants, invasive species), Forestry and Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Modeling Forum, Shepardstown, WV 7-9 April, 2009
Adaptation Strategies for Global Environmental Change, Mason Center for Climate and Society Seminar & Earth System & Geoinformation Sciences Colloquium, George Mason University, VA, 15 April 2009
Adaptation Strategies for Global Environmental Change, IHDP Open Meeting, Bonn Germany 28 April 2009.
CCSP Workshop on Enhancing US contributions to WG2 of the IPCC AR5, April 7-8, 2009, Washington DC
MAIRS SSC and Arid lands Research Workshop, China
LCLUC Research Project Annual Meeting, Almaty, KZ
DOE Integrated Assessment Analysis Research Strategy, DC
Global Land Project SSC meeting
Global Carbon Project SSC meeting, Beijing PRC
Risk and Vulnerability Workshop, Beijing Normal University and Inner Mongolia
Invited Speaker Society for Ecological Restoration Annual meeting, Rutgers University, 2/19. Planning for Climate Change.
Panelist at Front Range Ecology Student Symposium 2/23 CSU
NRC USGS panel meeting 2/28 – 3/1 Irvine California
AAAS Fellows Selection Committee Interview (3/4-5 DC)
NRC Board on International Science Organizations (BISO) 4/22-23 DC
Agroecosystem Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Inst. Of Agr Resources and Regional Planning. 6 June 2011
MAIRS/APN Data Assimilation Training Institute, Beijing 7/14, 2010
Ecological thresholds: What they are? Why they are critical to understand. ESA. Pittsburgh, PA 5 August 2010
CCSWG Science Plan Report Review. 8/23-24 Boulder, CO.
UNEP/STAP REDD Co-Benefits Meeting. 9/1-2. DC
MAIRS Workshop: Coping Strategies Under Multiple Stresses in Arid and Semi-Arid Systems: Integrated Modeling Approach to Resilience and Change
NSF USGCRP restructuring Workshop, George Mason University, 9/13-14 GMU
NCAR-UK AVOID workshop 9/14-16 DC
NREL Seminar “From the Grasslands to Global Changes: Reflections of a Nomadic Ecosystem Scientist in Search of Knowledge and Solutions”. 9/24/2010
Perth MRI Strategic Planning Meeting 9/30 – 10/1, Perth, Scotland, UK
Regional approach toward an integrated assessment of coping strategies for Dryland Systems of Monsoon Asia. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting Oct 17-19
Vulnerability and resilience of pastoral social-ecological systems in Mongolia. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting Oct 17-19
Presenter UNCCD CSU Colloquium 11/11
Meeting Regional Challenges of Desertification and Land Degradation: Local to International Approaches to Science-Based Solutions
National Climate Assessment (NCA) Workshop on Planning Regional and Sectoral Assessments. November 15‐17, 2010, U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, Virginia
HDGC Strategic Planning Retreat 11/18-19 2010
NCA Modeling workshop DC 12/8/2010
NR320 Guest lecturer CSU Fall 2010 and Spring 2011(Instructor: C. Aldridge) ANTHRO Guest Lecturer Spring 2010 (Instructor: K Galvin)
Lecture: USGS Fort Collins Science Center: “North Central Regional Climate Research on Impacts and Response Strategies: Community response to DOI’s call for regional coordination of climate science “ February 2
Lecture: CSU Water Center Colloquium: Climate, Water, and Ecosystems: The Changing Socio-Ecological Systems of the West, CSU February 2
Soil and Water Modelling: Data-Model Fusion to Meet Societal Needs at the Soil and Water Conservation Society Modeling Summit 2011, March 29‐31, 2011. Denver, Colorado
Design Workshop on “Raw material sourcing for global food system sustainability: Scope and limits of a commodity-focused approach”. May 16-17 2011. MARS INC, McLean, Virginia
Solutions from the Land Joint Work Group Meeting. June 14-15, 2011. Davis, CA
4th Workshop on Physical Impacts and Risk Assessment on National Level of ACCC project and the Advanced CENTURY Modeling Training. 3-5 June, 2011, in Guilin, Guangxi
USFS Great Plains Rangeland Webinar Climate Change Impacts, Consequences, and Response Strategies in the Great Plains: an overview of context, research management interactions, and research capacity. August 30. USFS Rocky Mountain Station. Fort Collins, CO
UCSB Bren School of Environmental Sciences and Management Zurich Distinguished Visitor, October 3-14
National Climate Assessment Convening Lead Author Meeting, January 17 and 18, 2012, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719
Missouri River Basin Climate Planning & Engagement Meeting, Boulder, CO, January 27, 2012
Regional Climate Science Center: Climate, Impacts, Response Research, Greeley, Rotary, 22 February 2012
An Overview of the National Climate Assessment. NCA, Climate Conversations Forum in Omaha, Nebraska, February 28, 2012
Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project. ISI-MIP Fast-Track Workshop, Potsdam Germany March 2012
Managing for ecosystem services to restore natural systems to benefit society. International Seminar on Forest and Landscape Restoration. Pyongyang, DPR of Korea. March 8, 2012
Developing Dryland Research Priorities in the Monsoon Asia. Dryland Working Group Meeting. April 20-21, 2012
“Adaptive Capacity of Semiarid Social-Ecological Systems: Managing Ecosystem Services to Enhance Opportunities”. 7th SSC MAIRS meeting. 23‐24 April, 2012. Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China
“Arid-Dryland Model Inter-Comparison Project” (ADMIP) from May 16 to 18, 2012
North Central Climate Science Center Strategic Planning: April 30 – May 2, 2012, Bozeman MT
Convening Lead Authors Meeting, National Climate Assessment, June 12-14, 2012, Washington, DC
National Climate Assessment Climate Science and Response: Innovation through Tribal Participation. June 16-17, 2012 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Landscape Management, KSS General Partnership Meeting, 11 June 2012, The International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K St. NW Suite 400, Washington DC 20006
Climate Compatible Development in Dryland systems of Mongolia and surrounding Asian systems. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 4 July 2012
Assessing the impacts of climate change on our natural and cultural resources: Climate information and techniques useful to managers. Society of Conservation Biology. Oakland, CA. 18 July 2012
Social-ecological adaptive capacity of Mongolian pastoral systems to global change in the 21st Century. ESA Symposium presentation August 9 Portland OR
Presentation at the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Green Development, UB September 2012
High Plains Regional Climate Meeting. Lied Lodge and Conference Center, Nebraska City, NE, September 26 & 27, 2012
Bringing resilience from theory to practice, Dennis Ojima. Bridging Boundaries: Climate Change Adaptation, Post-Conference Workshop for Resource Managers, October 4, 2012, Estes Park, CO
Climate and Weather Extremes impacts to North Dakota Tribes NOAA and NIDIS Engagement with ND Tribes. Standing Rock Reservation, ND, October 10, 2012:
Distinguished Visiting Ecologist Lecture Series. Emerging Challenges for Natural Resource Management under Changing Climate, 25 October Bozeman, MT 26 October Missoula, MT
NREL Seminar Speaker on Emerging Challenges for Natural Resource Management under Changing Climate: Bridging resilience theory to practice. Nov 2
Emerging Challenges for Natural Resource Management under Changing Climate:
Bridging resilience theory to practice(and back). NREL/ESS, CSU, 2 November 2012
Knowledge Systems for Sustainability – Advancing Toward Prototypes. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. TN, USA November 26-28, 2012
Sustainable Agricultural Sourcing in a Generation: How Do We Get There? December 12-13, 2012 UC Washington Center, Washington, DC. UCD/Mars, Corp. Stakeholder meeting
Regional Climate Change Natural Resource Management Challenges: Managing for changing social-ecological changes in space and time. CSC invitation. AGU 2012
Regional Approach for Linking Ecosystem Services and Livelihood Strategies Under Climate Change of Pastoral Communities in the Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem. NEESPI AGU 2012
Assessment of perennial grass production system for biofuel production: Analysis of ecosystem services of perennial systems under climate variability relative to traditional cropping sources. DOE Bioenergy Conference. Washington DC
Perspective on Bioenergy Sustainability – Paths to a More Viable Future. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL
Adaptation Research Framework at the North Central Climate Science Center. The Nature Conservancy. Boulder, CO
Climate Scientist Panel Supporting Mayor Weitkunat’s Participation on White House Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. May 8, 2014. Fort Collins
Risk and Resilience: Shared Opportunities for Science + Capital. August 26th – 29th, 2014, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Bellagio, Italy. Future Earth Update
National League of Cities (NLC) Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR). 5 September 2014. City of Fort Collins, Municipal Building. “Local Perspective on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience: Comments on Research enabling Practice based on the National Climate Assessment and the Great Plains Region”
USAID Presentation on “Future Earth: Research Pathways toward Global Development”. 9 September 2014, Washington, DC
National Exercise Program (NEP) Colorado Climate Change Preparedness & Resilience. 9 October 2014. Sponsored by National Preparedness Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security / FEMA
International Workshop on Monitoring and Modeling for Grassland Ecosystems. CAAS. Beijing, PRC. 17 November 2014. “Regional Considerations for Managing for Resilience: Comments on Research enabling Practice based on the National Climate Assessment and the Great Plains Region”
Future Earth and Science for Society-‐Global Change Research Priorities. February 25-27, 2015. Michigan State University
USDA Office of the Secretary (OSEC) Briefing. 13 July 2015. “Future Earth: research in support of society”
Third APN Science-Policy Dialogue on Global Environmental Change: “Land Use and Climate Change in Temperate East Asia “ 02-04 November 2015 and APN Proposal Development Training Workshop. 05-07 November 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
GEO Ministerial Summit and 12th Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-XII). Mexico City, Mexico from 11 to 12 November 2015
Peer Reviewed:
- Parton, W.J., D.S. Schimel, C.V. Cole and D.S. Ojima. Analysis of factors controlling soil organic matter levels in Great Plains grasslands. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51(5)1173-1179.
- Reiners, W.A., L.L. Strong, P.A. Matson, I.C. Burke and D.S. Ojima. Estimating biogeochemical fluxes across sagebrush-steppe landscapes with thematic mapper imagery. Remote Sens. Environ. 28:121-129.
- Schimel, D.S., W.J. Parton, T.G.F. Kittel, D.S. Ojima and C.V. Cole. Grassland biogeochemistry: Links to atmospheric processes. Climatic Change 17:13-25.
- Hobbs, N.T., D.S. Schimel, C.E. Owensby and D.S. Ojima. Fire and grazing in the tallgrass prairie: contingent effects on nitrogen budgets. Ecology 72:1374-1382.
- Ojima, D.S., T.G.F. Kittel, T. Rosswall, and B.H. Walker. Critical issues for understanding global change effects on terrestrial ecosystems. Ecological Applications 1:316-325.
- Sanford, R.L; Parton, W.J.; Ojima, D.S.; Lodge, D. J. 1991. Hurricane Effects on Soil Organic-Matter Dynamics and Forest Production in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto-Rico – Results of Simulation Modeling. Biotropica 23(4a): 364-372
- Seastedt, T.R., W.J. Parton and D.S. Ojima. Mass loss and nitrogen dynamics of decaying litter of grasslands: The apparent low nitrogen immobilization potential of root detritus. Can. J. Bot. 70:384-391.
- Cole, C.V., K. Paustian, E.T. Elliott, A.K. Metherell, D.S. Ojima, and W.J. Parton. Analysis of agroecosystem carbon pools. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 70:357-371.
- Sampson, RN; Apps, M; Brown, S; Cole, CV; Downing, J; Heath, LS; Ojima, DS; Smith, TM; Solomon, AM; Wisniewski, J. 1993. Workshop Summary Statement – Terrestrial Biospheric Carbon Fluxes – Quantification of Sinks and Sources of CO2. Water Air and Soil Pollution 70: 3-15
- Ojima, D.S., D.W. Valentine, A.R. Mosier, W.J. Parton and D.S. Schimel. Effect of land use change on methane oxidation in temperate forest and grassland soils. Chemosphere 26:675-685.
- Ojima, D.S., W.J. Parton, D.S. Schimel and J.M.O. Scurlock. Modeling the effects of climatic and CO2 changes on grassland storage of soil C. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 70:643-657.
- Ojima, D.S., B.O.M. Dirks, E.P. Glenn, C.E. Owensby and J.M.O. Scurlock. Assessment of C budget for grasslands and drylands of the world. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 70:95-109.
- Parton, W.J., J.M.O. Scurlock, D.S. Ojima, T.G. Gilmanov, R.J. Scholes, D.S. Schimel, T. Kirchner, J-C. Menaut, T. Seastedt, E. Garcia Moya, A. Kamnalrut and J.L. Kinyamario. Observations and modeling of biomass and soil organic matter dynamics for the grassland biome worldwide. Global Biogeochemistry Cycles 7:(4):785-809.
- Ojima, D.S., K.A. Galvin and B.L. Turner II. The global impact of land-use change. BioScience 44(5):300-304.
- Ojima, D.S., D.S. Schimel, W.J. Parton, and C. Owensby. Long- and short-term effects of fire on N cycling in tallgrass prairie. Biogeochemistry 24:67-84.
- Parton, W.J., D.S. Schimel, D.S. Ojima and C.V. Cole. A general model for soil organic matter dynamics: sensitivity to litter chemistry, texture and management. p. 147-167 in R.B. Bryant and R.W. Arnold (eds) Quantitative Modeling of Soil Forming Processes. SSSA Spec. Publ. 39. ASA, CSSA and SSA, Madison, WI.
- Schimel, D.S., B.H. Braswell Jr., E.A. Holland, R. McKeown, D.S. Ojima, T.H. Painter, W.J. Parton and A.R. Townsend. Climatic, edaphic and biotic controls over storage and turnover of carbon in soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 8(3):279-293.
- Seastedt, T.R., C.C. Coxwell, D.S. Ojima, and W. J. Parton. Controls of Plant and Soil Carbon in a Semihumid Temperate Grassland. Ecological Applications 4(2):344-353.
- Baron, J., D.S. Ojima, E.A. Holland, and W.J. Parton. Analysis of nitrogen saturation potential in Rocky Mountain tundra and forest: Implications for aquatic systems. Biogeochemistry 27:61-82.
- Parton, W.J., D.S. Schimel, D.S. Ojima. Environmental change in grasslands: assessment using models. Climatic Change 28:111-141.
- Parton, W.J., J.M.O. Scurlock, D.S. Ojima, D.S. Schimel, and D.O. Hall. Impact of Climate-Change on Grassland Production and Soil Carbon Worldwide. Global Change Biology 1(1):13-22.
- Xiao, X., D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, Z. Chen and D. Chen. Sensitivity of Inner Mongolia grasslands to climate change. Journal of Biogeography 22:643-648.
- VEMAP, et al. J. Borchers, J. Chaney, H. Fisher, S. Fox, A. Haxeltine, A. Janetos, D. Kicklighter, T. Kittel, A.D. McGuire, B. McKeown, J.M. Melillo, R. Neilson, R. Nemani, D. Ojima, T. Painter, Y. Pan, W. Parton, L. Pierce, L. Pitelka, C. Prentice, B. Risso, N. Rosenbloom, S. Running, D. Schimel, S. Sitch, T. Smith and I. Woodward. 1995. Vegetation/ecosystem modeling and analysis project (VEMAP): assessing biogeography and biogeochemistry models in a regional study of terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change and CO2 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 9:407-437
- Kittel, TGF; Rosenbloom, NA; Painter, TH; Schimel, DS; Melillo, JM; Pan, YD; Kicklighter, DW; McGuire, AD; Neilson, RP; Chaney, J; Ojima, DS; McKeown, R; Parton, WJ; Pulliam, WM; Prentice, IC; Haxeltine, A; Running, SW; Pierce, LL; Nemani, RR; Hunt, ER; Smith, TM; Rizzo, B; Woodward, FI. The VEMAP integrated database for modelling United States ecosystem/vegetation sensitivity to climate change. 1995. Journal of Biogeography 22: 857-862
- Hall, DO; Ojima, DS; Parton, WJ; Scurlock, JMO. 1995. Response of temperate and tropical grasslands to CO2 and climate change. Journal of Biogeography 22:537-547
- Xiao, XM; Shu, J; Wang, YF; Ojima, DS; Bonham, CD. 1996. Temporal variation in aboveground biomass of Leymus chinense steppe from species to community levels in the Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Vegetatio 123: 1-12
- Schimel, DS; Braswell, BH; McKeown, R; Ojima, DS; Parton, WJ; Pulliam, W. Climate and nitrogen controls on the geography and timescales of terrestrial biogeochemical cycling. 1996. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10: 677-692
- Parton, W.J., A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, D.W. Valentine, D.S. Schimel, K. Weier and A.E. Kulmala. Generalized model for N2 and N2O production from nitrification and denitrification. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10(3):401-412.
- Xiao, X., D. Chen, Y. Peng, X. Cui and D.S. Ojima. Observation and modeling of plant biomass of meadow steppe in Tumugi, Xingan League, Inner Mongolia, China. Vegetatio 127:191-201.
- Xiao, X., Y. Wang, S. Jaing, D.S. Ojima and C.D. Bonham. Interannual variation in the climate and aboveground biomass of Leymus chinense steppe and Stipa grandis steppe in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Environments 31:283-299.
- Mosier, A.R., W.J. Parton, D.W. Valentine, D.S. Ojima, D.S. Schimel and O. Heinmeyer. CH4 and N2O fluxes in the Colorado shortgrass steppe: 2. Long-term impact of land use change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11:29-42.
- Schimel, D.S., W. Emanuel, B. Rizzo, T. Smith, F.I. Woodward, H. Fisher, T.G.F. Kittel, R. McKeown, T. Painter, N. Rosenbloom, D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, D.W. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire, J. M. Melillo, Y. Pan, A. Haxeltine, C. Prentice, S. Sitch, K. Hibbard, R. Nemani, L. Pierce, S. Running, J. Borchers, J. Chaney, R. Neilson, B.H. Braswell. Continental scale variability in ecosystem processes: Models, data, and the role of disturbance. Ecological Monographs 67(2):251-271.
- Mosier, A.R., W.J. Parton, D.W. Valentine, D.S. Ojima, D.S. Schimel and O. Heinmeyer. CH4 and N2O fluxes in the Colorado shortgrass steppe: 2. Long-term impact of land use change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11:29-42.
- Gilmanov, T.G., W.J. Parton and D.S. Ojima. Testing the CENTURY ecosystem level model on data sets from eight grassland sites in the former USSR representing wide climatic/soil gradient. Ecological Modelling 96:191-210.
- Frolking, S., A. R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, C. Li, W.J. Parton, C. Potter, E. Priesack, R. Stengers, C. Hoberbosch, H. Flessa and K. Smith. Comparison of N2O emissions from soils at three temperate agricultural sites: Simulations of year-round measurements by four models. Nutrient Cycles in Agroecosystems 55:77-105.
- Baron, J.S., M.D. Hartman, T.G.F. Kittel, L.E. Band, D.S. Ojima, and R.B. Lammers. Effects of land cover, water redistribution, and temperature on ecosystem processes in the South Platte Basin. Ecological Application 8:1037-1051.
- Martin, R.E., M.C. Scholes, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, E.A. Holland and W.J. Parton. Controls on annual emissions of nitric oxide from soils of the Colorado shortgrass steppe. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 12:81-91.
- Parton, W.J., M. Hartman, D.S. Ojima, D.S.Schimel. DAYCENT and its land surface submodel: description and testing. Global and Planetary Change 19:35-48.
- Sharpe, J. S., Harden, J.W., Ojima, D., Parton, W., and Dabney, S. 1998. Implementation of the CENTURY Ecosystem Model on an Eroding Hillslope in Mississippi. U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-440, 44 p.
- Pan, YD; Melillo, JM; McGuire, AD; Kicklighter, DW; Pitelka, LF; Hibbard, K; Pierce, LL; Running, SW; Ojima, DS; Parton, WJ; Schimel, DS (VEMAP Members). 1998. Modeled responses of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO(2): a comparison of simulations by the biogeochemistry models of the Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP). Oecologia 114: 389-404
- Harden, J. W., J.M. Sharpe, W.J. Parton, D.S. Ojima, T.L. Fries, T.G. Huntington, and S.M. Dabney. Dynamic replacement and loss of soil carbon on eroding cropland. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13(4):885-901.
- Ojima, D., L. Garcia, E. Elgaali, K. Miller, T.G.F. Kittel, and J. Lackett. Potential Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Great Plains. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 35(6):1443-1454.
- Schimel, D.S., M. Melillo, H. Tian, A.D. McGuire, D. Kicklighter, T. Kittel, N. Rosenbloom, S. Running, P. Thornton, D. Ojima, W. Parton, R. Kelly, M. Sykes, R. Neilson, Brian Rizzo, and L. Pitelka. 2000. Contribution of increasing CO2 and climate to carbon storage by ecosystems in the United States. Science 287: (5460) 2004‑2006.
- Daly, C., D. Bachelet, J.M. Lenihan, R. Neilson, W. Parton, and D. Ojima. 2000. Dynamic simulation of tree-grass interactions for global change studies. Ecological Applications 10(2):449-469.
- Del Grosso, S.J., W.J. Parton, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, C.S. Potter, W. Borken, R. Brumme, K. Butterbach-Bahl, P.M. Crill, K. Dobbie, and K.A. Smith. General CH4 oxidation model and comparisons of CH4 oxidation in natural and managed systems. Global and Biogeochemical Cycles 4:999-1019.
- Del Grosso, S.J., W.J. Parton, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, A.E. Kulmala, and S. Phongpan. General Model for N2O and N2 Gas Emissions from Soils Due to Denitrification. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 4:1045-1060.
- Kelly, R.H., W.J. Parton, M.D. Hartman, L.K. Stretch, D.S. Ojima, and D.S. Schimel. Intra- and interannual variability of ecosystem processes in shortgrass-steppe: new model, verification, simulations. JGR: Atmospheres 105: 20,093‑20,100.
- Ojima, Dennis, A. Mosier, S.J. DelGrosso, and W.J. Parton. TRAGNET analysis and synthesis of trace gas fluxes. Global and Biogeochemical Cycles 14:995-997.
- Del Grosso, S.J., W.J. Parton, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, and M.D. Hartman. 2000. Interaction of soil carbon sequestration and N20 flux with different land use practices. Pages 303-311 in J. van Ham et al, editors. Non-CO2 greenhouse gases: scientific understanding, control and implementation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Groffman, P.M., R. Brumme, K. Butterbach-Bahl, K.E. Dobbie, A.R. Mosier, D. Ojima, H. Papen, W.J. Parton, K.A. Smith, C. Wagner-Riddle. Evaluating annual nitrous oxide fluxes at the ecosystem scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14:1061-1070.
- Bachelet, D., C. Daly, J.M. Lenihan, R. Neilson, W. Parton, and D. Ojima. 2000. Interactions between fire, grazing, and climate change at Wind Cave National Park, SD. Ecological Modelling 134:229-244.
- Hanamean Jr., J.R., R.A. Pielke Sr., C.L. Castro, D.S. Ojima, B.C. Reed, Z. Gao. 2001. pp.1-42. Vegetation Impacts on Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in Northeast Colorado. Meteorological Applications. 10: 203-215
- Lu, Lixin, R.A. Pielke, Sr., G.E. Liston, W.J. Parton, D.S. Ojima, and M.D. Hartman. Implementation of a two-way interactive atmospheric and ecological model and its application to the central United States. Journal of Climate 14:900-919.
- Parton, W.J., E.A. Holland, S.J. Del Grosso, M.D. Hartman, R.E. Martin, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima and D.S. Schimel. Generalized model for NOx and N2O emissions from soils. Journal of Geophysical Research 106:17403-17419. S83.
- Del Grosso, SJ; Ojima, DS; Parton, WJ; Mosier, AR. 2002. Simulated effects of tillage and timing of N fertilizer application on net greenhouse gas fluxes and N losses for agricultural soils in the Midwestern USA. Environmental Pollution 116: 575-583
- Del Grosso SJ, Ojima DS, Parton WJ, Mosier AR, Peterson GA. 2002. Regional assessment of net greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural soils in the USA Great Plains under current and improved management. In: van Ham J, Baede APM, Guicherit R, Williams-Jacobs JGFM, eds. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Millpress, 469–474
- Reilly, John M., Jeff Graham, James Hrubovcak, David G. Abler, Robert A. Brown, Roy F. Darwin, Steve E. Hollinger, R. Cesar Izaurralde, Shrikant S. Jagtap, James W. Jones, John Kimble, Bruce A. McCarl, Linda O. Mearns, Dennis S. Ojima, Eldor A. Paul, Keith Paustian, Susan J. Riha, Norman J. Rosenberg, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Francesco N. Tubiello. Agriculture: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the United States. 1-136. In: Agriculture: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.
- Chuluun Togtohyn, Dennis Ojima. 2002. Land use change and carbon cycle in arid and semi-arid lands of East and Central Asia. Science in China. Series C. 45: pp 48-54.
- Wang, G.M., N.T. Hobbs, K.M. Giesen, H. Galbraith, D.S. Ojima and C.E. Braun. Relationships between climate and population dynamics of white-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Climate Research 23(1):81-87.
- Wang, G.M., N.T. Hobbs, F.J. Singer, D.S. Ojima and B.C. Lubow. Impacts of climate changes on elk population dynamics in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Climatic Change 54:205-223
- Bandaranayake, W., Y.L. Qian, W.J. Parton, D.S. Ojima, R.F. Follett. 2003. Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Changes in Turfgrass Systems Using the CENTURY Model. Agronomy Journal 95:558-563.
- Gill, R.A., R.H. Kelly, W.J. Parton, K.A. Day, R.B. Jackson, J.A. Morgan, J.M.O. Scurlock, L.L. Tieszen, J.V. Castle, D.S. Ojima, X.S. Zhang. 2002. Using simple environmental variables to estimate below-ground productivity in grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 11:79-86.
- Hibbard, K.A., D. S. Schimel, S. Archer, D.S. Ojima and W. Parton. 2003. Grassland to woodland transitions: Integrating changes in landscape structure and biogeochemistry. Ecological Applications 13(4):911-926.
- Hanamean, J.R. Jr., R.A. Pielke Sr., C.L. Castro, D.S. Ojima, B.C. Reed and Z. Gao. 2003. Vegetation greenness impacts on maximum and minimum temperatures in Northeast Colorado. Meteorological Applications 10:1-13.
- Pendall, E., S. Del Grosso, J.Y. King, D.R. LeCain, D.G. Milchunas, J.A. Morgan, A.R. Mosier, D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, P.P. Tans and J.W.C. White. Elevated atmospheric CO2 effects and soil water feedbacks on soil respiration components in a Colorado grassland. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(2): 10.1029/2001GB001821.
- Rastetter, E.B., J.D. Aber, D.P. Peters, D.S. Ojima, and I.C. Burke. Using mechanistic models to scale ecological processes across space and time. BioScience 53(1):68-76.
- Reilly, J., F. Tubiello, B. McCarl, D. Abler, R. Darwin, K. Fuglie, S. Hollinger, C. Izaurralde, S. Jagtap, J. Jones, L. Mearns, D. Ojima, E. Paul, K. Paustian, S. Riha, N. Rosenberg and C. Rosenzweig. US agriculture and climate change: New results. Climatic Change 57:43-69.
- Barger, N.N., D.S. Ojima, J. Belnap, W. Shiping, W. Yanfen and Z. Chen. Changes in plant functional groups, litter quality, and soil C and N mineralization with sheep grazing in an Inner Mongolian grassland. Journal of Range Management 57: 613-619.
- Begzsuren, S., J.E. Ellis, D.S. Ojima, M.B. Coughenour and T. Chuluun. Livestock responses to droughts and severe winter weather in the Gobi Three Beauty National Park, Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments 59(4):785-796.
- Boles, S.H., X.M. Xiao, J.Y. Liu, Q.Y. Zhang, S. Munkhtuya, S.Q. Chen and D. Ojima. Land cover characterization of Temperate East Asia using multi-temporal VEGETATION sensor data. Remote Sensing of Environment 90(4):477-489.
- Ogle, S., D. S. Ojima, W.A. Reiners 2004. Modeling the impact of exotic annual brome grasses on soil organic carbon storage in a northern mixed grass prairie. Biological Invasions 6: 365-377.
- Liu, X.J., M. Walsh, X.T. Ju, F.S. Zhang, D. Schimel, and D. Ojima. NO and N2O fluxes from agricultural soils in Beijing area. Progress in Natural Science 14:489-494.
- Parton, W., G. Tappan, D. Ojima and P. Tschakert. Ecological impact of historical and future land use patterns in Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments 59(3):605-623.
- Throop, H.L., E.A. Holland, W.J. Parton, D.S. Ojima and C.A. Keough. Effects of nitrogen deposition and insect herbivory on patterns of ecosystem-level carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Results from the CENTURY model. Global Change Biology 10(7):1092-1105.
- Xiao, X.M., Q.Y. Zhang, B. Braswell, S. Urbanski, S. Boles, S. Wofsy, M. Berrien, and D. Ojima. Modeling gross primary production of temperate deciduous broadleaf forest using satellite images and climate data. Remote Sensing of Environment 90(4):256-270.
- Kittel, T.G.F., N.A. Rosenbloom, J.A. Royle, C. Daly, W.P. Gibson, H.H. Fisher, P. Thornton, D.N. Yates, S. Aulenbach, C. Kaufman, R. McKeown, D. Bachelet, D.S. Schimel and VEMAP2 Participants (includes Ojima, DS). VEMAP Phase 2 bioclimatic database. I. Gridded historical (20th Century) climate for modeling ecosystem dynamics across the conterminous USA. Climate Research 27: 151-170.
- Dale V, Archer S, Chang M, Ojima D. 2005. Ecological impacts and mitigation strategies for rural land management. Ecological Applications 15: 1879-1892
- Raupach MR, Rayner PJ, Barrett DJ, DeFries RS, Heimann M, Ojima DS, Quegan S, Schmullius CC. 2005. Model-data synthesis in terrestrial carbon observation: methods, data requirements and data uncertainty specifications. Global Change Biology 11:378-397
- Parton WJ, Gutmann MP, Williams SA, Easter M, Ojima D. 2005. Ecological impact of historical land-use patterns in the Great Plains: A methodological assessment. Ecological Applications 15: 1915-1928
- Parton W, Tappan G, Ojima D, Tschakert P. 2005. Ecological impact of historical and future land-use patterns in Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments 59: 605-623
- Barger NN, Belnap J, Ojima DS, Mosier A. 2005. NO gas loss from biologically crusted soils in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Biogeochemistry 75: 373-391
- Del Grosso SJ, Mosier AR, Parton WJ, Ojima DS. 2005. DAYCENT model analysis of past and contemporary soil N2O and net greenhouse gas flux for major crops in the USA. Soil & Tillage Research 83: 9-24
- Del Grosso SJ, Parton WJ, Mosier AR, Holland EA, Pendall E, Schimel DS, Ojima DS. 2005. Modeling soil CO2 emissions from ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 73: 71-91
- NRC Report on “Population, Land Use, and Environment: Research Directions”. Dennis Ojima co-author of chapter 1 and 2.
- Hobbs RJ, Arico S, Aronson J, Baron JS, Bridgewater P, Cramer VA, Epstein PR, Ewel JJ, Klink CA, Lugo AE, Norton D, Ojima D, Richardson DM, Sanderson EW, Valladares F, Vila M, Zamora R, Zobel M. 2006. Novel ecosystems: theoretical and management aspects of the new ecological world order. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 1-7
- Elgaali E, Garcia LA, Ojima DS. 2006. Sensitivity of irrigation water balance to climate change in the Great Plains of Colorado. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE 49 (5): 1315-1322
- J. Del Grosso, W. J. Parton, A. R. Mosier, M. K. Walsh, D. S. Ojima and P. E. Thornton. 2006. DAYCENT national-scale simulations of nitrous oxide emissions from cropped soils in the United States. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 35 (4): 1451-1460 JUL-AUG 2006
- Ojima DS, Wall DH, Moore J, et al.2006. Don’t sell social science short. SCIENCE 312 (5779): 1470-1470.
- Hicke, J. A., J. A. Logan, J. Powell, and D. S. Ojima. 2006. Changing temperatures influence suitability for modeled mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks in the western United States. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 111, G02019, doi:02010.01029/02005JG000101.
- Hartman MD, Baron JS, Ojima DS. 2007. Application of a coupled ecosystem-chemical equilibrium model, DayCent-Chem, to stream and soil chemistry in a Rocky Mountain watershed. Ecological Modelling 200 (3-4): 493-510
- Boone, R.B., J.M. Lackett, K.A. Galvin, D.S. Ojima, and C.J. Tucker III. 2007. Links and broken chains: evidence of human-caused changes in land cover in remotely sensed images. Environmental Science & Policy 10:135-149.
- Hicke, J. A., J. C. Jenkins, D. S. Ojima, and M. Ducey. 2007. Spatial patterns of forest characteristics in the western United States derived from inventories. Ecological Applications 17:2387-2402.
- Stehfest, E., M. Heistermann, J. A. Priess, D. S. Ojima and J. Alcamo. 2007. Simulation of global crop production with the ecosystem model DayCent. Ecological Modelling 209: 203-219
- Parton, William J., Gutmann, Myron P., Ojima, Dennis . Long-term trends in population, farm income, and crop production in the Great Plains. Bioscience. 57, (9), 737-747.
- Elgaali, E.; Garcia, L. A.; Ojima, D. S. 2007. High resolution modeling of the regional impacts of climate change on irrigation water demand. Climatic Change. 84:441-461
- National Research Council. 2007. Assessment of the NASA Applied Sciences Program. Pages: xvi, 143. National Academy of Sciences. Wilbanks, TJ., MJ Auerbach, NM Dickson, GL Frederick, BJ Garrick, JR Jensen, TL Mote, FE Muller-Karger, DS Ojima, JA Patz, JR Leaf Sr., AR Solow (Committee Members). Eide, EE., PM Cutler, JP Eno, ND Rogers (NRC Staff).
- Tschakert, Petra, Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald, Dennis S. Ojima, Michael R. Raupach, and Erich Schienke. 2008. Principles for holistic, adaptive management of the terrestrial carbon cycle at local and regional scales, through multi-criteria analysis. Global Environmental Change 18: 128–141
- Philip Robertson, Virginia H. Dale, Otto C. Doering, Steven P. Hamburg, Jerry M. Melillo, Michele M. Wander, William J. Parton, Paul R. Adler, Jacob N. Barney, Richard M. Cruse, Clifford S. Duke, Philip M. Fearnside, Ronald F. Follett, Holly K. Gibbs, Jose Goldemberg, David J. Mladenoff, Dennis Ojima, Michael W. Palmer, Andrew Sharpley, Linda Wallace, Kathleen C. Weathers, John A. Wiens, Wallace W. Wilhelm. 2008. Sustainable Biofuels Redux. Vol. 322. no. 5898, pp. 49 – 50. DOI: 10.1126/science.1161525
- Mawdsley, J, O;Malley, R., Ojima, D.S. 2009. A Review of Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies for Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Conservation. Conservation Biology: DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01264.x
- Ojima D.S. and R.W. Corell. 2009. Managing Grassland Ecosystems under Global Environmental Change: Developing Strategies to Meet Challenges and Opportunities of Global Change. In Franzluebbers, A.J., ed. 2009. Farming with Grass: Achieving Sustainable Mixed Agricultural Landscapes. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society. Pp 146-155.
- Shim, Jee H.; Pendall, Elise; Morgan, Jack A.; Ojima, Dennis S. 2009. Wetting and drying cycles drive variations in the stable carbon isotope ratio of respired carbon dioxide in semi-arid grassland. Oecologia 160, 321-333.
- Del Grosso, S.J., D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, E. Stehfest, M. Heistemann, B. Deangelo, S. Rose. 2009. Global Scale DAYCENT Model Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Strategies for Cropped Soils. Global and Planetary Change, 67 (2009) 44–50
- Vitousek, P.M., R. Naylor, T. Crews, M. B. David, L. E. Drinkwater, E. Holland, P. J. Johnes, J. Katzenberger, L. A. Martinelli, P. A. Matson, G. Nziguheba, D. Ojima, C. A. Palm, G. P. Robertson, P. A. Sanchez, A. R. Townsend, F. S. Zhang. 2009. Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultural Development. Science 324: 1519-1520.
- Hartman, M.D., Baron, J.S., Clow, D.W., Creed, I.F., Driscoll, C.T., Ewing, H.A., Haines, B.D., Knoepp, J., Lajtha, K., Ojima, D.S., Parton, W.J., Renfro, J., Robinson, R.B., Van Miegroet, H., Weathers, K.C., and Williams, M.W., 2009, DayCent-Chem simulations of ecological and biogeochemical processes of eight mountain ecosystems in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5150, 174 p.
- Pavel Ya Groisman, Elizabeth A. Clark, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Vladimir M. Kattsov, Irina N. Sokolik, Vladimir B. Aizen, Oliver Cartus, Jiquan Chen, Christiane C. Schmullius, Susan Conard, John Katzenberger, Olga Krankina, Jaakko Kukkonen, Mikhail A. Sofiev, Toshinobu Machida, Shamil Maksyutov, Dennis Ojima, Jiaguo Qi, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Donald Walker, Maurizio Santoro, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Charles Vörösmarty, Kou Shimoyama, Herman H. Shugart, Jacquelyn K. Shuman, Anatoly I. Sukhinin, and Eric F. Wood. 2009: The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership: An Example of Science Applied to Societal Needs. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 671–688. doi:
- Sun J., S. P. Oncley, S. P. Burns, B. B. Stephens, D. H. Lenschow, T. Campos, R. K. Monson, D.S. Schimel, W. J. Sacks, S. F. J. De Wekker, C-T Lai, B. Lamb, D. S. Ojima, P. Z. Ellsworth, L. S. L. Sternberg, S. Zhong, C. Clements, D. J. P. Moore, D. E. Anderson, A.S. Watt, J. Hu, M. Tschudi, S. Aulenbach, E. Allwine, And T. Coons. 2010. Multidisciplinary Investigation of Ecosystem–Atmosphere CO2 Exchange over the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society (BAMS) 91:209-230
- Baker, DJ, Richards, A. Grainger, P. Gonzalez, S. Brown, R. DeFries, A. Held, J. Kellndorfer, P. Ndunda, D. S. Ojima, P.-E. Skrovseth, C. Souza Jr., F. Stolle. 2010. Achieving Forest Carbon Information with Higher Certainty: A Five-Step Strategy. Env. Sci. & Policy 13: 249-260.
- Canadell, J.G., P. Ciais, S. Dhakal, H. Dolman, P. Friedlingstein, K. R. Gurney, A. Held, R. B. Jackson, C. LeQue´ re´, E. L. Malone, D. S. Ojima, A. Patwardhan, G. P. Peters, and M. R. Raupach. 2010. Interactions of the carbon cycle, human activity, and the climate system: A Research Portfolio, Curr Opin Environ Sustain 2: 301-311. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2010.08.003
- Buenemann M., C. Martius, J. W. Jones, S. M. Herrmann, D. Klein, M. Mulligan, M. S. Reed, M. Winslow, R. A. Washington-Allen, R. Lal, And D. S. Ojima. 2010. Integrative geospatial approaches for the comprehensive monitoring and assessment of land management sustainability: Rationale, potentials, and characteristics. Land Degradation & Development 22: 226-239. ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1074
- Khishigbayar Jamiyansharav, K., D. S. Ojima, R A. Pielke Sr., W. J. Parton, J. Morgan, Beltrán-Przekurat, D LeCain, and D. Smith. 2011. Seasonal and interannual variability in surface energy partitioning and vegetation cover with grazing at shortgrass steppe. J. Arid Environ. 75:360-370.
- Boone, Randall B.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; BurnSilver, Shauna B.; Thornton, Philip K.; Ojima, Dennis S.; Jawson, Jacob R. 2011. Using Coupled Simulation Models to Link Pastoral Decision Making and Ecosystem Services. Ecology and Society 16(2):6 [online] URL:
- Ciais, A. J. Dolman, A. Bombelli, R. Duren, A. Peregon, P. J. Rayner, C. Miller, N. Gobron, G. Kinderman, G. Marland, N. Gruber, F. Chevallier, R. J. Andres, G. Balsamo, L. Bopp, F.-M. Bréon, G. Broquet, R. Dargaville, T. J. Battin, A. Borges, H. Bovensmann, M. Buchwitz, J. Butler, J. G. Canadell, R. B. Cook, R. DeFries, R. Engelen, K. R. Gurney, C. Heinze, M. Heimann, A. Held, M. Henry, B. Law, S. Luyssaert, J. Miller, T. Moriyama, C. Moulin, R. B. Myneni, C. Nussli, M. Obersteiner, D. Ojima, Y. Pan, J.-D. Paris, S. L. Piao, B. Poulter, S. Plummer, S. Quegan, P. Raymond, M. Reichstein, L. Rivier, C. Sabine, D. Schimel, O. Tarasova, R. Valentini, R. Wang, G. van der Werf, D. Wickland, M. Williams, and C. Zehner. 2014. Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system. Biogeosciences, 11, 3547-3602.
- Benjamin B. Henderson, B.B, Gerber, P.J., Hilinski, T.E., Falcucci, A., Ojima, D.S., Salvatore M., Conant, R.T. 2015. Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of the world’s grazing lands: Modeling soil carbon and nitrogen fluxes of mitigation practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 207: 91–100
- SM McNeeley, TA Beeton, DS Ojima. 2016. Drought Risk and Adaptation in the Interior United States: Understanding the Importance of Local Context for Resource Management in Times of Drought. Weather, Climate, and Society 8:147-161
- Ruane, A.C., Claas Teichmann, Nigel W Arnell, Timothy R Carter, Kristie L Ebi, Katja Frieler, Clare M Goodess, Bruce Hewitson, Radley Horton, R Sari Kovats, Heike K Lotze, Linda O Mearns, Antonio Navarra, Dennis S Ojima, Keywan Riahi, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Matthias Themessl, Katharine Vincent. 2016. The Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board (VIACS AB v1. 0) contribution to CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development 9 (9), 3493
Special Peered Reviewed Reports and Chapters
- Matson, P.A. and D.S. Ojima. Terrestrial Biosphere Exchange with Global Atmospheric Chemistry: Terrestrial Biosphere Perspective of the IGAC Project-Companion to the Dookie Report. IGBP Report No. 13. pp. 103.
- Ojima, D.S., W.E. Easterling, and C. Donofrio. Climate Change Impacts on the Great Plains. OSTP Workshop Report, 99 pp.
- VEMAP members. 1999. Changes to the Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems. Chapter in NRC Report Global Change: Pathways for the Next Decade.
- Bachelet, J.M. Lenihan, C. Daly, R.P. Neilson, D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton. 2001. MC1, a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated carbon and nutrient fluxes. Technical Documentation Version 1.0. USDA F.S. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-508. Corvallis, OR. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
- Joyce, L.A., D. Ojima, G.A. Seielstad, Robert Harriss, and Jill Lackett. Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Great Plains. Pp. 191-217 In Climate Change Impacts on the United States. National Assessment Synthesis Team, Cambridge University Press.
- Ojima, D.S. and J. Lackett. 2002. Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Great Plains. CSU Publications.
- Lucier, A., M. Palmer, H. Mooney, K. Nadelhoffer, D. Ojima, and F. Chavez. 2006. Ecosystems and Climate Change: Research Priorities for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program. Recommendations from the Scientific Community. Report on an Ecosystems Workshop, prepared for the Ecosystems Interagency Working Group. Special Series No. SS-92-06, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, MD, USA. 50pp.
- GAO-07-863. 2007. CLIMATE CHANGE: Agencies Should Develop Guidance for Addressing the Effects on Federal Land and Water Resources
- Glick, P., B.A. Stein, and N.A. Edelson, editors. 2011. Scanning the Conservation Horizon: A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.
- Robert Denaro (Chair), George Brimhall, Robert Chen, Andrea Donnellan, Michael Emch, Ian Jackson, John Kelmelis, Xavier Lopez, Dennis Ojima, Bridget Scanlon: Committee on Spatial Data Enabling USGS Strategic Science in the 21st Century, Mapping Science Committee, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council. 2012. “Advancing Strategic Science: A Spatial Data Infrastructure Roadmap for the U.S. Geological Survey”. 2012
- A U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan (2011): A Report of the Carbon Cycle Science Steering Group and Subcommittee, Anna Michalak, Rob Jackson, Gregg Marland, Chris Sabine, Co-Chairs. Contributors: Robert F. Anderson, Deborah Bronk, Kenneth J. Davis, Ruth S. DeFries, A. Scott Denning, Lisa Dilling, Robert B. Jackson, Andy Jacobson, Steven Lohrenz, Gregg Marland, A. David McGuire, Galen A. McKinley, Anna M. Michalak, Charles Miller, Berrien Moore III, Dennis S. Ojima, Brian O’Neill, James T. Randerson, Steven W. Running, Christopher L. Sabine, Brent Sohngen, Pieter P. Tans, Peter E. Thornton, Steven C. Wofsy, and Ning Zeng.
- Ojima, Dennis S., Jean Steiner, Shannon McNeeley, Amber Childress, and Karen Cozzetto. “Great Plains Climate Assessment Technical Report.” (2012).
- Shafer, M., D. Ojima, J. M. Antle, D. Kluck, R. A. McPherson, S. Petersen, B. Scanlon, and K. Sherman, 2014: Ch. 19: Great Plains. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 441-461. doi:10.7930/J0D798BC.
- Dennis S. Ojima, Louis R. Iverson, Brent L. Sohngen, James M. Vose, Christopher W. Woodall, Grant M. Domke, David L. Peterson, Jeremy S. Littell, Stephen N. Matthews, Anantha M. Prasad, Matthew P. Peters, Gary W. Yohe, and Megan M. Friggens. 2014. Risk Assessment. Chapter 9 In Peterson, D.L.; Vose, J.M.; Patel-Weynand, T., eds. Climate change and United States forests. The Netherlands: Springer:223-244.
- Colorado Climate Change Vulnerability Study: A Report Submitted to the Colorado Energy Office. 2015.
- Ojima, D., N. Cavallaro, R. Washington Allen, S. Archer, D. Bailey, J. Belnap, J. Blair, S. Casby-Horton, J. Dwyer, J. Garrett, J. Herrick, M.A. Kenney, E. Pendall, J. Tanaka, B. Wilcox, R. Aicher, J. Reyes. (2014) Grasslands, Rangelands, and Pasturelands Indicators. Report to the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee Indicators Work Group.
- Kenney, M.A, Janetos, A.C, et. al, National Climate Indicators System Report, National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee, 2014.
- Brown, M.E., J.M. Antle, P. Backlund, E.R. Carr, W.E. Easterling, M.K. Walsh, C. Ammann, W. Attavanich, C.B. Barrett, M.F. Bellemare, V. Dancheck, C. Funk, K. Grace, J.S.I. Ingram, H. Jiang, H. Maletta, T. Mata, A. Murray, M. Ngugi, D. Ojima, B. O’Neill, and C. Tebaldi. 2015. Climate Change, Global Food Security, and the U.S. Food System. 146 pages. Available online at
Books Edited
- Ojima, D.S. and B. Svensson (eds). 1992. Trace Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective. Proceedings from the SCOPE/IGBP workshop, Sigtuna, Sweden, 19-23 February 1990. Ecol. Bull 42 (Copenhagen). 206pp.
- Ojima, D.S. (ed.) Earth System Modeling. Proceedings from the 1990 Global Change Institute on Earth System Modeling. Snowmass, Colorado, 16-27 July 1990. UCAR/OIES. Global Change Institute Vol 3. 488 pp.
- Parton, W.J., B. McKeown, V. Kirchner and D.S. Ojima. CENTURY Users Manual. NREL Publication. CSU, Fort Collins, CO, USA.
- Togtohyn Chuluun and Dennis Ojima. 2002. Fundamental Issues Affecting Sustainability of the Mongolian Steppe. Proceeding of Symposium on Change and Sustainability of Pastoral Land Use Systems in East and Central Asia. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. June 28-July 1, 2001.
- Kohyama T, Canadell J, Ojima DS, Pitelka LF (editors). 2005. Forest ecosystems and environments: scaling up from shoot module to watershed. Ecological Research 20
- Ojima, D.S., Jean Steiner, Amber Childress, Shannon Michele McNeeley, Karen Diane Cozzetto (eds). 2015. Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report. NCA Regional Input Reports Series. 224 pp. Island Press, USA.
- Parton, W.J., C.V. Cole, J.W.B. Stewart, D.S. Ojima and D.S. Schimel. Simulating regional patterns of C, N, and P dynamics in the U.S. central grasslands region. pp. 99-108 In M. Clarholm and L. Bergstrom (eds.), Ecology of Arable Land – Perspectives and Challenges. Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 39.
- Schimel, D.S., M.O. Andreae, D. Fowler, I.E. Galbally, R.C. Harriss, D.S. Ojima, H. Rodhe, T. Rosswall, B.H. Svensson and G.A. Zavarzin. Priorities for an international research program on trace gas exchange. Pp. 321-331 In M.O. Andreae and D.S. Schimel (eds.), Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Ojima, D.S., W.J. Parton, D.S. Schimel and C.E. Owensby. Simulated impacts of annual burning on prairie ecosystems. Pp. 118-132 In S.L. Collins and L.L. Wallace (eds.), Proceedings of a symposium “Fire in North American Grasslands,” August 13, 1987, American institute of Biological Sciences in Columbus, Ecological Society of America and the Botanical Society of America. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
- Stafford Smith, D.M., Campbell, B.D., Archer, S., Ojima, D. and Steffen, W. (1995). GCTE Task 3.1.3: global change impacts on pastures and rangelands: an implementation plan. Developed at a workshop in Canberra, Australia. (Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems Report No.3). 12 – 15 July 1994. Canberra, ACT., GCTE Core Project Office, Canberra. 60p.
- Parton, W.J., M.B. Coughenour, J.M.O. Scurlock, D.S. Ojima, T. Kirchner, T.G.F. Kittel, D.O. Hall, D.S. Schimel, E. Garcia Moya, T.G. Gilmanov, Apinan Kamnalrut, J.I. Kinyamario, S.P. Long, J‑C. Menaut, O.E. Sala, R.J. Scholes and J.A. van Veen. Impact of climate change on grasslands of the world. Chapter 11 In A.I. Breymeyer, D.O. Hall, J.M. Melillo and G.I. Agren (eds.) Global Change: Effects on Coniferous forests and Grasslands. SCOPE Volume 56, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
- Ojima, D.S., W.J. Parton, M.B. Coughenour, J.M.O. Scurlock, T.B. Kirchner, T.G.F. Kittel, D.O. Hall, D.S. Schimel, E. Garcia Moya, T.G. Gilmanov, T.R. Seastedt, A. Kamnalrut, J.I. Kinyamario, S.P. Long, O.E. Sala, R.J. Scholes and J.A. van Veen. Impact of climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide changes on grasslands of the world. In A.I. Breymeyer, D.O. Hall, J.M. Melillo and G.I. Agren (eds.) Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 271-311.
- Ojima, D., Stafford Smith, D.M. and Veardsley,M. (1997). Factors affecting carbon storage in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. In ‘Combating global climate change by combating land degradation: proceedings of a workshop’. Narobi, Kenya. 4 – 5 September 1997. (edited by V. Squires and E. Glenn). Narobi, Kenya. UNEP/University of Arizona Press. pp.93-115.
- Stafford Smith, D.M., Ojima, D. and Carter, J. (1997). Integrated approaches to assessing sequestration opportunities for carbon in rangelands. In ‘Combating global climate change by combating land degradation: proceedings of a workshop’. Narobi, Kenya. 4 – 5 September 1997. (edited by V. Squires and E. Glenn). Narobi, Kenya, UNEP/University of Arizona Press. pp.305-325.
- Galloway, J.N., D.S. Ojima, and J.M. Melillo. Asian change in the context of global change: an overview. Pp. 1-17 in J.N. Galloway and J.M. Melillo (eds.) Asian Change in the Context of Global Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Ojima, D.S., X. Xiao, T. Chuluun, and X.S. Zhang. Asian grassland biogeochemistry: factors affecting past and future dynamics of Asian grasslands. In Asian Change in the context of global climate change, James N. Galloway and Jerry M. Melillo (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, IGBP Book Series 3, 128-144.
- Adams, R. M., B. A. McCarl, K. Segerson, C. Rosenzweig, K. J. Bryant, B. L. Dixon, R. Conner, R. E. Evenson, and D. Ojima. Economic effects of climate change on US agriculture. In The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy, Robert Mendelson and James E. Neumann (eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 18-54.
- Belnap, J., Ojima, D., Phillips, S. L., and Barger, N. N., 1999, Biological soil crusts of Mongolia: Impacts of grazing and precipitation on nitrogen inputs, in Eldridge, D., and Freudenberger, D., eds., People and Rangelands: Building the Future: Proceedings of the VI International Rangeland Congress, July 17-23, 1999, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, Vol. 1, VI International Rangeland Congress, Inc., p. 130-131.
- Ojima, D. S., Tieszen, L., Chuluun, T., Belnap, J., Dodd, J., and Chen, Z., 1999, Factors influencing production systems of the Mongolian steppe: Potential global change impacts on semi-arid ecosystems, in Eldridge, D., and Freudenberger, D., eds., People and Rangelands: Building the Future: Proceedings of the VI International Rangeland Congress, July 17-23, 1999, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, Vol. 1, VI International Rangeland Congress, Inc., p. 264-265.
- Del Grosso, S.J., W.J. Parton, A.R. Mosier, M.D. Hartman, J. Brenner, D.S. Ojima, and D.S. Schimel. Simulated Interaction of Carbon Dynamics and Nitrogen Trace Gas Fluxes using the DAYCENT Model. Pp. 303-332 In Shaffer et al (eds.) Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics for Soil Management , CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- Del Grosso, S.J., Parton, W.J., Mosier, A.R., Hartman, M.D., Keough, C.A., Peterson, G.A., Ojima, D.S., Schimel, D.S., 2001b. Simulated effects of land use, soil texture, and precipitation on N gas emissions using Daycent. In: R.F. Follett, R.F., Hatfield, J.L. (Eds.), Nitrogen in the Environment: Sources, Problems, and Management. Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 413-431.
- Parton, W.J., J.A. Morgan, R.H. Kelly, and D.S. Ojima. Modeling Soil C responses to environmental change in grassland ecosystems. Pp. 371-396 In Follett, Kimble, and Lal, (eds.) The potential of U.S. grazing lands to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect (in press), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Chuluun, T., D. Ojima, L. Tieszen, B. Shurentuya, J. Dodd, J. Belnap, R. Bataar, Kh. Buyan-Orshih, Sh. Tsooj, Li Xianzhen, Bai Youngfei, Jian Ni, J. Rain, M. Erdenetuya, C. Robbins, S. Enh-Amgalan. 2002. The Mongolian East-West Steppe Transect (Mest) Survey. Pp.169-176. In: (Togtoyhn Chuluun, Dennis Ojima). Fundamental Issues Affecting Sustainability of the Mongolian Steppe. Ulaanbataar, Mongolia.
- Begzsuren, Shurentuya, Jim Ellis, Dennis Ojima, Chuluun Togtohyn, James Detling. 2002. Herbaceous Forage Variability and Carrying Capacity in the GTBNP, Mongolia. Pp. 177-191. In: (eds. Togtohyn Chuluun and Dennis Ojima) Fundamental Issues Affecting Sustainability of the Mongolian Steppe. Mongolia.
- Baron, J.S., S. Del Grosso, D.S. Ojima, D.M. Theobald and W.J. Parton. Nitrogen emissions along the Colorado Front Range: Response to population growth, land and water use change, and agriculture. Pp. 117-127 In R. DeFries and G.P. Asner (eds.) Ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. AGU Press.
- Ojima, D.S., T. Chuluun, B. Bolortsetseg, C.J. Tucker and J. Hicke. Eurasian land use impacts on rangeland productivity. Pp. 293-301 In R. DeFries and G.P. Asner (eds.) Ecosystem Interactions with Land Use Change. AGU Press.
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- Gerald C. Nelson, Elena Bennett, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Kenneth Cassman, Ruth DeFries, Thomas Dietz, Andrew Dobson, Achim Dobermann, Anthony Janetos, Marc Levy, Diana Marco, Nebojsa Nakic´enovic´, Brian O’Neill, Richard Norgaard, Gerhard Petschel-Held, Dennis Ojima, Prabhu Pingali, Robert Watson, Monika Zurek. 2005. The Drivers: An Overview. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ecology and Society – E&S-2005-1401 1. Chapter 7. Drivers of Change in Ecosystem Condition and Services
- Norby, R.J., L.E. Rustad, J.S. Dukes, D.S. Ojima, W.J. Parton, S.J. Del Grosso, R.E. McMurtrie and D.A. Pepper. Ecosystem responses to warming and interacting global change factors. Pp: 23-36. In Canadell JG, DE Pataki, LF Pitelka (eds.) Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World. GCTE Synthesis Volume. Springer, Berlin.
- Ojima, DS, WJ McConnell, E Moran, BL. Turner III, JG Canadell, S Lavorel. 2007. The Future Research Challenge: The Global Land Project. Pp: 313-322. In Canadell JG, DE Pataki, LF Pitelka (eds.) Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World. GCTE Synthesis Volume. Springer, Berlin.
- Ojima, DS. and Chuluun T. 2008. Policy Changes in Mongolia: Implications for Land Use and Landscapes. 179-193. In Galvin, KA, Reid, RS, Behnke, Jr. RH, Hobbs, NT (eds.) Fragmentation in Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes: Consequences for Human and Natural Systems. Springer.
- Ojima, DS, WJ Dong, ZG Ma, J Hicke, T. Riley. Impacts of Land Use in Semiarid Asia on Aridification and Desertification Changes. Pp. 211-221. In Fu, C, JR Freney, JWB Stewart (eds) Changes in the Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change. Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study on Global Change Volume 1. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
- Seto, K., DS Ojima, Q Song, AR Mosier. Human Drivers of Change in the East Asian Monsoon System. Pp. 335-347. In Fu, C, JR Freney, JWB Stewart (eds) Changes in the Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change. Monsson Asia Integrated Regional Study on Global Change Volume 1. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
- Bryan Finegan, Dennis Ojima (chair), Jorge Lozanoff, Romulo Menezes, Elke Noellemeyer, Marcela Pinillos, Ignacio Salcedo, and Guillermo Sarmiento. 2008. Shared functions and constraints of natural and managed systems: Implications for human well-being in a changing environment. H. Tiessen and JWBStewart (eds) Applying Ecological Knowledge to Landuse Decisions. A project of : SCOPE, the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, IAI, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, and IICA, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. Pp. 14-22.
- Ojima, D. S., C. Field, P. Leadley, O. Sala, D. Messem, J-E. Petersen, J. Born, L. Vanwey, M. Wright. 2009. Mitigation Strategies: Biofuel Development Considerations to Minimize Impacts on the Socio-Environmental System. SCOPE Chapter 17 Pages 293-308. in R.W. Howarth and S. Bringezu (eds) Biofuels: Environmental Consequences and Interactions with Changing Land Use. Proceedings of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) International Biofuels Project Rapid Assessment, 22-25 September 2008, Gummersbach Germany. Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA. (
- Townshend, J.R., J. Latham, C.O. Justice, A.C. Janetos, R.T. Conant, O. Arino, R. Balstad, A. Belward, J. Feuquay, J. Liu, D. Ojima, C. Schmullius, A. Singh, and J.B. Tschirley. 2007. International Coordination of Satellite Land Observations: Integrated Observations of the Land. In Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA’s Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS.B. Ramchandran, et al., editors. Springer-Verlag, New York. Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, Volume 11. ISBN 978-1-4419-6748-0. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011, p. 835
- Chuluun, Togtohyn and Ojima, Dennis, 2011. Land in transition: Coping with market forces in managing rangelands in Mongolia, Pages 363-380 in Roger E. Kasperson and Mimi Berberian, eds., Integrating Science and Policy: Vulnerability and Resilience in Global Environmental Change, Earthscan, London and Washington, DC.
- Dennis Ojima, J. G. Canadell, R. Conant, C. Negra, and P Tscharkert. (2013). Ecosystem Sustainability through Strategies of Integrated Carbon and Land-Use Management. In: Daniel G. Brown et al. (eds.) Land Use and the Carbon Cycle. pp. 523-538. [Online]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available from: Cambridge Books Online <> [Accessed 02 October 2014].
- S. Ojima, T. Chuluun and K.A. Galvin, 4.13 – Social–Ecological Vulnerability of Grassland Ecosystems, In Climate Vulnerability, edited by Roger A. Pielke,, Academic Press, Oxford, 2013, Pages 151-162, ISBN 9780123847041, (
- Ojima, Dennis, Togtokh Chuluun, and Myagmarsuren Altanbagana. (2014). Chapter 3: Vulnerability and Resilience of the Mongolian Pastoral Social-Ecological Systems to Multiple Stressors. In Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia, pp 27-40. First Edition. Edited by Ademola K. Braimoh and He Qing Huang. 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published
- Chuluun, M. Altanbagana, S. Davaanyam, B. Tserenchunt and D. Ojima. (2014). Chapter 4: Vulnerability of Pastoral Communities in Central Mongolia to Climate and Land-Use Changes. In Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia, pp41-62. First Edition. Edited by Ademola K. Braimoh and He Qing Huang. 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published
- Ojima, D. S., Chuluun Togtokh, Kathleen A Galvin, Kelly Hopping, Tyler Beeton, Tungalag Ulambayar, Batsukh Narantuya, Altanbagana Myagmarsuren. 2017. Coping with climate extremes in Mongolian pastoral communities. In: Making Climate Compatible Development Happen, Ed: Fiona Nunan Taylor & Francis Publishing.
- T Chuluun, M Altanbagana, Dennis Ojima, R Tsolmon, B Suvdantsetseg. 2017. Vulnerability of Pastoral Social-Ecological Systems in Mongolia. Pgs. 73-88. W. Yan and W. Galloway (eds.), Rethinking Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in a Time of Change. Springer International Publishing AG 2017