The impacts of human activities were recognized to be affecting the Earth system in the 20th Century,
and this new epoch is now accepted as the Anthropocene. During the latter half of the century,
ecosystem science emerged as a major approach to address the myriad global environmental
challenges associated with Anthropocene.
This symposium explores the emergence of ecosystem science, its role in defining changes in our
Earth system, and the paths taken to use ecosystem research findings to inform and guide decision
makers at many scales of governance. This exploration is guided by a set of strategic thought leaders,
who will provide their perspectives. We are honored to present Dr. Jerry Melillo to speak on the
emergence of ecosystem science on the global scene; Dr. David Schimel on development of
ecosystem theory and methodology to address global issues at multiple scales; Dr. Robert Corell on
the involvement of ecosystem science in policy and assessment deliberations; and Dr. Kathleen Galvin
on the importance of the integration of social sciences in the expansion of ecosystem research
The symposium will also include two panels. The panels will span topics associated with 1) advances
in ecosystem science to address challenges of the Anthropocene; and 2) research approaches to meet
the social‐ecological challenges of the Anthropocene.
Video of first have of seminar. (video on vimeo)

1:00 Introductions and Opening Remarks
Moderators: Thomas Rosswall, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Dennis Ojima, NREL
1:10 Emergence of Ecosystem Science in the Anthropocene (presentation)
Jerry Melillo, The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
1:40 Ecosystem Science Approaches and Applications (presentation)
David Schimel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
2:00 Panel Discussion: Future of Ecosystem Research
Panelists: Diana Wall, SOGES; Daniela Cusack, ESS; Jerry Melillo; David Schimel
3:00 Break
3:20 Science Policy Interface (presentation)
Robert Corell, Global Environment Technology Foundation
3:40 Social‐Ecological System Perspectives (presentation)
Kathleen Galvin, Dept. of Anthropology, NREL
4:00 Panel Discussion: Engagement Directions to Guide Ecosystem Science
Panelists: Patrick Keys, SOGES, and Nichole Barger, CU Boulder; Robert Corell; Kathleen Galvin
4:40 Dennis Ojima: Summary Statements