Summer Soil Institute
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
For scheduling reasons 2024 SSI session is cancelled. We will begin accepting applications for the 2025 session in December of 2024.
Gain an integrated perspective on soil ecology and biogeochemistry with world-renowned faculty to address critical questions using up-to-date field and laboratory analytical techniques and models. We will use an ecosystem approach to study grassland, agricultural and forest soils at the confluence of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains.
The Summer Soil Institute is designed for a broad range of participants including graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, environmental professionals, faculty, and K-12 teachers. Read about our past participants experiences.
Tuition: Tuition is $2,750 for students, $3,500 for non-students (academic, NGO, federal, K-12 teachers) and $5,000 for corporate participants. A limited number of scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit to partially support tuition costs.
Lodging: We have a block of rooms reserved at the Best Western University Inn, adjacent to the campus. The rates are as follows: room with 1 king bed is TBD per night + tax , and a room with 2 double beds is TBD per night + tax. If you share a room with another SSI participant, the split price for a room with 2 double beds is TBD + tax per night. If you choose to stay at the Best Western, indicate on your application by answering “Yes” to the question “Do you need accommodations?”. Upon acceptance, we will follow-up with additional information and gather the details needed to arrange your stay at the hotel. You are also welcome to stay elsewhere if you choose.