Cameron Aldridge

Curriculum Vitae
U.S. Geological Survey,
2150 Centre Avenue, Building C
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8118 USA
Voice: 970-226-9433
Fax: 970-226-9298
Professional Positions Held
Feb 2020 Research Ecologist, US Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center.
Feb 2020 Affiliate Research Scientist at NREL
Feb 2020 Affiliate Professor with ESS and GDPE.
July 2015 Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
July 2015 Research Scientist III, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, working in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey, FORT Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Aug. 2014-16 Executive Committee Member, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University.
Aug. 2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
July 2009 Research Scientist II, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University working in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey, FORT Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Feb. 2007- Faculty Member, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE), Colorado State University
Feb. 2007-11 Joint Faculty Member, Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
Oct. 2006 Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University working in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey, FORT Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado. This position allowed me to expand my research activities and address management questions for sagebrush ecosystems and energy and land-use, while supervising graduate students and integrating my academic roles at the University with my applied scientist role with the USGS.
Academic Supervision
Graduate Students Advised
Van Lanen, Nick. 2016- 201X. Understating population responses of shrub-steppe birds landscape changes across the Western United states. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Davis, Kristin. 2015-2019. Adaptive grazing management and grassland songbird population responses. M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Zimmerman, Shawna. 2013-2019. Landscape genetics vulnerability assessment for Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus). Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Martin, Danny. 2011-201X. Distribution and abundance patterns of Great Plains reptiles: implications for climate change and energy development. Ph.D. Dissertation. Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Spear, Shelley. 2014-2017. Factors influencing avian populations and habitat selection by White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) in alpine ecosystems of Colorado, USA. M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended May 2017).
Timmer, Jennifer. 2013-2017. Extending state-and-transition models for adaptive management of wildlife habitat on western rangelands. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended, June 2017).
Wann, Greg. 2012-201X. Reproduction, phenology, and viability of White-tailed Ptarmigan in Colorado. Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended October 2017).
Wann, Greg. 2008-2012. Climate change and population dynamics of white-tailed Ptarmigan. M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended, April 2012).
Erickson, Heidi. 2007-2011. Herbaceous and avifauna responses to prescribed fire and grazing timing treatments in a high-elevation sagebrush ecosystem. M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended, January 2011).
Undergraduate Students Advised
McDaniel, Adelle. 2016-2017. The Role of Alternative Materials in Housing on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
Raduziner, Tia. 2016. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Internship (ESS 487) with Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
Schorzman, Casey. 2015. Sneak mating in feral horse populations. Independent Research Project. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
Reser, Allison. 2015. Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Internship (ESS 487) with the Sustainable Living Association, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University.
Chitechi, Joyce. 2014-2015. Evaluating viability of greater sage-grouse related to transmission corridors. Undergraduate SUPER project. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Seefeld, Carrie. 2014-2015. Climate Factors affecting short-horned lizard body condition. Undergraduate SUPER project. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Jacobs, Devin. 2013-2014. Herpetile habitat relationships affecting detection and abundance. Undergraduate SUPER project. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Beisch, Emily. 2013-2016. Conservation genetics of Gunnison Sage-Grouse. Honors Undergraduate Research Scholars (HURS) Program. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Broberg, Austin. 2013-2015. Long-term geospatial distribution changes in a Colorado White-tailed ptarmigan population. Undergraduate SUPER project. Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
Monk, Julia. 2012-2013. Effects of fire on greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) brood-rearing habitat and food resources in the Centennial Sandhills. Undergraduate Honors Program, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University. (Served as Major Research Advisor).
Post Doctoral Fellows and Research Scientists Supervised
David Edmunds. 2016-20XX. Population Viability of Greater Sage-Grouse. Research Scientist I, Colorado State University.
Heinrichs, Julie. 2016-20XX. Spatially explicit Population Viability modeling: methods and applications for wildlife populations. Research Scientist II, Colorado State University.
Adrian Monroe. 2016-20XX. Spatial and temporal modeling of sage-grouse population dynamics. Research Scientist I, Colorado State University.
Langin, Katie. 2014-2017. Understanding population structure and adaptive capacity of white-tailed ptarmigan using conservation genomics. USGS Mendenhall Post Doctoral Fellowship.
Oh, Kevin. 2014- 2018. Sequencing the sage-grouse genome for conservation applications. USGS Mendenhall Post Doctoral Fellowship.
Heinrichs, Julie. 2014-2016. Spatially explicit Population Viability modeling of greater sage-grouse. Research Scientist I, Colorado State University.
Adrian Monroe. 2014-2016. Understanding the effects of grazing on sage-grouse populations. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Colorado State University.
David Edmunds. 2014-2016. Past and future viability of sage-grouse populations in Wyoming. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Colorado State University.
Green, Adam. 2014-2016. Effect of Oil and Gas activities on greater sage-grouse population trends. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Colorado State University.
Fedy, Bradley. 2008-2010. Long-term trend analyses and spatial modeling of sage-grouse populations: habitat relationships, effects of climate change, and implications of energy development. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Colorado State University.
Graduate Students Committees Served
Abbey Feuka. 2018- 20XX. Spatial Ecology and Habitat Selection of Translocated Brown Tree Snakes (Boiga irregularis) in Forest and Urban Settings on Guam. MS Thesis, Fish Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University (in progress).
Aung Chan. 2017-20XX. Resource Selection by Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Myanmar. MS Thesis. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University (in progress).
Kelsey Navarre. 2017-20XX. Lesser scaup demography, life history strategies, and population dynamics. MS Thesis, Fish Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University (in progress).
Arianna Punzalan. 2017-20XX. Predicting Endangered California Condor Range Expansion to Reduce Development Threats. PhD Dissertation. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University (in progress).
Erik Knuston. 2014-201X. A Multi-scale Approach to Document Spiders of the Great Plains. MS Thesis. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Jessica Brauch. 2012-201X. Evaluating Lek-Based Monitoring and Management Strategies for Greater Sage-Grouse in the Parachute-Piceance-Roan Population in Northwestern Colorado, PhD Dissertation, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (in progress).
Caylee Falvo. 2016-2018. Climate driven variability in the demography and physiology of the Uinta ground squirrel. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University (Defended Spring 2018).
Patrick Lendrum. 2014-2018. Mule Deer population modelling in the Piceance basin, CO. PhD Dissertation. Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended Spring 2018).
Casey Setash. 2015-2018. Cinnamon teal breeding ecology in the san luis valley of colorado. MS Thesis, Fish Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University (Defended Spring 2017).
Jessica Shyvers. 2012-2017. Evaluation of population Monitoring strategies for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasians) in northwestern Colorado, PhD Dissertation, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University (Defended Spring 2017).
John Tipton. 2013-2016. Post-stratification methods using remote-sensing data for classical forest service estimation, PhD Dissertation, Statistics (Defended Spring 2016).
Jeremy Dertien. 2012-2016. Abundance and Occupancy of a Central Alaskan Mountain Sheep Population, MS thesis, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended Spring 2016).
Crystal Tipton-Yates. 2013-2015. Improving state-and-transition models for management of sagebrush steppe ecosystems. MS Thesis, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended Fall 2015).
Apryle Craig. 2012- 2015. Investigating the impact of willow condition on abundance and species richness of small mammals and bird, MS thesis, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended Spring 2015).
Nathan Jones. 2010 -2012. Relative Impacts of Natural Gas and Wind Development on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. M.Sc. thesis, Colorado State University, MS thesis, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (Defended, September 2012).
2005 – 2006 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University & U.S. Geological Survey, FORT Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado. I addressed various sagebrush ecosystem issues, including grazing and range ecology, species-habitat relationships, remote sensing habitat methodologies, & landscape-scale modeling. Supervisors: Dr. Francis Singer & Dr. Zack Bowen
2000 – 2005 Doctorate of Philosophy in Ecology (April 2005), Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Dissertation title: Habitats for Persistence of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta, Canada. Advisor: Dr. Mark Boyce
1998 – 2000 Master of Science in Biology, Department of Biology (June 2000), University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan. Thesis Title: Reproduction and Habitat Use by Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in a Northern Fringe Population. Advisor: Dr. Mark Brigham
1991 – 1996 Bachelors of Science double major in Ecology and Zoology (April 1996), Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. Undergraduate Thesis Advisor: Dr. Robert Barclay
Awards and Honors Received
Spring 2016 Interdisciplinary Scholarship Research Award, Colorado State University’s Vice President Selection for our Learning form the Land Research Project
December 2015 Outstanding Advisor Award, Department of Ecosystem Sciences and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
May 2015 Graduate Advising and Mentorship Award, Graduate Student Council award for exceptional commitment to the academic and professional success of graduate students; one of three awards across the entire university campus, Colorado State University.
December 2011 Most Publications Award, Department of Ecosystem Sciences and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University.
May 2005 NSERC (National Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada) Postdoctoral Fellowship, ($80,000 CDN over 2 years – tenure at Colorado State University – Declined last $23,000 of award)
March 2005 Martha Piper Award for Excellence in Communication, University Alberta ($200 CDN)
September 2004 Bill Shostak Wildlife Award, University of Alberta ($10,000 CDN)
June 2004 John and Particia Schlosser Environment Scholarship, University of Alberta ($10,000 CDN)
April 2004 Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize, University of Alberta ($5,000 CDN)
February 2004 Best Oral Presentation – 2004 Graduate Student Research Days Conference, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta ($100 CDN)
October 2003 Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Graduate Prize, University of Alberta ($2,500 CDN)
Mar 2003-Mar 2005 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Predoctoral Scholarship, University of Alberta ($44,000 CDN over 2 years)
April 2002 Edmonton Bird Club Scholarship ($500)
March 2002 Macnaughton Conservation Scholarship, World Wildlife Fund Canada ($5,000 CDN)
Sept 2001-Apr 2005 Walter H. John’s Graduate Scholarships, University of Alberta, (~$16,000 CDN over 4 years)
Sept 2001-Dec 2001 Graduate Teaching Assistantship and Scholarship University of Alberta ($3,500 CDN)
Mar 2001-Aug 2003 NSERC (National Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada) PGS-B Scholarship, ($38,200 CDN over 2 years)
January 2001 Student Membership Award to the American Ornithologists’ Union (3-years)
September 2000 Graduate Teaching Assistantship and Scholarship, University of Alberta ($11,750 CDN /year Declined)
Winter 2000 Graduate Studies Teaching Scholarship, University of Regina ($3,500 CDN)
July 1999 Edgar A. Wahn Scholarship, University of Regina ($6,000 CDN)
Winter 1999 University of Regina Enhancement Award, University of Regina ($3,000 CDN)
Winter 1999 Graduate Studies Teaching Scholarship, University of Regina ($3,500 CDN)
Fall 1998 Graduate Teaching Scholarship, University of Regina ($3,500 CDN)
September 1998 Dennis Pattinson Memorial Scholarship, Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation ($2,000 CDN)
April 1998 Honorary Student Membership to the Cooper Ornithological Society (2-years)
March 1998 Macnaughton Conservation Scholarship, World Wildlife Fund Canada ($5,000 CDN)
1991 Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, Province of Alberta ($1,200 CDN)
Teaching and Guest Lectures
Courses Taught
Spring 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 “ESS330 – Quantitative Reasoning for Ecosystem Sciences” – Instructor of record – This course provides an overview of ecosystem analysis using models and data, emphasizing critical thinking skills, and quantitative representation of interactive systems. The wisdom of decisions on sustainable management of ecosystems depends on using data to evaluate alternative policies and actions. Our understanding of how ecosystems work requires that we bring data together with models. This course is about how to use quantitative information to judge the validity of hypotheses concerning ecosystem structure, function, and sustainable management. Dr. Michael Lefsky co-taught this class with me in 2014 and 2016, and Dr. Sunil Kumar co-taught with me in 2015. Mean student evaluations scores for Dr. Aldridge all metrics: 2014 = 4.46/5; 2015 = 4.46/5; 2016 = 4.33/5.
Fall 2015 “ESS 411 – Earth Systems Ecology” – Instructor of record – The Objective of this course is to expose senior ESS students to a variety of topics that bring together broad ecosystem concepts and issues, building upon understanding of how ecosystem processes occur across scales and interact to shape individual systems and the earth as a whole. Our goal is for student to develop a better understanding of the how ecosystems work, and also be able to think critically about natural resource problems, not matter how big or small. Dr. Matt Wallenstein co-taught this course with in in 2015. Mean student evaluations scores for Dr. Aldridge for all metrics: 2015 = 4.13/5.
Fall 2014 , 2017 “ESS565 – Ecological Niche Models” – Instructor of record – This course is a full expansion of my original graduate seminar Niche Models course. This 4-credit graduate course directly exposes students to the variety of quantitative and statistical techniques available to assess wildlife-habitat relationships, and the ‘niche concept,’ through traditional lectures on key concepts and modeling approaches, discussions on seminal papers, and a full lab component, where students use datasets to ask research questions and gain practical experience apply various modeling approaches. Mean student evaluations scores for all metrics: 2014 = 4.63/5.
Fall 2009, Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013 “ECOL592 – Niche Models” – Instructor of record – Originally developed with Dr. Barry Noon in 2009, and co-taught in 2011 with Dr. Sunil Kumar, and again in 2012 & 13 with Drs. Noon and Kumar. The course is a broad-ranging graduate seminar course designed to expose students to the variety of quantitative and statistical techniques available to assess wildlife-habitat relationships, and the ‘niche concept,’ including assessing the effects of anthropogenic developments on critical habitat needs for wildlife populations. Mean student evaluations scores for all metrics: 2012 = 4.68/5; 2013 = 4.41/5.
Spring 2013 “ECOL592 – Sagebrush Steppe Vulnerability to Climate Change” – Instructor of record – This course takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying the vulnerability of sagebrush steppe ecosystems to the effects of climate change. We first build a foundation of understanding of the sagebrush steppe ecosystem and climate predictions for region. Then, informed by land managers collaborating with us, students work in small teams to develop portions of a vulnerability assessment. The course was one node of a distributed graduate seminar being led by Peter Adler at Utah State University. Dr. Cini Brown and I were con-instructors o this class. Mean student evaluations scores for all metrics: 2013 = 4.13/5
Fall 2010 “RS351 Ecosystems Processes in a Changing World” – Instructor of record – Students learned the general principles of ecosystem ecology and some of the measurement techniques used to measure ecosystem components. We examined how natural and anthropogenic drivers/disturbances affect ecosystem processes and the services these systems provide. This class emphasizes a systems approach to understanding and managing ecosystems undergoing change. We consider humans as integral components of ecosystems, assessing the effects of human impacts on natural systems. We apply concepts we learned in the class, to understand ecosystem functioning and drivers of change for non–forested ecosystems of the world.
Spring 2010 “NR 680 Ecological Careers I: a career portfolio” I co-taught this class Dr. Lara Prihodko. The course provides students interested in an ecological career in environmental sustainability through academia, business, non-profits or government, with the opportunity to develop a plan for a career portfolio. Students will learn about funding opportunities, the need for effective communication skills, broadening the impact of their research, academic and non-academic ecological careers, activities that support diversity, the publication process, opportunities at CSU for interdisciplinary training, resume/CV development, networking, and balancing career and family.
Guest Lectures
October 2017. Guest Lecture “Finding a path as a young scientist with a sprinkle of sage advice” –Ecology 505 – Graduate Class – Foundations of Ecology– Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
November 2015. Guest Lecture “Conservation of the Sagebrush Ecosystem; What does the future hold?”- LIFE 320 – Ecology – Undergraduate Class – Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
November 2014. Guest Lecture “Conservation of the Sagebrush Ecosystem; What does the future hold?”- LIFE 320 – Ecology – Undergraduate Class – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
November 2014. Guest Lecture “Conservation of the Sagebrush Ecosystem: Looking through the eyes of a sage-grouse?” ESS 411 – Earth Systems Ecology – Undergraduate Class – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
October 2013. Guest Lecture “Conservation of the Sagebrush Ecosystem”- LIFE 320 – Ecology – Undergraduate Class – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
March 2011. Guest Lecture “Sage-Grouse and a Changing World: What does the Future Hold?”- NR 420 – Integrated Ecosystem Management – Senior Undergraduate Class – Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
February 2009. Guest Lecture “Wildlife-Habitat Relationships: Understanding Selection, Fitness, and Distribution, Across Scales”- REWM 5830 – Wildlife Habitat Ecology – Graduate Seminar Class – University Wyoming, Department of Renewable Resources, Laramie, WY.
October 2004. Guest Lecture “Managing the Endangered Sage-Grouse: An Alberta population perspective”- ENCS 464 – Endangered Species & Conservation – Undergraduate Class – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
October 2003. Guest Lecture “Small Populations and Stochastic Events: A Sage-Grouse Case Study” – ENCS 464 – Endangered Species & Conservation – Undergraduate Class – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
October 2002. Guest Lecture “Addressing the Small and Declining Population Paradigms: Sage-Grouse as a Case Study” – ENCS 464 – Endangered Species & Conservation – Undergraduate Class – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
March 2002. Guest Lecture “Survival Analyses Using Band Recovery Data: The Brownie Method” – BIOL 331 – Population Biology – Undergraduate Class – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Fall 2001. Semester Teaching Assistant at the University of Alberta – I gave pre-lab lectures, and marked lab reports, assignments, and exams for the laboratory component of Biology 208 (Introductory Ecology).
October 2000. Guest Lecture “Conservation Ecology of Sage Grouse In Canada” – ENCS 464 – Endangered Species & Conservation – Undergraduate Class – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
August 2000. Guest Lecture “Sage Grouse: Conservation in Action” – Ecology 507 – Conservation Biology of Bird Populations – Undergraduate Class – University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
November 1999. Guest Lecture “Conservation Biology on the Prairies” – Biology 150 -Biological Concepts – Undergraduate Class – University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Jan 1998-Jan 2000. Teaching Assistant at the University of Regina – I taught and marked exams for the laboratory component of introductory biology.
Teaching and Education Enhancement
Fall 2009 “EDUC 696 – College Science Teaching Methods” This is a graduate-level course I completed to enhance my teaching capabilities. The course addresses the issues of student learning, instructional strategies, and the construction of authentic assessment tools in a college-level natural or physical science course. The course addresses the concerns of those who teach (or will teach) undergraduate and graduate natural and physical science courses.
Professional Experience
Mar-Sep 2000 Research Assistant with Dr. Mark Brigham at the University of Regina – full time – I monitored the Alberta Sage-Grouse population and evaluated population models developed for my M.Sc.
Jul 1997-Aug 1997 Wildlife Technician for D.A. Westworth Environmental – full-time seasonal – I indexed a 900 square km area of northern British Columbia for relative abundance, presence, and identification of bats
May 1997-Jun 1997 Research Assistant, University of Alberta – full-time seasonal – I assisted with small mammal trapping in the boreal forest north of Lac La Biche, AB
Apr 1997-May 1997 Wildlife Technician for Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife – full-time seasonal – I surveyed southern Alberta for distribution and abundance of Sage-Grouse
May 1996-Sept 1996 Research Assistant, University of Calgary – full-time seasonal – I assisted in a study investigating the behavioural ecology of Ord’s kangaroo rat at Suffield National Wildlife Area, AB
May 1995-Sept 1995 Research Assistant, University of Calgary – full-time seasonal – I worked on a study of the ontogeny and foraging of big brown bats
May 1995 Research Assistant, University of Calgary – full-time seasonal – I assisted in a study on the paternity confidence of Chestnut-collared Longspurs
Papers Under Review in Refereed Scientific Journals
- Heinrichs, J.A., C.L. Aldridge, M.S. O’Donnell, and N.H. Schumaker. Prioritizing habitats for dynamic populations using a spatially explicit population approach for greater sage-grouse in Wyoming. Ecography (In Review).
- Manier, D.J., C.L. Aldridge, M.S. O’Donnell, S.J. Schell. 2016. Distribution of nine invasive plant species across a rural, multiple-use landscape in Wyoming, U.S.A. PLOS One (In Review).
- Jarnevich, C.S, M. Talbert, J. Morisette, C.L. Aldridge, C. Brown, S. Kumar, D. Manier, C Talbert, and T. Holcombe. Space matters: Selecting background data extent and placement to minimize effects on interpretation and prediction in species distribution studies without absence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (In Review).
Papers Published in Refereed Scientific Journals
- Monroe, A.P., C.L. Aldridge, T.J. Assal, K.E. Veblen, D. A. Pyke, and M.L. Casazza, 2016. Public grazing records reveal patterns in wildlife population dynamics at broad scales. Ecological Applications (Minor Revisions: In Revision).
- Green, A.W., C.L. Aldridge, and M.S. O’Donnell. Investigating Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Using a Bayesian State-Space model. Journal of Wildlife Management (Accepted, In Press).
- Tredennick, A.T., M.B. Hooten, C.L. Aldridge, C.G. Homer, A.R. Kleinhesselink, and P.B. Adler. Forecasting climate change impacts on plat populations over large spatial extents. Ecosphere (In Press).
- Oyler-McCance S.J., K.P. Oh, K.M, Langin, and C.L. Aldridge. A field ornithologist’s guide to genomics: practical considerations for ecology and conservation. Auk 133(4): 626–648. doi:
- Wann, G.T., C.L. Aldridge, and C.E. Braun. Effects of seasonal weather on breeding phenology and reproductive success of alpine ptarmigan in Colorado. PLOS One 11(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158913
- Monroe, A.P., D.R. Edmunds, C.L. Aldridge. Effects of lek count timing on greater sage-grouse population trend estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 667–678. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.1050
- Young, J.R., C.E. Braun, S.J. Oyler-McCance, C.L. Aldridge, P.A. Magee and M.A. Schroeder. Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus minimus). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: doi:10.2173/
- Homer, C.G., G. Xian, C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, T. Loveland, and M. O’Donnell. Forecasting sagebrush ecosystem components and greater sage-grouse habitat for 2050: capitalizing on 28 years of Landsat satellite imagery and climate data. Ecological Indicators 55: 131-145.
- Martin, D.J., C.R. Bycenski, B.A. Wittmann, D.L. Jacobs, J.R. Milford, C.L. Aldridge, and L.L. Bailey. 2015. Lampropeltis holbrooki, Speckled Kingsnake: Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review 46:62.
- Row, J.R., S.J. Oyler-McCance, J.A. Fike, M. O’Donnell, K. Doherty, C.L. Aldridge, Z. Bowen, and B.C. Fedy. 2015. Landscape characteristics influencing the genetic structure of greater sage-grouse within the stronghold of their range: A holistic modeling approach. Ecology and Evolution 5: 1955–1969.
- Stanley, T.R., C.L. Aldridge, D.J. Saher, T.M. Childers. Gunnison Sage-Grouse Nest Survival: Assessing Local- and Landscape-Scale Drivers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127: 59-71.
- Fedy, B.C., K.E. Doherty, C.L. Aldridge, M. O’Donnell, J.L. Beck, B. Bedrosian, D.L. Gummer, M.J. Holloran, G.D. Johnson, N.W. Kaczor, C.P. Kirol, C.A. Mandich, D. Marshall, G. McKee, C. Olson, A.C. Pratt, C.C. Swanson, and B.L. Walker. Habitat prioritization across large landscapes, multiple seasons, and novel areas: an example using greater sage-grouse in Wyoming. Wildlife Monographs 190: 1–39.
- Wann, G.T., C.L. Aldridge, and C.E. Braun. Estimates of annual survival, growth, and recruitment of white-tailed ptarmigan in Colorado over 43 years. Population Ecology 56: 555–567.
- Manier, D.J., C.L. Aldridge, M.S. O’Donnell, and S.J. Schell. Human infrastructure and invasive plant occurrence across rangelands of southwestern Wyoming, U.S.A. Rangeland Ecology and Management 67: 167-172. DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-12-00056.1
- Veblen, K.E., D. A. Pyke, C.L. Aldridge, M.L. Casazza, T.J. Assal, and M.A. Farinha. Monitoring of livestock grazing effects on Bureau of Land Management land. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 67:68-77. DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-12-00178.1
- Homer, C. G., D. K. Meyer, C.L. Aldridge, and S.J. Schell. Detecting annual and seasonal changes in a sagebrush ecosystem with remote sensing-derived continuous fields. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7(1): DOI:10.1117/1.JRS.7.073508.
- Bird, K.L., C.L. Aldridge, J.E. Carpenter, C.A. Paszkowski, M.S. Boyce, and D.W. Coltman. The secret sex lives of sage-grouse: multiple paternity, and intraspecific nest parasitism revealed through genetic analysis. Behavioral Ecology 24: 29-38. DOI:10.1093/beheco/ars132.
- Fedy, B.C., C.L. Aldridge, K.E. Doherty, M. O’Donnell, J.L. Beck, B. Bedrosian, M.J. Holloran, G.D. Johnson, N.W. Kaczor, C.P. Kirol, C.A. Mandich, D. Marshall, G. McKee, C. Olson, C.C. Swanson, and B.L. Walker. Interseasonal movements of greater sage-grouse, migratory behavior, and an assessment of the core regions concept in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 1062-1071. DOI:10.1002/jwmg.337.
- Xian, G., C.G. Homer, C.L. Aldridge. 2012. Effects of land cover and regional climate variations on long-term spatiotemporal changes in sagebrush ecosystems. GIScience and Remote Sensing 49:378-396.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Crucial nesting habitat for Gunnison sage-grouse: a spatially explicit hierarchical approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 391-406. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.268.
- AldridgeL. 2012. Energy Development and Wildlife Conservation in Western North America (book review). Great Plains Research 22:93.
- Homer, C.G., C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, S. Schell. 2012. Multi-scale remote sensing sagebrush characterization with regression trees over Wyoming, USA; laying a foundation for monitoring. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 14:233-244.
- Xian, G., C.G. Homer, C.L. Aldridge. 2012. Assessing long-term variations of sagebrush habitat – characterization of spatial extents and distribution patterns using multi-temporal satellite remote sensing data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33: 2034-2058. DOI:10.1080/01431161.2011.605085.
- Manier, D.J., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, G. Chong, C.G. Homer, M. O’Donnell and S.J. Schell. Land use and habitat conditions across the southwestern Wyoming sagebrush steppe: development impacts, management effectiveness and the distribution of invasive plants. Natural Resources and Environmental Issues: Vol. 17, Article 4. Available at:
- Oyler-McCance, S.J., C.A. Stricker, J. St. John, C.E. Braun, G.T. Wann, M.S. O’Donnell, and C.L. Aldridge. Effects of Climate Change on Nutrition and Genetics of White-tailed Ptarmigan. Pp 283-294 in B.K. Sandercock, K. Martin, and G. Segelbacher, (editors). Ecology, conservation and management of grouse. Studies in Avian Biology 39. University of California Press, Berkley, CA.
- Fedy B.C. and C.L. Aldridge. 2011. Long-term monitoring of sage-grouse populations: the importance of within-year repeated counts and the influence of scale. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1022-1033.
- Beever, E.A. and C.L. Aldridge. 2011. Influences of free-roaming equids on sagebrush ecosystems, with focus on greater sage-grouse. 273–290 in S.T. Knick and J.W. Connelly (editors). Greater sage-grouse: ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats. Studies in Avian Biology 38. University of California Press, Berkley, CA.
- Bush, K.L., C.K. Dyte, B.J. Moynahan, C.L. Aldridge, H.S. Sauls, A.M. Battazzo, B.L. Walker, K.E. Doherty, J. Tack, J. Carlson, D. Eslinger, J. Nicholson, M.S. Boyce, D.E. Naugle, C.A. Paszkowski, and D.W. Coltman. Population structure and genetic diversity of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in fragmented landscapes at the northern edge of their range. Conservation Genetics 12: 527-542.
- Carpenter, J.E., C.L. Aldridge, M.S. Boyce. Sage-grouse habitat selection during winter in Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8): 1806–1814.
- Bush, K.L., C.L. Aldridge, J.E. Carpenter, C.A. Paszkowski, M.S. Boyce, and D.W. Coltman. Birds of a feather do not always lek together: genetic diversity and kinship structure of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta. The Auk 127(2): 343-353.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. Accounting for fitness: combining survival and selection when assessing wildlife-habitat relationships. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 54: 389-419.
- Aldridge, C.L., S.E. Nielsen, H.L. Beyer, M.S. Boyce, J.W. Connelly, S.T. Knick, and M.A. Schroeder. Range-wide patterns of greater sage-grouse persistence. Diversity and Distributions 14: 983-994.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: habitat-based approach for endangered Greater Sage-Grouse. Ecological Applications 117: 508-526.
- Gillies, C.S., M. Hebblewhite, S.E. Nielsen, M.A. Krawchuk, C.L. Aldridge, J.L. Frair, D.J. Saher, C.E. Stevens, and C.L. Jerde. 2006. Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 877-898.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2006. Comment: “Silver sagebrush characteristics at the landscape level in south-eastern Alberta, Canada” Rangeland Ecology & Management. 58:400-405. Rangeland Ecology & Management 59: 107-108.
- Bush, K.L., M.D. Vinsky, C.L. Aldridge, and C.A. Paszkowski. 2005. A comparison of sample types varying in invasiveness for use in DNA sex determination in an endangered population of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Conservation Genetics 6: 867-870.
- Naugle, D.E., C.L. Aldridge, B.L. Walker, K.E. Doherty, M.R. Matchett, J. McIntosh, T.E. Cornish, and M.S. Boyce. 2005. Update on West Nile virus and sage-grouse: What more have we learned? Wildlife Society Bulletin 33: 616-623.
- Naugle, D.E., C.L. Aldridge, B.L. Walker, T.E. Cornish, B.J. Moynahan, M.J. Holloran, K. Brown, G.D. Johnson, E.T. Schmidtman, R.T. Mayer, C.Y. Kato, M.R. Matchett, T.J. Christiansen, W.E. Cook, T. Creekmore, R.D. Falise, E.T. Rinkes, and M.S. Boyce. West Nile virus: Pending crisis for Greater Sage-Grouse. Ecology Letters 7: 704-713.
- Schroeder, M.A., C.L. Aldridge, A.D. Apa, J.R. Bohne, C.E. Braun, D. Bunnell, J.W. Connelly, P. Deibert, C. Gardner, M.A. Hilliard, S.M. McAdam, G.D. Kobriger, C.W. McCarthy, J.J. McCarthy, D. L. Mitchell, E.V. Rickerson, and S.J. Stiver. 2004. Distribution of sage-grouse in North America. Condor 106: 363-376.
- Aldridge, C.L., M.S. Boyce, and R.K. Baydack. Adaptive management of prairie grouse: how do we get there? Wildlife Society Bulletin 32: 92-103.
- Fletcher, Q.E., C.W. Dockrill, D.J. Saher, and C.L. Aldridge. Observations of Northern Harrier attacks on Greater Sage-Grouse in southern Alberta. Canadian Field Naturalist 117: 479-480.
- Aldridge, C.L., and R.M. Brigham. Distribution, status and abundance of Greater Sage-Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 117: 25-34.
- Braun, C.E., O.O. Oedekoven, and C.L. Aldridge. Oil and gas development in western North America: effects on sagebrush steppe avifauna with particular emphasis on sage-grouse. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 67: 337-349.
- Watters, M.E., T.L. McLash, C.L. Aldridge, and R.M. Brigham. The effect of vegetation structure on the fate of artificial Greater Sage-Grouse nests. Ecoscience 9: 314-319.
- Aldridge, C.L., and R.M. Brigham. Sage-grouse nesting and brood habitat use in southern Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 66: 433-444.
* Corrigendum to Aldridge and Brigham (2002): Journal of Wildlife Management 2003 67: 877.
- Aldridge, C.L., and R.M. Brigham. Nesting and reproductive activities of Greater Sage-Grouse in a declining northern fringe population. Condor 103: 537-543.
- Aldridge, C.L., S.J. Oyler-McCance, and R.M. Brigham. Occurrence of two Greater Sage-Grouse X Sharp-tailed Grouse hybrids in Alberta. Condor 103: 657-660.
- Aldridge, C.L. The Status of the Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus) in Canada. Proceedings of the 5th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Workshop. J. Thorpe, T. A. Steves, and M. Gollop (eds). Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper 24:197-205.
Books Edited
- Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). 2011. Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basin. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Books Co-Authored
- Ojima, D.S., J. Steiner, S. McNeeley, K. Cozetto, A.N. Childress., A. Cole, J. Brown, G. Collins, L. Ferris, B. Gough, J. Gross, J. Hestbeck, D. Kluck, R. McMullen, J. Rattling Leaf, M. Shafer, M. Shulski, J. Yarbrough, M. Drummond, J. Morgan, T. Howell, S. Markstrom, H. Lazrus, K. Averyt, S. Skagens, K. Kunkel, L. Stevens, S. Stevens, M. Kruk, D. Thomas, E. Janssen, K. Hubbard, N. Umphlett, K. Robbins, L. Romolo, A. Akyuz, T. Pathak, T. Beragntino, E. Wood, K. Miller, B. Gascoigne, S. Tellinghouse, V. Tidwell, Aldridge, M. Rose, L. Wellings, T. Brown, J. Ramirez. 2015. Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Book Chapters
- Knick, S.T., S.E. Hanser, M. Leu, C.L. Aldridge, and M.J. Wisdom. Introduction: An Ecoregional Assessment of the Wyoming Basins. Pp 1-9 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, S.T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Leu, M., S.E. Hanser, C.L. Aldridge, B.S. Cade, and S.T. Knick. A Sampling and Analytical Approach to Develop Spatial Distribution Models for Sagebrush-Associated Species. Pp 88-111 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, S.T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Hanser, S.E, C.L. Aldridge, M. Leu, M.M. Rowland, S.E. Nielsen, and S.T. Knick. 2011. Greater Sage-Grouse: General Use and Roost Site Occurrence with Pellet Counts as a Measure of Relative Abundance. Pp 112-140 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Aldridge, C.L., S.E. Hanser, S.E. Nielsen, M. Leu, B.S. Cade, D.J. Saher, and S.T. Knick. Detectability Adjusted Count Models of Songbird Abundance. Pp 141-220 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, S.T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Hanser, S.E, M. Leu, C.L. Aldridge, S.E. Nielsen, M.M. Rowland, and S.T. Knick. 2011. Occurrence and Abundance of Ants, Reptiles, and Mammals. Pp 221-314 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Leu M., S.E. Hanser, C.L. Aldridge, S.E. Nielsen, and S.T. Knick. 2011. Occurrence of Large and Medium-Sized Mammal: Occurrence But Not Counts Models Predict Pronghorn Distribution. Pp 315-336 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Hanser, S.E, M. Leu, C.L. Aldridge, S.E. Nielsen, and S.T. Knick. 2011. Occurrence of Small Mammals: Deer Mice and the Challenge of Trapping Across Large Spatial Extents. Pp 337-356 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Nielsen, S.E., C.L. Aldridge, Hanser, S.E, M. Leu, and S.T. Knick. 2011. Occurrence of Non-Native Invasive Plants: The Role of Anthropogenic Features. Pp 357-386 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Knick, S.T., S.E. Hanser, M. Leu C.L. Aldridge, S.E. Nielsen, M.M. Rowland, S.P. Finn, and M.J. Wisdom. Management Considerations. Pp 387-409 in Hanser, S.E., M. Leu, S.T. Knick, and C.L. Aldridge (editors). Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: Ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Refereed Technical & Management Publications
- Zimmerman, Z.J., J.M. Timmer, C.L. Aldridge, S.J. Oyler-McCance, C.E. Braun, and J.R. Young. Sage-grouse. On-line Publication for the Colorado Encyclopedia.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T.J. Assal, T.T. Bartos, L.R.H. Biewick, G.K. Boughton, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, M.K. Dematatis, C.A. Eddy-Miller, S.L. Garman, S.S. Germaine, C.G. Homer, C. Huber, M.J. Kauffman, N. Latysh, D.J. Manier, C.P. Melcher, A.R. Miller, K.A. Miller, E.M. Olexa, S.L. Schell, A.W. Walters, A.B. Wilson, and T.B. Wyckoff. 2015. U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2014 Annual Report. Open-File Report. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey. 109 p.
- O’Donnell, M.S., C.L. Aldridge,C. Fedy, and K.E. Doherty. 2015. Wyoming greater sage-grouse habitat prioritization—A collection of multi-scale seasonal models and geographic information systems land management tools. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 891, 29 p.
- O’Donnell, M.S. T.S. Fancher, A.T. Freeman, A.E. Zeigler, Z.H. Bowen, and C.L. Aldridge. 2014. Large Scale Wyoming Transportation Data: A Resource Planning Tool: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 821, 21 p.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T.J. Assal, C.R. Bern L.R.H. Biewick, G.K. Boughton, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, M. Dematatis, B.C. Fedy, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, M.G. Hethcoat, C.G. Homer, C. Huber, M.J. Kauffman, N. Latysh, D. Manier, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, C.J. Potter, S.J. Schell, M.J. Sweat, A. Walters, and A.B. Wilson. U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2013 annual report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014–1213, 60 p.,
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J., Anderson, T.J. Assal, C.R. Bern, L.R.H. Biewick, G.K. Boughton, N.B. Carr, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, M.L. Clark, B.C. Fedy, K. Foster, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, M.G. Hethcoat, C. Homer, M.J. Kauffman, D. Keinath, N. Latysh, D. Manier, R.R. McDougal, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, J. Montag, Jessica, C.J. Potter, S. Schell, S.L. Shafer, D.B. Smith, M.J. Sweat, and A.B. Wilson. U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2012 annual report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014–1093, 71 p.,
- Homer, C.G., C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, and S.J. Schell. Multiscale Sagebrush Rangeland Habitat Modeling in the Gunnison Basin of Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1049.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T.J. Assal, L.R.H. Biewick, S.W. Blecker, G.K. Boughton, S. Bristol, N.B. Carr, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, M.L. Clark, J.E. Diffendorfer, B.C. Fedy, K. Foster, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, M.G. Hethcoat, J. Holloway, C.G. Homer, M.J. Kauffman,D. Keinath, N. Latysh, D. Manier, R.R. McDougal, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, J. Montag, E.M. Olexa, C.J. Potter, S. Schell, S.L. Shafer, D.B.Smith, L.L. Stillings, M.J., Sweat, M. Tuttle, and A.B. Wilson, U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2011 Annual Report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1033, 145p.
- Assal, T.J., K.E. Veblen, M.A. Farinha, C.L. Aldridge, M.E. Casazza, and D.A. Pyke. Data resources for range-wide assessment of livestock grazing across the sagebrush biome. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 690. (Available at
- Germaine, S.S., M. O’Donnell, C.L. Aldridge, L. Baer, T. Fancher, J.L. McBeth, R.R. McDougal, R. Waltermire, Z. H. Bowen, J. Diffendorfer, S.L. Garman, and L. Hanson. Mapping surface disturbance of energy related infrastructure in southwest Wyoming – An assessment of methods. US Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2012-5025. 42p.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T.J., Assal, L.R.H. Biewick, S.W. Blecker, G.K. Boughton, S. Bristol, N.B. Carr, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, M.L. Clark, J.E. Diffendorfer, B.C. Fedy, K. Foster, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, J. Holloway, C. Homer, M.J. Kauffman, D. Keinath, N. Latysh, D. Manier, R.R. McDougal, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, J. Montag, J., C.J. Potter, S. Schell, S.L. Shafer, D.B. Smith, L.L. Stillings, M. Tuttle, and A.B. Wilson. U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2010 Annual Report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1219, 147p.
- Veblen, K.E., D.A. Pyke, C.L. Aldridge, M.L. Casazza, T.J. Assal, and M.A. Farinha. Range-wide assessment of livestock grazing across the sagebrush biome. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1263, 74p.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T.J. Assal, L.R.H. Biewick, S.W. Blecker, S. Bristol, N.B. Carr, A.D. Chalfoun, G.W. Chong, J.E. Diffendorfer, B.C. Fedy, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, R.I. Grauch, J. Holloway, C. Homer, M. Kauffman, D. Keinath, N. Latysh, D. Manier, R.R. McDougal, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, J. Montag, C.J. Nutt, C.J. Potter, H. Sawyer, S. Schell, S. L. Shafer, D.B. Smith, L.L. Stillings, M. Tuttle, and A.B. Wilson. 2010. S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2009 Annual Report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1231, 106 p.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, T. Assal, A. Baer, S. Bristol, N.B. Carr, G.W. Chong, J.E. Diffendorfer, B.C. Fedy, S.L. Garman, S. Germaine, R.I. Grauch, C. Homer, D. Manier, M.J. Kauffman, N. Latysh, C.P. Melcher, K.A. Miller, J. Montag, C.J. Nutt, C. Potter, H. Sawyer, D.B. Smith, M.J. Sweat, and A.B. Wilson. 2009. U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2008 Annual Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2009-1154.
- Homer, C.G., C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, M.J. Coan, and Z.H. Bowen. 2009. Multiscale Sagebrush Rangeland Habitat Modeling in Southwest Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1027.
- Erickson, H.J., C.L. Aldridge, and N.T. Hobbs. Progress Report: Stratton Ecological Research Site—An Experimental Approach to Assess Effects of Various Grazing Treatments on Vegetation and Wildlife Communities Across Managed Burns and Habitat Controls. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1016, 15p.
- Bowen, Z.H., C.L. Aldridge, P.J. Anderson, G.W. Chong, M.A. Drummond, C.G. Homer, R.C. Johnson, M.J. Kauffman, S.T. Knick, J.J. Kosovich, K.A. Miller, T. Owens, S. Shafer, C.J. Schenck, and M.J. Sweat. 2008. S. Geological Survey Science Plan for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2008-5195, 32p.
- McDougal, R.R., R.G. Waltermire, C.L. Aldridge, S.S. Germaine, S.E. Nielsen, C.C. Nielsen, L. Hanson, Z.H. Bowen. An Aerial-Photographic Assessment of Reenacted Handcart Treks on a Section of the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Fremont County, Wyoming: Denver, CO, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2008-5115, 79p.
- Leu, M., S.E. Hanser, C.L. Aldridge, M.M. Rowland, L.H. Suring, S.E. Nielsen, S.T. Knick, and M.J. Wisdom. Assessment of threats to sagebrush habitats and associated species of concern in the Wyoming Basins. Final Report. USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise, ID 83706.
- Aldridge, C.L., J.C., Franson, K. Kitchell, S.T. Knick, D.S. Pilliod, D.A. Pyke, and C. Shuler. USGS research for sagebrush ecosystems coordinated research studies FY2007 progress report. U.S. Geological Survey, Unpublished Internal Report.
- Rowland, M.M., M. Leu, S. Hanser, S.P. Finn, C.L. Aldridge, S.T. Knick, L.H. Suring, J. M. Boyd, M.J. Wisdom, and C.W. Meinke. 2006. Assessment of threats to sagebrush habitats and associated species of concern in the Wyoming Basins. Version 2.0, March 2006, unpublished report on file at USGS Biological Resources Discipline, Snake River Field Station, 970 Lusk St., Boise, ID 83706.
- Aldridge, C.L. Developing a habitat-based population viability model for greater sage-grouse in southeastern Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife Division, Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 56. Edmonton, Alberta. 12 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Do Sage-Grouse have a future in Canada? Population dynamics and management suggestions. Proceedings of the 6th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference, Winnipeg, MB, February 22-25, 2001. 11 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Assessing chick survival of sage grouse in Canada. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife Service, Alberta Species at Risk Report No. 19. Edmonton, Alberta. 25 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Status of the Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus) in Alberta. Alberta Environmental Protection, Wildlife Management Division, and Alberta Conservation Association, Wildlife Status Report No. 13, Edmonton, AB. 23 pp.
Other Non-Refereed Publications
- Spear, S.L., G.T. Wann, and C.L. Aldridge. Science behind the scenery: White-tailed Ptarmigan Research in Rocky. Rocky Mountain Conservancy Quarterly Newsletter, Summer 2015 edition, 4-5.
- Aldridge, C.L., R. Lee, P. Jones, and J. Nicholson. Winter habitat selection and survival by sage-grouse in southeastern Alberta. Final Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 2002-2004 Winter Sage-Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB. 22 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Developing a habitat-based population viability model for Sage-Grouse in Southeastern Alberta. Final Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 2001 – 2003 Sage-Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB. 29 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Developing a habitat-based population viability model for Sage-Grouse in Southeastern Alberta. Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 2002 Sage-Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB. 25 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Developing a habitat-based population viability model for Sage Grouse in Southeastern Alberta. Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 2001 Sage Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB. 24 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Assessing chick survival of Sage Grouse in Canada. Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 2000 Sage Grouse Funding partners. Department of Biology, University of Regina, Regina, SK. 28 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Reproductive ecology of Sage Grouse in Canada. Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 1999 Sage Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biology, University of Regina, Regina, SK. 38 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. Reproduction and habitat use by Sage Grouse in Canada. Unpubl. Report. Prepared for 1998 Sage Grouse Funding Partners. Department of Biology, University of Regina, Regina, SK. 19 pp.
- Aldridge, C.L. 1997 Sage Grouse inventory: A comparison of two techniques used to monitor Sage Grouse in southeastern Alberta. Unpubl. Report. Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton AB. 39 pp.
Software Publications
- Hanser, S.E., C.L. Aldridge, M. Leu, and S.E. Nielsen. Dose Response Calculator for ArcGIS. United States Geological Survey Data Series 631. <>.
Conference Presentations and Abstracts (Only Presentations given by C.L. Aldridge Listed)
- Heinrichs, J., M. O’Donnell, C.L. Aldridge, S. Garman, C. Homer, and N. Schumaker. Greater sage-grouse response to climate change and future energy development in Wyoming.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Gunnison Sage-grouse seasonal habitat selection: a hierarchical approach and applications. 4th Gunnison Sage-Grouse Summit, Gunnison CO. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Gunnison Sage-grouse seasonal habitat selection: a spatially explicit hierarchical approach. 13th International Grouse Symposium. Reykjavic, Iceland.
- Monroe, A.P., C.L. Aldridge, T.J. Assal, K. E. Veblen, D.A. Pyke, and M.L. Casazza. Broad-scale Population Response of Greater Sage-grouse to Grazing Management and Vegetation Productivity. 13th International Grouse Symposium. Reykjavic, Iceland.
- Aldridge, C.L. Sage-grouse and energy development: can they coexist on the same landscape? 2nd North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Missoula, MT. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., 2012. Range-wide issues for greater and Gunnison Sage-grouse. Wildlife Society’s 19th Annual Conference. Portland, OR. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., S.E. Hanser, M. Leu, and S.T. Knick. Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basin. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop. Rock Springs, WY.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Gunnison Sage-grouse seasonal habitat selection: a spatially explicit hierarchical approach. 28th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop. Steamboat, CO.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Crucial nesting habitat modeling for Gunnison sage-grouse: a spatially explicit hierarchical approach. Wildlife Society’s 18th Annual Conference. Waikaloa, HI.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Crucial nesting habitat modeling for Gunnison sage-grouse. 3rd Gunnison Sage-Grouse Summit. Gunnison, CO. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., D.J. Saher, T. Childers, K.E. Stahlnecker, and Z.H. Bowen. Crucial nesting habitat for Gunnison sage-grouse: a spatially explicit hierarchical approach. Joint meeting of American Ornithological Societies (AFO/COS/WOS) Kearney, NB. (Invited Symposium Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L. Sage-grouse conservation in a changing world: what does the future hold? Restoration of disturbed sagebrush steppe Symposium: Lessons from 35 years of research on oil shale lands in the Piceance Basin. Fort Collins, CO. (Invited Plenary Presentation).
- Aldridge,L., and D. L. Gummer. 2010. Lessons learned in the application of habitat models to identify critical habitat for Greater Sage-grouse. Society for Conservation Biology’s 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Edmonton Alberta Canada. (Invited Symposium Presentation).
- Aldridge, L., C.G. Homer, M.S. O’Donnell, D.K. Meyer, and B.C. Fedy. 2009. Multi-scale sagebrush-steppe models in Wyoming: Model development and application for sage-grouse nesting habitat. Wildlife Society’s 16th Annual Conference, Monterey, CA. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, L., M. Leu, S.E. Hanser, M.M. Rowland, L.H. Suring, S.E. Nielsen, S.T. Knick, and M.J. Wisdom. 2009. Effects of anthropogenic features and habitat on the distribution of sagebrush associated species in the Wyoming Basins. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop, Laramie, WY. (Invited Presentation).
- Homer, C.G., C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, S.J. Schell, B.C. Fedy, and M.S. O’Donnell. 2009. Implementing and Applying a Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Sagebrush Habitat Quantification and Monitoring Framework across Wyoming. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop, Laramie, WY. (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: habitat-based approach for the endangered Greater Sage-Grouse. Society for Ecological Restoration, Annual Conference, Yakima WA (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge,L. 2007. Sagebrush Steppe Restoration and Sage Grouse. Restoring the West 2007 Sagebrush Steppe Restoration Conference, Logan, UT (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: a habitat-based approach for the endangered Greater Sage-Grouse. Society for Range Management, 60th Annual Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2006. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: a habitat-based approach for the endangered Greater Sage-Grouse in Alberta. 25th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Spearfish, SD.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2006. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: a habitat-based approach for the endangered Greater Sage-Grouse in Alberta. Northwest Section of the Wildlife Society, Annual meeting, Boise ID.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2005. Habitats for persistence of Greater Sage-Grouse in Alberta, Canada: linking landscapes to occurrence and fitness. Wildlife Society’s 12th Annual Conference. Madison, WI.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2005. Linking Fitness to Resources: Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting and Brood Habitat Requirements in Alberta. 3rd Partners in Conservation Conference. Calgary, Alberta.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. Population viability of sage-grouse: a habitat-based approach. 2004. The Wildlife Society’s 11th Annual Conference. Calgary, AB. (Invited Symposium Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., S.E. Nielsen, H.L. Beyer, M.S. Boyce, S.T. Knick, M.A. Schroeder, and J.W. Connelly. Range-wide patterns of sage-grouse extirpation: lessons from the past, predictions for the future. The Wildlife Society’s 11th Annual Conference. Calgary, AB. (Invited Symposium Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. Modeling Greater Sage-Grouse habitat in Alberta: a multi-scale approach. 24th Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Wenatchee, WA.
- Aldridge, C.L. Local and landscape habitat requirements for upland birds: A sage-grouse case study. 2004 Southern Alberta Upland Habitat Symposium. Brooks, AB (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. Habitat Requirements and Management Needs for the Endangered Sage-Grouse in Alberta. Species at Risk 2004 Conference, Pathways to Recovery. Victoria, BC.
- Aldridge, C.L. Modeling Sage-Grouse Habitat in Alberta: A Landscape Approach. 5th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference. Calgary, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L., D.E. Naugle, B.L. Walker, , T.E. Cornish, B.J. Moynahan, M.J. Holloran, K. Brown, G.D. Johnson, E.T. Schmidtman, R.T. Mayer, C.Y. Kato, M.R. Matchett, T.J. Christiansen, W.E. Cook, T. Creekmore, M.S. Boyce, R.D. Falise, and E.T. Rinkes. West Nile Virus: An Emerging Issue for Sage-Grouse Population Viability. 38th Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium. Edmonton, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. Teetering on the Edge: Can anything be done to save the Sage-Grouse. Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, Ecological Issues Forum and Workshop for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. Calgary, AB (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L. Has the Sun Set for the Sage-Grouse: Linking Population Declines to Resources. Gifts of the Grasslands, Canadian Nature Federation 2003 Annual General Meeting and Conference. Medicine Hat, AB (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L. and M.S. Boyce. Sage-Grouse Population Dynamics and Habitat Conservation in Alberta. 2nd Alberta North American Waterfowl Management Biodiversity Conference. Edmonton, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. and M.S. Boyce. Sage-Grouse management in Alberta: identifying important breeding habitats. Annual conference and meeting of the Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Red Deer, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. and M.S. Boyce. What makes a lek a lek? Identifying habitat features related to Sage-Grouse leks in southern Alberta. 2nd Partners in Conservation Conference. Edmonton, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. Sage-Grouse Habitat Requirements in Alberta. Western Range Science Seminar, Medicine Hat, AB (Invited Presentation).
- Aldridge, C.L., M.S. Boyce, and R. K. Baydack. Adaptive management of prairie grouse: how do we get there? The Wildlife Society’s 9th Annual Conference. Bismarck, ND.
- Aldridge, C.L. and M.S. Boyce. 2002. Using resource selection functions to identify sage-grouse breeding habitat. 1st International Conference on Resource Selection by Animals. Laramie, Wyoming.
- Aldridge, C.L. Conservation and Management of Sage-Grouse in Canada: An integrated approach. The Wildlife Society’s 8th Annual Conference. Reno, NV.
- Aldridge, C.L. Conservation of Sage-Grouse in Alberta: managing the decline of a northern fringe population. Annual conference and meeting of the Northwest Section and Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Banff, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. Do sage-grouse have a future in Canada? Population dynamics and management suggestions. 6th Prairie Conservation & Endangered Species Conference: Sharing Common Ground. Winnipeg, MB.
- Aldridge, C.L. Conservation of Sage-Grouse in Alberta: what do we know and how can we manage for them. 1st Partners in Conservation Conference. Nisku, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. The decline in the Canadian Sage Grouse population: Is lack of reproductive effort involved? 22nd Western States Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Redmond, OR.
- Aldridge, C.L. Conservation ecology of Sage Grouse in Canada. 34th Prairie Universities Biological Symposium. Regina, SK.
- Aldridge, C.L. Reproductive ecology of Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Canada. Alberta North American Waterfowl Management Biodiversity Conference. Edmonton, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. A drastic decline in a northern Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population: Is recruitment the problem? 23rd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting. Gimli, MB.
- Aldridge, C.L. Conservation ecology of Sage Grouse in Canada. The Wildlife Society’s 6th Annual Conference. Austin TX.
- Aldridge, C.L. A drastic decline in a northern Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population: Is recruitment the problem? 33rd Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium. Saskatoon, SK.
- Aldridge, C.L. 1998. The status of Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta. 21st Western States Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Billings, MT.
- Aldridge, C.L. Status of the Sage Grouse in Canada. 5th Prairie Conservation & Endangered Species Conference. Saskatoon, SK.
- Aldridge, C.L., and D. L. Gummer. Analysis of cheek pouch contents: do kangaroo rats know what they are collecting? 31st Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium. Edmonton, AB.
- Aldridge, C.L. Calcium supplementation of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus): is calcium limiting to the growth of pups? 30th Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium. Lethbridge, AB.
Invited Presentations
September 2014 Presentation at a national structured decision making workshop for sage-grouse population modeling lead by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Geological Survey – “Sage-grouse Population Viability: A spatially explicit demographic approach”, Fort Collins, CO.
August 2014 Presentation to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Range-wide Sage-grouse Interagency Conservation Team (RISCT) – “From sagebrush to Sage-Grouse: evaluating population trends and long-term viability” online webinar
February 2014 Sage Steppe Partners Forum Webinar Series presented by the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives “Forecasting sagebrush ecosystem components and greater sage-grouse habitat for 2050” online webinar
January 2014 Presentation at a Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) workshop for the Greater Sage Grouse in Canada, conducted by the Centre for Conservation Research at the Calgary Zoo and the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group – “Sage-grouse research and threats” Calgary, AB, Canada
October 2013 McGraw Elementary School, grade 2 presentation (100 children) –“Bats” – Fort Collins, CO.
October 2013 McGraw Elementary School, kindergarten class presentation (24 children) –“Bats” – Fort Collins, CO.
November 2013 Colorado State University Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Student Club – “My career path in ecology” Fort Collins, CO
October 2012 McGraw Elementary School, grade 1 class presentation (30 children) –“Bats” – Fort Collins, CO.
January 2012 Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Climate Change Adaptation Workshop – “Climate Change and Wildlife” Denver, CO
October 2011 University of Wyoming, Department of Renewable Resources – “Sage-grouse conservation in a changing world: What does the future hold?” Laramie, Wyoming
September 2011 Alberta Wilderness Association Emergency Sage-grouse Summit – “Sage-grouse conservation in a changing world: What does the future hold?” Calgary, Alberta
January 2011 BLM Wyoming State Office – “Sagebrush Mapping Product Applications” Cheyenne, WY
May 2010 Gunnison Basin Gunnison Sage-Grouse Strategic Committee – “Critical Nesting Habitat Identification for Gunnison Sage-Grouse” Gunnison, CO
March 2010 Colorado State University Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society – “How I came to where I am – my path to a career in academic research” Fort Collins, CO
February 2010 Fish Wildlife and Conservation Biology Departmental Seminar Series (Colorado State University) – “Assessment of Threats to Sagebrush Habitats and Associated Species of Concern in the Wyoming Basins” Fort Collins, CO
November 2009 BLM Ecoregional Assessment Team – “The Wyoming Basins Ecoregional Assessment” Fort Collins, CO
October 2009 Gunnison Basin Gunnison Sage-Grouse Strategic Committee – “Multi-scale sagebrush-steppe models the Gunnison Basin: An example application for Gunnison Sage-Grouse nesting habitat” Gunnison, CO
September 2009 USGS Central Region Science Office – “Remote Sensing Based Sagebrush Habitat Quantification and Monitoring Across Wyoming – Is It Sufficient for Future Needs?” Denver, CO
September 2009 USGS Central Region Science Office – “Wildlife-Habitat Applications using sagebrush mapping products” Denver, CO
April, 2009 Wyoming State Mining Association – “Multi-scale Sagebrush Mapping in Wyoming”, Casper, WY
February 2009 Wyoming State Legislature – Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Joint Legislative Committee – “Multiscale Sagebrush Modeling in Wyoming” Cheyenne, WY
December 2008 Canadian Sage-Grouse Critical Habitat Mapping Technical Workshop – “Approaches and models for developing critical nesting habitat models for sage-grouse in Alberta” Calgary, AB
August 2008 Fish and Wildlife Service Briefing – “Wildlife Species Modeling” Fort Collins, CO
May 2008 Gunnison Sage-Grouse Summit – “Mapping Sagebrush Habitats across the Gunnison Basin” Montrose, CO
April 2008 Wyoming Governor’s Sagebrush Habitat Mapping Task Team “Sagebrush mapping across Wyoming” Cheyenne, WY
March 2007 Cooperative Sagebrush Initiative (CSI) Mitigation Credit Banking and Metrics Workshop – “Developing a Credit-Based System for Sagebrush Ecosystems: Some tools, questions, limitations, and suggestions” Tucson, AZ
August 2006 BLM’s National Assessment Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) Meeting – “The Wyoming Basins Ecoregional Assessment” Boise, ID
June 2006 EROS Data Center and BLM’s Inventory and Monitoring Program – “Current Wildlife and Energy Research in the Sagebrush Biome at FORT – US Geological Survey” Sioux Falls, SD
November 2005 Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University – “Sagebrush, Sage-grouse, and Sage Conservation: A Potpourri of Sage-steppe Research” Fort Collins, CO
October 2004 Sierra Club, Edmonton Chapter – “On the Edge and Ready to Fall: Is There Any Hope for Sage-Grouse in Alberta?” Edmonton, AB
October 2004 Red Deer River Naturalists and the Red Deer College – “On the Edge and Ready to Fall: Is There Any Hope for Sage-Grouse in Alberta?” Red Deer, AB
April 2004 The Edmonton Bird Club and Natural History Club – “The Strut of the Sage-Grouse: Could this be a Canadian Past Time?” Edmonton, AB
February 2004 Alberta Provincial Endangered Species Conservation Committee – “On the Edge and Ready to Fall: Do Sage-Grouse in Alberta Stand a Chance” Edmonton, AB
October 2002 Canadian Falconry Association Annual Meeting – “Sage-Grouse: Can We Save Them?” Milk River, AB
July 2002 Police Point Interpretive Center and the Grasslands Naturalists – “Has the Sun Set for Sage-Grouse in Alberta” Medicine Hat, AB
August 2001 Cypress Hills Interpretive Center: Invited Lecture Series – “Where have all Sage-Grouse Gone?” Cypress Hills, AB
February 2001 Sherwood Park Fish and Game Association – “Conserving Sage Grouse in Canada: What do we know, what has to be done” Sherwood Park, AB
September 2000 Alberta Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society – “Conservation Ecology of Sage Grouse In Canada: Understanding the decline of an Endangered Species” Edmonton, AB
June 2000 Cypress Hills Interpretive Center: Invited Lecture Series – “The Strut of the Sage Grouse” Cypress Hills, AB
November 1999 Regina Natural History Society – “Sage Grouse” Regina, SK
October 1999 Sacred Hearts Elementary School – Sask. Innovation in Science Series – “Endangered Species” Weyburn, SK
August 1999 Cypress Hills Interpretive Center: Invited Lecture Series – “The Sage Grouse” Cypress Hills, AB
May 1999 Grasslands Naturalists – “The Status of Sage Grouse in Canada” Medicine Hat, AB
February 1999 Southern Saskatchewan Old Timers and Naturalists – “The Status of Sage Grouse in Canada” Maple Creek, SK
Research Funding Obtained as Principal Investigator
CSU & USGS Faculty & Research Scientist –
2016-2018. Adaptive Management for Gunnison Sage-Grouse – BLM, Washington Office – PI with Julie Heinrichs and Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PIs) $400,000 USD.
2016-2018. Seasonal Habitat Models – Phase II: Model evaluation and statistical models – BLM, Washington Office – PI with Adrian Monroe, and Collin Homer, Pete Coates, Steve Hanser, Kevin Doherty, and Michael O’Donnell (Co-PIs) $336,491 USD.
2016-2018. Seasonal Habitat Models – Phase I: Range-wide expansion of seasonal habitat suitability models – BLM, Washington Office – PI with Adrian Monroe, Michael O’Donnell and Collin Homer (Co-PIs) $204,494 USD.
2016-2017. Monitoring to Inform Management Actions: Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Steppe – USGS, Status and Trends Program, Reston – PI, $75,000 USD.
2016-2017. Planting and restoring functional sagebrush within burns: building a field of sagebrush dreams for recolonization – BLM, Washington Office USGS, – PI with, Pete Coates, David Pyke, and Julie Heinrichs $328,969 USD.
2016-2017. Sage-grouse Population Trend Monitoring – USGS, Ecosystems Program, Reston – PI, Pete Coates $120,000 USD.
2016-2017. Science support of sagebrush field ecologist – USGS, EROS – PI, with Spencer Schell $50,150 USD.
2016-2017. Sagebrush Field of Dreams – USGS, Fire Program, Reston – PI, with Julie Heinrichs and Pete Coates $55,000 USD.
2016-2017. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $90,000 USD.
2015-2016. Long-term monitoring of white-tailed ptarmigan at Rocky Mountain National Park: understanding the population decline and potential for recovery – Rocky Mountain National Park – PI with Co-PIs Greg Wann and Sara Oyler-McCance, $24,271 USD.
2015-2016. Developing landscape metrics to support BLM Land Health Assessments and applications to range-wide seasonal sage-grouse habitat mapping at multiple scales – BLM, Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Program – Co-PI, with Collin Homer, Tasha Carr, and Zack Bowen, $350,000 USD.
- Vulnerability assessment for Gunnison Sage-grouse: Integrating genetic linkages and spatial habitat models for Gunnison Sage-grouse — Changes in genetic diversity pre and post translocation – Colorado Parks and Wildlife – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance, Joanne Saher, and Jennifer Fike (Co-PIs), $13,500 USD.
2015-2016. Energy, land-use, and climate change effects on sagebrush ecosystems – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $100,000 USD.
2015-2016. West-wide sagebrush mapping – USGS – EROS – PI, $209,473 USD.
2015-2016. Developing a spatially explicit modeling framework to facilitate the development of recovery targets for each Gunnison Sage-grouse population – Science Support Projects (SSP) USGS & USFWS – PI with Co-PIs Julie Heinrichs and Sara Oyler-McCance, $244,031 USD.
2015-2016. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer (Co-PI), $115,000 USD.
2015-2016. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $75,000 USD.
2015-2016. Sage-grouse population rate of change – USGS Status and Trends – PI, $10,000 USD.
2015-2016. Incorporating genetic information into Population Trend Models and Population Viability Models for Sage-grouse to better assess population status and response to stressors Initiative – USGS FORT– PI with Co-PIs Sara Oyler-McCance, Kevin Oh, David Edmunds, and Mike O’Donnell, $45,000 USD.
2015-2016. Leveraging Genomic Approaches for Identifying Adaptive Variation in Greater Sage-Grouse Populations Across the West – USGS FORT– Co-PI with Kevin Oh (PI) and Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $25,772 USD.
2015-2016. Evaluating Sage-grouse responses to burns and sagebrush restoration in fire-impacted landscapes – USGS Ecosystems Program– PI with Co-PIs Julie Heinrichs, Peter Coates, David Pyke, and Michael O’Donnell, $175,000 USD.
2015-2016. Assessing Greater sage-grouse responses to transmission line development projects in Wyoming – USGS FORT– Co-PI with Julie Heinrichs (PI), $22,000 USD.
2014-2015. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer (Co-PI), $106,655 USD.
2014-2015. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $55,662 USD.
2014-2016. Forecasting changes in sagebrush distribution and abundance under climate change: integration of spatial, temporal, and mechanistic models –Co-PI with Peter Adler (PI), Benjamin Poulter, and Bethany Bradly – Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, $85,000 USD
2014-2016. Forecasting changes in sagebrush distribution and abundance under climate change: integration of spatial, temporal, and mechanistic models – Co-PI with Benjamin Poulter (PI), Peter Adler, and Bethany Bradly – North Central Climate Science Center, $100,000 USD
2014-2015. Energy, land-use, and climate change effects on sagebrush ecosystems – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $100,000 USD.
2015-2017. Adaptive Grazing Management to Sustain Multiple Ecosystem Services in Rangeland Ecosystems. Co-PI with David Augustine (PI), Justin Derner, Susan Skagen, and Michael Wunder – USDA AFRI, $350,000 USD.
2014-2018. Rangeland Decision-Making and Collaborative Adaptive Management of Colorado’s Rangelands – Co-PI with Maria Fernandez-Gimenez – Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station Grants, $131,655 USD.
2014-2017. Grouse conservation genetics and genome sequencing – PI, with Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI) – USGS Mendenhall Fellowship Program, $265,945 USD.
2014-2017. Evolutionary resilience in the face of climate change: can genomic approaches help identify and conserve adaptations for warmer environments? – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance (CoPI) – USGS Mendenhall Fellowship Program, $296,245 USD.
2013-2014. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $95,913 USD.
2014-2015. Abundance and habitat selection by White-tailed Ptarmigan and alpine songbirds in Colorado – PI – USGS Fort Collins Science Center, $48,311 USD.
2014-2015. Great Plains LLC Support for reptile modeling – USGS Fort Collins Science Center and GPLCC – PI, with Larissa Bailey and Danny Martin (CoPIs), $20,000 USD.
2014-2015. Assessing the effectiveness of core areas for greater sage-grouse conservation: a spatially-explicit demographic approach using management and resource development – USGS Ecosystems Program and Fort Collins Science Center – PI, with Julie Heinrichs and David Gummer (CoPIs), $65,000 USD.
2014-2017. State-and-Transition Models for Adaptive Management of Rangelands and Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands in the Piceance Basin, CO – Chevron Fellowship through CSU – Co-PI with Paul Meiman and Maria Fernandez-Gimenez (PI), $194,990 USD.
2013-2014. Conservation of Native Reptiles in a Changing Environment: Testing a Standardized Survey to Monitor the Status and Trends of Taxa Vulnerable to Environmental Change – Texas Parks and Wildlife – PI with Larissa Bailey and Danny Martin (Co-PIs), $9,999 USD.
2013-2014. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer (Co-PI), $106,655 USD.
2013-2015. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $55,662 USD.
2013-2014. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $92,990 USD.
2013-2014. Energy, land-use, and climate change effects on sagebrush ecosystems – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $112,350 USD.
2013-2015. Road mapping in Wyoming – BLM Wyoming State Office – Co-PI with Zachary Bowen, Michael O’Donnell and Tammy Fancher, $88,951 USD.
2013-2014. Great Plains LLC Support for reptile modeling – USGS Fort Collins Science Center and GPLCC – PI, with Larissa Bailey and Danny Martin (CoPIs), $18,000 USD.
2013-2014. Support for Sagebrush Scientist – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $33,715 USD.
2013-2014. Sagebrush cover mapping for greater sage-grouse conservation – USGS Ecosystems Program, Reston – Co-PI with Collin Homer (PI), $140,000 USD.
2013-2017. Conservation of Native Reptiles in a Changing Environment: Testing a Standardized, Volunteer-based Survey to Monitor the Status and Trends of Taxa Vulnerable to Environmental Change – Colorado Parks and Wildlife – PI with Larissa Bailey and Danny Martin (Co-PIs) $405,847 USD.
2013-2014. Assessing the effectiveness of core areas for greater sage-grouse conservation: a spatially-explicit demographic approach using management and resource development – USGS Ecosystems Program, Reston – PI with Julie Heinrichs and David Gummer, $100,000 USD.
2013-2015. Distribution and relative abundance patterns of Great Plains reptiles in Colorado: a foundation for a vulnerability assessment of climate change and energy development – Colorado Parks and Wildlife – PI with Larissa Bailey and Danny Martin (Co-PIs), $35,000 USD.
2012-2015. Develop Spatially Explicit Gunnison Sage-grouse Winter Habitat Models – NPS CESU Grant, PI with Theresa Childers and Joanne Saher (Co-PIs), $5,000 USD.
2012-2015. Assessing the vulnerability of white-tailed ptarmigan to climate change in Rocky Mountain National Park – USGS & NPS Natural Resources Preservation Project (NRPP) PI with Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $276,500 USD.
2012-2015. Vulnerability assessment for Gunnison Sage-grouse: Integrating genetic linkages and spatial habitat models for Gunnison Sage-grouse – USGS & USFWS Science Support Partnership – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance, Joanne Saher, and Jennifer Fike (Co-PIs), $183,642 USD.
2012-2013. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer (Co-PI), $115,000 USD.
2012-2013. Energy, land-use, and climate change effects on sagebrush ecosystems – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $43,859 USD.
2012-2013. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $65,000 USD.
2012-2013. Landscape connectivity assessment for Gunnison Sage-grouse within and around Curecanti National Recreation Area – USGS and NPS Natural Resources Preservation Project (NRPP) – CoPI with Sara Oyler-McCance (PI), $64,440 USD.
2012-2015. Learning from the Land: Extending State-and-Transition Models for Adaptive Management of Wildlife Habitat on Western Rangelands. USDA CIG – Co-PI with Maria Fernandez-Gimenez (PI) and multiple other Co-Investigators , $265,097 USD.
2012-2013. Vulnerability of white-tailed ptarmigan to climate change: understanding phenological, demographic, and genetic responses using a 46 year dataset in Rocky Mountain National Park – USGS & NPS NRPP/POBS – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $7,000 USD.
2012-2013. Developing Spatially Explicit Gunnison Sage-grouse Winter Habitat Models. USGS and US NPS CESU Grant, PI with Theresa Childers and Joanne Saher (Co-PIs), $7,000 USD.
2012-2013. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $43,859 USD.
2011-2012. Identification of critical brood habitat requirements for Gunnison Sage-grouse. USGS and USFWS Quick Response Program, PI with Joanne Saher, $19,921 USD.
2011-2012. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer (Co-PI), $115,000 USD.
2011-2012. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $65,000 USD.
- Continued Monitoring of White-Tailed Ptarmigan population demography in Colorado – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – Co-PI, $2,537 USD.
- Updating statewide Wyoming transportation data resulting in a seamless linear data set using 2009 NAIP imagery – USGS-FORT and BLM-WY – Co-PI, with Zachary Bowen (PI) and Tammy Fancher and Michael O’Donnell (Co-PIs), $40,000 USD.
2011-2014. Population connectivity in Wyoming Greater Sage-grouse – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – Co-I with Brad Fedy (PI) and Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $115,000 USD.
2011-2014. Population connectivity in Wyoming Greater Sage-grouse – BLM Wyoming State Office – Co-I with Brad Fedy (PI) and Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $40,000 USD.
- Gunnison Sage-grouse landscape genetic connectivity analyses – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance (PI), $10,000 USD.
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism marker development for White-tailed Ptarmigan Genetics – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – Co-I with Sara Oyler-McCance (PI), $7,000 USD.
2011-2015. Using the USGS “Resource for Advanced Modeling” to connect climate drivers to biological responses – NASA ROSES – Co-PI with Jeff Morisette (PI) and 8 other CoPIs, $1,675,000 USD.
2011-2012. Impacts of Climate Change and Energy Development on Reptile Populations Residing in the Great Plains Ecoregion – Colorado Division of Wildlife – PI with Larissa Bailey (Co-PI), $68,794 USD.
2011-2012. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $67,267 USD.
2010-2012. Mapping surface disturbance in Wyoming: updating state-wide transportation data layer – BLM Wyoming State Office and the BLM National Operations Center (Denver) – PI with Tammy Fancher (Co-PI), $80,000 USD.
2010-2012. Habitat Prioritization for selected raptor species in Wyoming – National Fish and Wildlife Federation, and US Fish and Wildlife Service – Co-PI with Bryan Kelley (PI) and Zachary Bowen, Scott Covington, and Brad Fedy (Co-PIs), $200,000 USD.
- Seasonal predictive habitat models for Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming – Wyoming Natural Resource Trust, BLM, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and a consortium of energy companies and county offices – partnered project with USGS, CSU, and Wyoming Audubon – PI with Brad Fedy and Kevin Doherty (PIs), $48,000 USD.
2010-2011. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer, Tasha Kotliar and Daniel Manier (Co-PIs), $190,000 USD.
2010-2011. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $65,000 USD
2010-2015. Mapping environmental disturbances from wind development in Wyoming – BLM Wyoming State Office –PI with Tammy Fancher (Co-PI), $150,000 USD.
2010-2015. Population connectivity in Wyoming Greater Sage-grouse – BLM Wyoming State Office – Co-PI with Brad Fedy (PI) and Sara Oyler-McCance (Co-PI), $220,000 USD.
2010-2011. Sagebrush Ecosystems: Landscape-scale modeling to address management priorities for sagebrush habitats and sagebrush obligate wildlife species USGS Central Region Office – PI, $40,000 USD.
2010-2011. Support for Sagebrush Steppe Research Scientist – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI, $111,069 USD.
2010-2011. Intra-population variability in white-tailed ptarmigan demographics, genetics, and nutritional ecology due to climate change – USGS, Fort Collins Science Center – PI with Sara Oyler-McCance and Craig Stricker (Co-PIs), $50,000 USD.
2009-2010. Technical Advice for Adapting a Sage Grouse Habitat Model for Critical Habitat Identification – Parks Canada – PI, $14,700 USD.
2009-2010. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer, Tasha Kotliar and Daniel Manier (Co-PIs), $175,000 USD.
2009-2010. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $65,000 USD.
2009-2010. Developing and refining spatial nesting models for Gunnison Sage-Grouse within the Gunnison Basin – US Fish and Wildlife Service – PI with Joanne Saher (Co-PI), $10,000 USD.
2009-2010. Understanding the implications of reprojecting raster data and how this may impact ecology inferences – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – Co-PI, with Michael O’Donnell. $20,000 USD.
2009-2012. Seasonal predictive habitat models for Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming – Wyoming Natural Resource Trust, BLM, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and a consortium of energy companies and county offices – partnered project with USGS, CSU, and Wyoming Audubon – Co-PI, with Brad Fedy (PI) and Kevin Doherty (Co-PI), $340,000 USD.
2009-2010. Technical Advice for Adapting a Sage Grouse Habitat Model for Critical Habitat Identification – Parks Canada – PI, $5,500 USD.
2009-2010. Assessing Gunnison Sage-grouse Associations and Vegetation Composition – Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystems Science unit (CESU) and NPS – PI, $5,000 USD.
2009-2010. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer, Tasha Kotliar and Daniel Manier (Co-PIs), $171,000 USD.
2009-2010. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $64,000 USD.
2008-2010. Stratton sagebrush ecological research site: An experimental approach for assessing the effects of various grazing treatments on vegetation and wildlife communities across prescribed burns and habitat control – South Central Wyoming Local Sage-Grouse Working Group and the Wyoming Game and Fish – PI, $58,300 USD.
2008-2009. Development of a landscape-scale Gunnison Grouse habitat map predicting sagebrush, herbaceous, and bare ground cover – Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystems Science Unit (CESU) and NPS – PI, $10,000 USD.
2008-2010. Developing landscape-scale rangeland habitat models for long-term monitoring in Montana. – BLM – Washington Office & Billings MT Field Office – Co-PI, $150,000 USD.
2008-2009. Designing and implementing a long-term monitoring design for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – USGS – PI with Collin Homer, Scott Nielsen, and Tasha Kotliar (Co-PIs), $190,000 USD.
2008-2009. Developing local and population-level models assessing sage-grouse habitat relationships and responses to energy developments within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative area – USGS – PI, $70,000 USD.
2008-2009. Determining the effects and consequences of global climate change on white-tailed ptarmigan using a 41-year data set to investigate trends in demography, genetic variability, and stable isotope signatures – USGS Fort Collins Science Center – Co-PI with Sara Oyler-McCance (PI) and Craig Stricker (Co-PI), $50,000 USD.
2007-2010. Gunnison Grouse Habitat Selection: Developing a Landscape-level habitat map predicting sagebrush, herbaceous, and bare ground cover – Natural Resources Preservation Program (NRPP), in collaboration with Curecanti National Recreation Area – PI with Zachary Bowen (Co-PI), $181,200 USD.
2007-2008. Stratton Sagebrush Ecology Site: Assessing the Effects of Grazing Treatments on Sagebrush Vegetation & Wildlife – South Central Wyoming Local Sage-Grouse Working Group and the Wyoming Game and Fish – PI, $57,000 USD.
2007-2008. Stratton sagebrush ecological research site: An experimental approach for assessing the effects of various grazing treatments on vegetation and wildlife communities across prescribed burns and habitat control – The Warner College of Natural Resources (WCNR) Teaching, Research and Outreach Grants Program, Colorado State University – PI, $9,401 USD
2006-2010. Mapping sagebrush habitats in human influenced landscapes – USGS Coordinate Research Plan for Sagebrush Ecosystems, US Geological Survey, Washington Office – PI with Collin Homer, (Co-PI), $675,000 USD.
2006-2010. Range-wide Assessment of Livestock Grazing Across the Sagebrush Biome – USGS Coordinate Research Plan for Sagebrush Ecosystems, US Geological Survey, Washington Office – Co-PI with David Pyke (PI) and Mike Casazza (Co-PI), $740,000 USD.
2006-2010. Determining the Effects of Energy Development on Sagebrush Ecosystems – Part of the USGS Coordinate Research Plan for Sagebrush Ecosystems, US Geological Survey, Washington Office – PI with Steve Knick (Co-PI), $490,000 USD.
2006-2009. Gunnison Sage-Grouse chick survival and landscape population modeling within the Gunnison Basin – Natural Resources Preservation Program (NRPP), in collaboration with Curecanti National Recreation Area – PI with Zack Bowen (Co-PI), $210,00 USD.
Post Doctoral Research on Sagebrush Ecosystems (Co-PI)
2006-2009. Sagebrush Management Initiatives: 1) Mapping sagebrush habitats in human influenced landscapes, & 2) Quantifying the physical impacts of re-enacted Mormon handcart journeys across the historic Oregon-California trail, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming State Office – PI with Zack Bowen (Co-PI), $180,000 USD.
2006-2007. Quantifying surface disturbance for improved habitat assessments in southwest Wyoming, USGS Central Region – PI with Zachary Bowen, Bob Waltermire and Robert McDougal (Co-PIs), $10,000 USD.
2005-2007. Sagebrush Management Initiatives: 1) Mapping sagebrush habitats in human influenced landscapes, & 2) Quantifying the physical impacts of re-enacted Mormon handcart journeys across the historic Oregon-California trail, USGS Central Region Integrated Science Projects – PI with Collin Homer, Zachary Bowen, and Bob Waltermire (Co-PIs), $100,000 USD.
- Sagebrush Management Initiatives, Bureau of Land Management Matching Funds PI, $25,000 USD
2005-2007. Assessment of threats to sagebrush habitats and associated species of concern in the Wyoming Basins, BLM National Office PI, $171,000 USD.
Research on Sage-Grouse, Mosquitoes, and West Nile virus (Co-PI)
February 2004 $20,000 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
March 2004 $12,500 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
Doctoral Research on Sage-Grouse Population Viability in Alberta
February 2003 $8,000 CDN, Duck’s Unlimited Canada, North American Waterfowl Management Plan
February 2003 $25,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association Grants
June 2003 $8,000 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
March 2002 $40,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund, WWF Canada ($20,000/year for 2 years)
March 2002 $18,000 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
March 2002 $15,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association
March 2002 $8,000 CDN, Duck’s Unlimited Canada, North American Waterfowl Management Plan
September 2001 $10,000 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
July 2001 $5,000, CDN Canadian Wildlife Foundation
April 2001 $5,000 CDN, Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation
March 2001 $15,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada
March 2001 $10,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association
March 2001 $1,500 CDN, Esso Imperial Oil, Manyberries (2000L of Gas)
February 2001 $5,000 CDN, Duck’s Unlimited Canada, North American Waterfowl Management Plan
February 2001 $10,000 CDN, Challenge Grants in Biodiversity (Alberta Conservation Association and University of Alberta)
February 2001 $20,000 CDN, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
September 2000 $31,000 CDN, Alberta Environment (Endangered Species Conservation Committee)
Sage-Grouse Genetics Research (Co-PI)
February 2003 $20,500 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund, WWF Canada, CO-PI for Genetics Research
Sage-Grouse Winter Movements and Habitat Use (Co-PI)
March 2002 $30,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund, WWF Canada – Co-PI
March 2002 $20,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development- Co-PI
Sage-Grouse Population Model Evaluation
February 2000 $18,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund, World Wildlife Fund Canada
February 2000 $10,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association
December 1999 $15,000 CDN, Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation
M.Sc. Research on Sage-Grouse Reproduction and Habitat Ecology
December 1999 $20,000 CDN, NOVA/Trans Canada Pipelines Ltd.
December 1999 $7,500 CDN, Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation
January 1999 $5,000 CDN, Mountain Equipment Co-op
January 1999 $2,000 CDN, Canada Trust Friends of the Environment Foundation Community Fund
February 1999 $300 CDN, Saskatchewan Stock Grower’s Association
February 1999 $10,000 CDN, Canadian Wildlife Foundation
February 1999 $20,000 CDN, Alberta Conservation Association Enhancement Act Fund
March 1999 $500 CDN, Esso Imperial Oil, Manyberries (1000L of Gas)
March 1999 $15,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund (WWF, CWS, & Millennium Partnership Program)
March 1999 $7,500 CDN, Murray Chevrolet in Medicine Hat, AB (Partial cost of Truck)
April 1999 $5,000 CDN, Duck’s Unlimited Canada, North American Waterfowl Management Plan
December 1998 $2,500 CDN, Alberta Environmental Protection, Endangered Species Program
August 1998 $2,500 CDN, Alberta Environmental Protection
September 1998 $500 CDN, Nature Saskatchewan
March 1998 $10,000 CDN, Endangered Species Recovery Fund; World Wildlife Fund Canada
March 1998 $3,000 CDN, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
March 1998 $1,000 CDN, Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation
January 1998 $5,000 CDN, Ducks Unlimited Canada
December 1997 $15,000 CDN, Alberta Sport Recreation Parks and Wildlife Foundation
Press Releases about Past Scientific Research
July 14, 2016 Colorado Public Radio – Radio News Broadcast – “Ptarmigans Holding Steady Despite Changing Climate, Study Says”
Dec. 9, 2014 High Country News – Magazine Article – “A grouse divided”
Sept 9, 2011 Medicine Hat News – Newspaper Article – “Sage grouse endangering plans at Wildhorse border”
Sept 9, 2011 Medicine Hat News – Newspaper Article – “Sage grouse endangering plans at Wildhorse border”
Sept 8, 2011 CTV News – News Television Broadcast – “Saving a Species” – related to sage-grouse endangerment in Canada
Sept 7, 2011 Global News – News Television Broadcast – “Scientists worried about decline of sage grouse noted for elaborate mating rituals”
Sept 5, 2010 Grand Junction Free Press – Newspaper Article – “Colo. Scientists Study Ptarmigans as Bellwethers of Climate Change”
Sept 5, 2010 Vail Daily – Newspaper Article – “Scientists Track Climate Change for Ptarmigans”
Aug 31, 2010 Sky-Hi Daily News – Newspaper Article – “Colorado Scientists Study Ptarmigans as Bellwethers of Climate Change”
Aug 30, 2010 Denver Post – Newspaper Article – “Colorado Scientists Study Ptarmigans as Bellwethers of Climate Change”
July 21, 2010 ABC News – Denver Channel 7 – News Television Broadcast – “Where are the Ptarmigan?”
July 22, 2010 Loveland Reporter-Herald – Newspaper Article – “CSU grad student studies ptarmigans, climate change”
July 20, 2010 Rocky Mountain Collegian – Newspaper Article – “CSU Student Studies Climate Affect of Alpine Animals”
Aug 29, 2010 Walking Mountains – Magazine Article – “Where are the ptarmigan?”
July 2009 American Oil and Gas Reporter – Magazine Article – “Endangered Species Decision Looms”, by Del Torkelson – July 2009 issue, p186-189
May 2009 CBS News, Channel 5, Wyoming – Television News Brief – “Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative – Science and research overview”
June 2008 Wyoming Public Radio – News Radio Broadcast – “Greater sage-grouse persistence model” – Two different Interviews
July 2005 Canadian Geographic – Popular Magazine Article – “Sage strutter: is the greater sage grouse courting extinction?”
Dec 10, 2004 CBC Radio Saskatchewan – News Radio Broadcast – “Sage-Grouse Endangered Species Listing in the US”
Aug 9, 2004 CBC Radio Manitoba – News Radio Broadcast – “West Nile virus”
July 28, 2004 The Oregonian – Newspaper Article – “Endangered sage grouse has a new enemy: West Nile virus”
July 27, 2004 CBC Radio Canada – As It Happens- News Radio Broadcast -“Sage-Grouse and West Nile virus”
July 24, 2004 The Globe and Mail – Newspaper Article – “ In the News”CBC
July 21, 2004 CBC Radio Saskatchewan – News Radio Broadcast – “Rare prairie bird could be wiped out by West Nile”
April 15, 2004 The Prairie Post & The Medicine Hat News – Newspaper Articles – “Sage grouse monitored for West Nile disease”
April 12, 2004 Medicine Hat News – Newspaper Article – “West Nile threatens sage grouse”
April 8, 2004 The Regina Leader-Post – Newspaper Article – “Let the Bug Wars Begin”
April 7, 2004 The Saskatoon StarPhoenix – Newspaper Article – “Rare western Canadian bird in danger due to West Nile”
April 7, 2004 Montreal Gazette – Newspaper Article – “West Nile wiping out endangered bird species”
April 7, 2004 Calgary Herald – Newspaper Article – “West Nile could wipe out species”
April 5, 2004 CBC News Alberta (French) – Television News Story – “Sage-Grouse et Le virus du Nil”
April 5, 2004 Calgary Herald – Newspaper Article – “West Nile hits endangered birds”
April 5, 2004 Edmonton Journal – Newspaper Article – “West Nile virus driving grouse to extinction”
May 2003 Biodiversity – Alberta North American Waterfowl Management Plan Publication – “Understanding the decline: Is there hope for Alberta’s Sage-Grouse?”
May 2003 Edmonton Journal & National Post – Newspaper Article – “Sage-grouse cling to survival”
July 2002 Alberta Naturalist – FAN Publication – “Sage-Grouse…Going…Going…Gone?”
July 2002 The Commentator – Redcliff, Alberta, Newspaper Article – “Researcher concerned about low numbers of sage grouse”
July 2002 CBC Radio Alberta – WildRose Country Radio Broadcast – “Declining Sage-Grouse”
July 2002 Medicine Hat News – Newspaper Article – “Sage grouse in danger of disappearing”
Spring 2002 Nature Canada – Popular Magazine Article – “ Sage Grouse Woes”
July 2001 Operation Grassland Community – Newsletter – “Saving the Sage-Grouse in Alberta”
October 2000 Discovery Channel Story (on – Television Story “Sage Grouse”
November 1999 Edmonton Journal – Newspaper Article “Wildlife Under Seige – Sage Grouse”
September 1999 Recovery -An Endangered Species Newsletter “Sage Grouse continue to decline”
Spring 1999 PICA – The Calgary Field Naturalist’s Society “Status of Sage Grouse in Canada”
May 1999 CBC Radio Saskatchewan – News Radio Broadcast “Sage Grouse”
May 1998 QR77 Radio – Alberta Radio Broadcast “Sage Grouse”
May 7, 1998 The Western Producer – Newspaper Article “Sage Grouse listed as endangered”
May 3, 1998 Lethbridge Herald – Newspaper Article “Future uncertain for once-vibrant population of Sage Grouse”
May 1998 CBC News – AB. & SK. television news story “The decline of the Sage Grouse”
May 1998 Alberta Report – Magazine Article “Prairie Dancers of the Sagebrush”
May 1998 Regina Sunday Sun – Newspaper Article “Getting closer to the vision”
Spring 1998 University of Regina Alumni Magazine article “Research aims to reverse Sage Grouse saga”
April 17, 1998 Calgary Herald – Newspaper Article “Researcher gets funding to track nesting Sage Grouse”
April 9, 1998 Regina Leader Post – Newspaper Article “Sage Grouse population in rapid decline”
April 1998 CBC NewsWorld – Television News Story “Sage Grouse”
March 27, 1998 Saskatchewan StarPhoenix – Newspaper Article “Shrinking ranks of Sage Grouse baffles researchers”
December 1998 Nature Views – Nature Saskatchewan newsletter article; “Status of Sage Grouse in Canada”
Professional Development
University Service
Sept 2014-17 Graduate Degree Program in Ecology Executive Committee Member
Sept 2013-14 Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability 5-year Program Review Committee
Aug 2012- Graduate Program Coordinator for the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
July 2011- 2014 Committee on Responsibilities and Standing of Academic Faculty, –Faculty Representative for the Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University
July 2011- Affiliate/Joint Faculty Coordinator for the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
Sept 09- Committee on Graduate Programming – Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
August 09 Member of the Graduate Student Scholarship Committee – Natural Resource Ecology, Colorado State University
Feb 2009, 2010, Presentation Judge for the Front Range Student Ecology Symposium 2012 (FRSES) at Colorado State University
Sept 08-2010 Member of Curriculum Committee charged with developing core curriculum for the transformation of the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory into an Academic Department – The Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Mar 04-May 05 Graduate Student Representative – Alberta Cooperative Conservation Research Unit (ACCRU)
Sept 01-Sept 02 Member of the Executive Committee of the Alberta Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Sept 01-Apr 05 Graduate Student Mentor for the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta
Sept 98-May 99 Dep. of Biology Grad Student Rep. to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Regina
Scientific Expertise
August 2014 Severed as an expert for a Department of the Interior led initiative focused on sagebrush restoration and rehabilitation in the Great Basin, Washington DC.
January 2014 Served as a lead expert for a Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) workshop for the Greater Sage Grouse in Canada, conducted by the Centre for Conservation Research at the Calgary Zoo and the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group.
March 2013 Served as one of twelve National Sage-Grouse Experts tasked with assisting USGS Scientists leading the development of a National Sage-Grouse Research Strategy for the Western Governors Association.
September 2011 Expert Scientist invited to attend an Emergency Sage-grouse Summit sponsored by the Alberta Wilderness Association, Ecojustice, and other conservation groups.
July 08-Present Expert Scientist for Parks Canada assisting in the identification of Critical Habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse in Canada under the Federal Species At Risk Act (SARA).
Jan 07-Present Member of the USGS Science Team leading the Science Strategy for the ‘Wyoming Wildlife Conservation Initiative’ (WLCI), part of the US Department of the Interior ‘Healthy Lands Initiative’ (HLI).
Mar 2006-07 Expert Scientist for Province of Alberta’s Sage-Grouse Recovery Action Group to develop expert opinion models for Sage-Grouse cumulative effects modeling
May 2005-10 Expert Scientist for BLM’s Technical Working Group Developing a National Framework for Describing Sage-Grouse Habitat
December 2004 Expert Scientific Review of the Gunnison Sage-Grouse Rangewide Conservation Plan
Sept 2001-2006 Scientific Member: Alberta Provincial Sage-Grouse Recovery Action Group & Technical Team
Aug 2000 Member of the TWS Central Mountain and Plains Working Group that developed conservation recommendations for Sage-Grouse in North America
Nov 1997-2006 Member of the Canadian Sage-Grouse Recovery Team
Conferences Organized
September 2014 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists – I co-organized and co-hosted a Special Symposium entitled “Alpine Ornithology in 2014: Ecological Adaptations and Challenges for Birds Breeding in Mountain Ecosystems” (Estes Park, CO)
September 2014 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists – I was one of the co-organizer for this meeting of >900 individuals, and lead fundraising efforts for the meeting (Estes Park, CO)
July 2010 Society for Conservation Biology’s 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology – I co-organized and co-hosted a Special Symposium entitled “Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Implementation of Critical Habitat under the ESA and SARA” (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
September 2009 16th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society – Organized and Hosted a Special Symposium on “Climate Change: Effects on Western North America Avifauna” (Monterey, CA)
September 2004 11th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society – Organized and Hosted Special Symposium on the “Ecology and Conservation of Sage-Grouse” (Calgary, Alberta)
February 2000 PUBS 2000 – Organized and Hosted the Prairie Universities Biological Symposium (PUBS) at the University of Regina (Regina, SK) (140 attendees)
January 1999 Organized the Department of Biology Graduate Day of Seminars at the University of Regina (Regina, SK)
Referee for the Following Scientific Journals and Agencies:
- Diversity and Distributions • Ecography • Ecological Applications • Environmental Management • Geosciences Journal • IBIS • Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution • Journal of Arid Environments• Journal of Applied Ecology • Journal of Field Ornithology • Oecologia • Population Ecology • Rangeland Ecology and Management • Studies in Avian Biology • The Auk • The Condor • The Journal of Wildlife Management • The Southwestern Naturalist • University of Idaho Experimental Station Bulletin • Wildlife Biology • Wildlife Society Bulletin • Wilson Journal of Ornithology
- National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer – Division of Environmental Biology, Population Dynamics
- National Science Foundation Panelist – Division of Environmental Biology, Population and Community Ecology
- US Fish and Wildlife Service – Expert reviewer for Proposed Rules for species petitioned Species under the Endangered Species Act
- Ecological Society of America – Expert Reviewer
- US Geological Survey • US Department of Agriculture • Graduate Women in Science- Sigma Delta Epsilon
Professional Organizations
Aug 02-Present Member of the Society for Conservation Biology
Jan 02-2012 Member of Sigma Xi
Jan 01-Present Member of the American Ornithologists’ Union
Jan 2000-2006 Member of the Cooper Ornithological Society
Jan 99-Present Member of the Wildlife Society
1998-2001 Member of Nature Saskatchewan
1998-2001 Member of the Regina Natural History Society
Web of Science: h-index Impact Factor: 17 (Note: not all citations are indexed here)
Total articles indexed: 35
Science citations during 2015: 147
Career citations (2001 – present) as of 29 August 2016: 1,011
Average Citations per Article: 28.9
Most cited paper – cited 233 times – as of 29 August 2016
Gillies, C.S., M. Hebblewhite, S.E. Nielsen, M.A. Krawchuk, C.L. Aldridge, J.L. Frair, D.J. Saher, C.E. Stevens, and C.L. Jerde. 2006. Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 877-898.
Google Scholar: h-index Impact Factor: 23 i10- index: 30, as of 29 August 2016
Total articles indexed: 97
Career citations (2001 – present) as of 29 August 2016: 2,241
Average Citations per Article: 23.1
Citations last 5 years (2011 – present) as of 29 August 2016: 1,441
Most cited paper – cited 318 times – as of 29 February 2016
Gillies, C.S., M. Hebblewhite, S.E. Nielsen, M.A. Krawchuk, C.L. Aldridge, J.L. Frair, D.J. Saher, C.E. Stevens, and C.L. Jerde. 2006. Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 877-898.